Founded in 2004

the Jewish Voice is a cutting edge weekly publication based in New York City.

The visionary concept for the newspaper was conceived of and launched by businessman, David Ben Hooren.
David Ben Hooren with Nikki Haily

Leader in Breaking News from Israel – The Jewish Voice Float at the Celebrate Israel parade in NYC

The publication is considered one of the most influential in New York Jewish circles and has witnessed enormous growth over the last decade. With a strong focus on New York area news, the Jewish Voice features ten pages of news related to New York City politics, real estate, business, technology, arts and culture and sports.

The Jewish Voice’s insightful and enlightening sections include 12 pages of NYC news, national & international news and much more.

Moreover, the Jewish Voice features other weekly sections that include national & international affairs, Israel news, thought provoking editorials, op-eds written by distinguished commentators, book reviews, arts and culture, business and technology, education, travel, recipes, community calendar, health and Jewish feature stories.

The Jewish Voice Features Internationally Renowned Op-Ed Contributors

Op-ed contributors to the Jewish Voice include Jerusalem Post columnist and editor, Caroline Glick, UN Ambassador John Bolton, British news analyst Melanie Phillips, Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer, feminist icon and New York post editorial writer Dr. Phyllis Chesler, Holocaust historian and prolific author, Dr. Rafael Medoff, as well as political commentator, Daniel Greenfield.

The editorial staff includes veteran writer and journalist Fern Sidman who serves as news editor and feature writer, long time educator and orator Alan Bergstein who pens the newspaper’s position on timely issues on the editorial page, social, fashion and entertainment editor Lieba Nesis who files live reports from a plethora of high society venues including the New York Metropolitan Opera and the ballet at Lincoln Center, the charity circuit in the Hamptons as well as other black-tie events. Contributing writers include media events reporter Julie Sagoskin, real estate contributor, Dylan Margolin and local events reporter Dan Miller. With an ever expansive e-mail list of subscribers along with its growing social media footprint, the paper’s digital version now reaches hundreds of thousands of readers throughout the world. In August of 2017, the Jewish Voice Facebook page garnered a million followers. Because the Jewish Voice has the largest Jewish classified ad section in the United States, its print edition is sent to thousands of national and international subscribers each week. In addition, the Jewish Voice is distributed to hundreds of locations (hospitals, colleges, synagogues, organizational offices, JCCs, etc) throughout the New York tri-state area and beyond. In its mission statement on their Facebook page, the Jewish Voice describes its intent as: “Providing our readers with timely and thought-provoking news and opinion.” As a result, the Jewish Voice has garnered a sterling reputation as the periodical of record for the sophisticated news reader as well as for those who place an emphasis on the importance of Israel and its role in the Middle East and beyond. Although not aligned with any specific religious denomination or movement, the Jewish Voice presents a traditional and rabbinic perspective on Judaism. Its weekly articles on the Torah portion of the week reflect the views of a wide range of rabbis and lay leaders including such Torah luminaries as Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, Rabbi Elchanan Frand and Rabbi Osher Anschel Jungreis. Over the years, the Jewish Voice has garnered the attention of media outlets as well as the communities it serves through a litany of controversial and compelling investigative articles conducted by teams of experienced reporters and veteran journalists. To name but a few, during the summer of 2016, the Jewish Voice broke new ground when they presented their readership with an exhaustively researched investigative piece entitled, “Jewish Leadership’s Failure to Effectively Battle BDS” written by veteran journalists, Drora Clement, Meir Jolovitz and Michael Slepak. After six months of conducting hundreds of interviews on the topic, the Jewish Voice team of investigative reporters revealed the shocking truth behind the Israeli government’s ineptitude in effectively pushing back in the cognitive war of ideas about Israel as manifested in the propaganda being churned out by the malevolent Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. Moreover, the article also focused on specific Jewish organizations and leaders who have used the cause of standing up to the egregious fallacies of the BDS movement as just another way to raise funds, without producing any kind of significant results.

Jewish Leadership’s Failure to Effectively Battle BDS

The Jewish Voice was also in the forefront of the 2011 race for United States Representative for New York’s 9th congressional district that saw political neophyte Bob Turner (R) prevail over Queen’s David Weprin (D). The two contenders had been battling to assume the vacant seat of disgraced Congressman Anthony Wiener who resigned in the face of a now infamous sexting scandal.  In a series of cogent articles and editorials that specifically focused on issues that mattered most to the voters of this district, the Jewish Voice represented the driving force in motivating voters to get out to the polls en masse for Bob Turner. Turner was the first Republican to hold this congressional seat since 1923.

The Message and the Messenger: It’s Bob Turner Again

Turner Proposes Tax Credit For Parents

In August of 2016, the Jewish Voice presented another eye opening investigative article on the alarming rise of cremations performed by ostensibly Jewish funeral homes.  Considered absolutely forbidden by the strictures of Jewish law and halacha, the option of cremating loved ones upon their passing has now become a new reality among Jews. Most surprising is the evidence that has emerged regarding the burgeoning numbers of strictly Orthodox Jews who have given serious consideration to this end-of-life option.  In a litany of searing interviews with prominent Jewish leaders, burial societies, funeral directors, halachic experts, Torah scions and a multitude of well placed lay persons, the Jewish Voice investigative teams were successful in getting to the heart of this hot button issue that has shaken the community to its core.

Jewish Voice Special Investigative Report: Jewish Cremation on the Rise – Even at Traditional Chapels

In April of 2013 and in May of 2014, the Jewish Voice investigative teams produced an article on the whereabouts of funds collected by a purportedly charitable Jewish organization, known as the Aleh Foundation.   In 2013, details emerged about the organization’s founder Rabbi Shlomo Braun and the misappropriation of funds he claimed were raised for ALEH, a charity based in Bnei Brak, Israel that operates a network of facilities that provide care for hundreds of severely disabled children. Braun’s Aleh Foundation reported a total of $1,340,102 in contributions to the IRS for the years 2010 and 2011, but only sent ALEH of Israel $152,000. Where the location of the $1 million plus that Rabbi Braun never sent to ALEH remains an unsolved mystery.

Aleh Foundation Still Mired in Controversy as Annual Dinner Approaches

Real Estate and Construction Industries Dinner Dance Gathers Moguls to the Hyatt

The Jewish Voice staff currently consists of the following members: David Ben Hooren – Executive Publisher Joe Ben Hooren – Associate Publisher & Ad Coordinator Fern Sidman – News Editor; Senior Journalist Alan Bergstein – Editorial Page Manager Lieba Nesis – Fashion, Entertainment & Society Reporter Stuart Katz – Sales Manager Lana Matari – Classified Ad Manager Kristen Trampler – Legal Notices Coordinator