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Thursday, October 24, 2024

A Vote for Trump is a Vote for the Security of Jews & Israel

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A Vote for Trump is a Vote for the Security of Jews & Israel

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, the stakes have never been higher for the Jewish community in America and the Jewish state of Israel. The Democratic Party has shown, through its actions and inactions, that it no longer provides the steadfast support that these communities require. From its failure to adequately arm Israel in its existential battle against Iran’s proxies, to its indifference toward the rising tide of anti-Semitism on college campuses and its refusal to demand transparency in university foreign funding, the current Democratic administration has demonstrated a dangerous complacency. In contrast, a Trump presidency offers a path forward—a path of security, dignity, and resolute action for the Jewish people, both in America and abroad.

Under President Trump, we witnessed a historic shift in American-Israeli relations, one that signaled not only America’s unwavering support for Israel but also a deeper, more robust commitment to the security of the Jewish people. His administration’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and the subsequent relocation of the U.S. embassy underscored Trump’s bold, action-oriented approach to foreign policy, particularly regarding Israel. This decisive support stands in stark contrast to the Democrats’ hesitancy to stand unequivocally with the Jewish state.

One of the most critical failures of the current Democratic administration has been its inability to provide Israel with sufficient weaponry and munitions to defend itself effectively. As Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and the Houthis in Yemen—agents of Iran’s destructive ambitions—continue their attacks, Israel has been left vulnerable, forced to fight with inadequate resources. This lack of support from the Biden administration has not only prolonged the conflict but has also escalated tensions in the region, making Israel more vulnerable and further endangering Jews worldwide. Under a new Trump administration, this will not stand. Trump has repeatedly shown his willingness to stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel, and his promises to ensure Israel has the weapons necessary to decisively defeat its enemies must be heeded. America cannot afford to waver in its commitment to Israel’s survival, and Trump has proven he will not let that happen.

Moreover, the Democratic administration’s failure to address anti-Semitism on American soil is equally troubling. The rising tide of anti-Semitic rhetoric and actions, particularly on college campuses, has gone unchallenged. Students have been subjected to hostile, dangerous environments as protests have spiraled out of control, openly advocating violence against Jews. Yet, the current administration has done nothing to intervene. As CNN has reported, over 200 campuses have witnessed illegal protests that directly threaten Jewish students, and the Democratic administration has failed to act. This passivity speaks volumes about the Democrats’ disregard for Jewish safety. Trump’s track record, however, suggests a far different approach. A new Trump administration could criminalize anti-Semitism, ensuring that this hatred is treated with the same severity as racism, and he would insist on proper protections for Jewish synagogues, schools, and institutions. Jewish communities in America would once again feel the full protection of their government.

Trump’s proposed domestic policies would also significantly benefit Jewish families. His support for universal school choice would enable more Jewish families to send their children to religious day schools, ensuring that Jewish identity, culture, and education are preserved. This, coupled with Trump’s commitment to ensuring that law enforcement actively protects Jewish institutions, signals a future in which Jewish families can live and worship without fear.

Internationally, Trump has articulated a plan that would not only provide Israel with the munitions necessary to win its wars but also decisively confront the sources of terrorism. His administration could exert pressure on Qatar and Turkey, key funders of radical Islamic organizations such as the Muslim Brotherhood, to cease their support for extremist activities. His resolve to halt the creation of a Palestinian terror state on Israel’s borders is a critical departure from the Democrats’ insistence on appeasing terror-backed regimes. Trump’s policy would ensure that Israel’s security is non-negotiable, and that American support for Israel’s right to defend itself remains absolute.

Beyond the Middle East, Trump’s vision for America’s role in the world reflects a commitment to bolstering key allies and defending democratic values globally. A Trump administration would dramatically increase the production of weapons to support not only Israel but also other vital allies such as Ukraine and Taiwan. This global strategy ensures that America stands firm against the expansionist ambitions of authoritarian regimes while maintaining its unwavering support for Israel.

Furthermore, Trump’s pledge to re-activate the Monroe Doctrine reflects a much-needed strategy to protect America from hostile foreign influences in Latin America. His plan to secure the northern and southern borders of the United States, preventing illegal migration and infiltration by criminals and enemies, is crucial to the safety of the nation. In stark contrast, the current administration’s lax border policies have left America vulnerable, exposing communities to increased danger and instability.

Trump’s immigration plan, which includes the deportation of up to 15 million illegal migrants, may sound ambitious, but it underscores a fundamental commitment to law and order. The protection of national sovereignty, the maintenance of security, and the preservation of a society that respects legal immigration are central to Trump’s vision. This approach, coupled with his steadfast defense of Israel and his readiness to confront anti-Semitism both at home and abroad, makes him the clear choice for Jewish voters and anyone concerned with the security of American values.

In the upcoming election, the choice is clear. The Democratic Party has failed to protect the Jewish community and has compromised the security of the Jewish state. In contrast, Donald Trump has demonstrated time and again that he is willing to take the bold, necessary actions to defend the Jewish people, support Israel, and safeguard America’s interests at home and abroad. On November 5th, voters have an opportunity to restore strong, principled leadership to the White House—leadership that prioritizes security, law, and the preservation of American values. A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for the safety and future of the Jewish community, the enduring strength of Israel, and the protection of freedom worldwide.

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