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Thursday, October 24, 2024

Park Slope Food Co-op Becomes Breeding Ground for Leftist Antisemitism, Members Hurl Nazi Slurs at Jews

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By: Jared Evan

The Park Slope Food Co-op, once a community hub for idealistic leftists, has now devolved into a cesspool of antisemitic hatred, with unhinged members spewing vile Nazi slogans at Jews, all while draping themselves in the moral superiority of “progressive” values.

Real estate developer Ramon Maislen, 43, bravely filed a complaint with the state Human Rights Division, detailing the torrent of abuse he and other Jewish members faced at the so-called cooperative, reports the NY Post.

Maislen, along with other Jewish members of the socialist-leaning grocery store, opposed a twisted boycott campaign targeting Israeli products like Sabra hummus. But instead of civilized debate, these far-left radicals took things to an insane new level—one man reportedly barking “Sieg Heil” at a Jewish woman in a public display of hate that would make any reasonable person recoil.

The NY Post recounts how this woman was verbally assaulted while standing outside the co-op, trying to inform passersby about the boycott. Not only was she labeled a “Nazi,” but the unhinged lunatic tossed a “Sieg Heil” her way, an incident that left her shaken and disgusted.

But that’s Park Slope for you. This isn’t just a grocery store, it’s an echo chamber for radical, mentally deranged individuals who hide their antisemitism behind supposed “anti-Israel” rhetoric.

The co-op, founded in 1973 and requiring members to work for their discounted groceries, has become a playground for extremist leftists. These lunatics pretend to champion human rights while launching disgusting, bigoted attacks against Jews.

As the NY Post explains, in the wake of Hamas’ brutal Oct. 7, 2023 attack on Israel, these Park Slope Nazis ramped up their efforts to banish Israeli products from the shelves. It’s not enough for them to have an opinion, though. No, they have to harass and vilify anyone who disagrees. It’s the progressive-communist way—shut down discourse and shout down anyone who doesn’t bow to their twisted worldview.

Maislen’s attempts to counter this insanity were met with even more deranged behavior. According to his complaint, he was taunted by another mentally unstable member who declared that Zionists “can’t have empathy.”

This is the kind of poisonous rhetoric now rampant in a space that once prided itself on community and cooperation. The NY Post also highlights an especially sickening incident where a Jewish-Israeli woman was harassed by an unhinged co-op member, who refused to stand near her during a work shift, claiming she “smelled of Palestinian blood.”

This is what the far-left in places like Park Slope has come to—antisemitism dressed up as political activism. These are the same people who claim to be champions of tolerance, yet they are the most intolerant and bigoted individuals in the room. The NY Post outlines how these self-righteous radicals behind the pro-boycott campaign, “Park Slope Food Co-op Members for Palestine,” preach about resisting an “apartheid government,” but their true aim is to spew hatred and shut down dissent.

Despite multiple reports to the co-op’s Dispute Resolution Committee, neither Maislen nor the other harassed members have received any meaningful response. What does that tell you? These so-called “progressive” spaces turn a blind eye to vile antisemitism when it comes from their own.

The NY Post rightly points out that the co-op, which should have been a space for inclusion and fair-minded debate, has instead become a hotbed for dangerous, far-left radicalism. And it’s a disgrace.

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