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Dr. Miriam Adelson: The Power and Influence Behind Trump’s Pro-Israel Stance

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Dr. Miriam Adelson: The Power and Influence Behind Trump’s Pro-Israel Stance

Edited by:  Fern Sidman

As the Nevada caucuses concluded in February, a small but significant gathering took place in a luxury suite atop Donald J. Trump’s hotel in Las Vegas. According to a report published in June in The New York Times, the meeting, which included Trump and several of his top aides, was not just a routine campaign dinner; it was a strategic encounter with one of the most influential figures in conservative politics, Dr. Miriam Adelson. While Trump was on a steady path to securing the Republican nomination, it was Dr. Adelson who commanded the room’s attention, and her influence could have far-reaching implications for the 2024 presidential race and U.S. foreign policy.

Dr. Miriam Adelson, widow of casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, is a prominent conservative donor whose financial contributions have significantly shaped Republican politics over the past decade. Known for her staunch support of Israel and her willingness to invest heavily in candidates who align with her views, Dr. Adelson’s backing is seen as a critical asset in any Republican campaign, as was reported by the NYT.  As Trump and his aides, Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita, sat down with her that evening, the conversation was about more than just dollars; it was about securing the support of one of the most powerful figures in the Republican donor class.

During the dinner, Dr. Adelson offered Trump some pointed advice: tone down the bombast and focus more on the economy, a message that reflected her desire for a more measured and effective campaign strategy. However, the most significant part of the discussion revolved around her financial support. Indicated in the NYT report was that Dr. Adelson made it clear that while she would not contribute to Trump’s campaign as long as Nikki Haley, a close friend and Trump’s last remaining rival, was in the race, her financial support would resume once the primary battle was over. This assurance was a clear signal that the Adelson “geyser of cash,” which had previously funneled hundreds of millions of dollars into conservative causes, would once again flow in Trump’s favor.

True to her word, Dr. Adelson is now preparing to fulfill her promise, with plans to spend more than $90 million to support Trump’s bid for a third term in the White House. According to the information provided in the NYT report, this financial commitment positions her as one of the most influential donors in the 2024 presidential election, with the potential to shape the race in significant ways. Her contributions are not just about winning the election; they are about ensuring that Trump’s policies align with her vision for America and its role in the world.

Dr. Adelson’s influence extends beyond her financial contributions. As someone deeply committed to Israel, she has a vested interest in how U.S. foreign policy, particularly in the Middle East, is shaped. Her views are fiercely hawkish, especially when it comes to Israel’s security and its stance against threats from groups such as Hamas. The report in the NYT explained that the October 7 attacks by Hamas deeply unnerved her, and if Trump were to win the presidency again, Dr. Adelson would likely play a significant role in shaping his administration’s approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

If Trump secures the presidency in 2024, Dr. Adelson could become one of the most powerful private citizens influencing American foreign policy. Her close relationship with Trump and her substantial financial contributions give her considerable sway over the direction of his administration, particularly regarding Israel. Noted in the NYT report was that Dr. Adelson’s vision for U.S. foreign policy is clear: a strong, unwavering support for Israel, coupled with a hardline stance against its enemies.

This could mean a more aggressive U.S. posture in the Middle East, with policies that align closely with Israel’s security concerns. Given Dr. Adelson’s influence, it is likely that a second Trump administration would adopt a more confrontational approach toward Iran and its proxies, who she views as existential threats to Israel. Her influence could also extend to shaping U.S. policy on other key issues in the region, including the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, where she is expected to push for policies that strongly favor Israeli interests.

For many years, Dr. Adelson, 78, operated alongside her husband, Sheldon Adelson, a towering figure in Republican circles who was often referred to simply by his first name. Sheldon Adelson’s immense wealth and political contributions made him a kingmaker within the GOP, particularly noted for his unwavering support of Israel and his role in shaping U.S. foreign policy. The NYT report said that his death at the age of 87 in January 2021 marked the end of an era, but it also ushered Dr. Adelson into a new phase where she would step out from her husband’s shadow and chart her own course in the world of political influence.

According to David M. Friedman, former U.S. Ambassador to Israel and a close confidant of the Adelsons, Dr. Adelson’s future decisions will likely be guided by what she believes Sheldon would have done. “I’m pretty sure that her North Star going forward is going to be what she thinks Sheldon would have done if he were still alive,” Friedman remarked while speaking to the NYT.

While Dr. Adelson shares many of the same political convictions as her late husband—such as her intense pro-Israel stance and partisan loyalty—she is also recognized as a more cerebral and disciplined figure, as was observed in the NYT report. Those who have worked with or pitched ideas to her describe her as a tougher, more focused decision-maker. Unlike her husband, who reveled in the tactical game of politics, Dr. Adelson is more driven by current events in both American and Israeli news, the report added. Her approach is less about the mechanics of political campaigns and more about the broader ideological battles that define them.

One of the most telling anecdotes about Dr. Adelson’s fervor for Donald Trump is her suggestion, at one point, to add a “Book of Trump” to the Bible. This idea, while extreme, illustrates the depth of her commitment to Trump and her belief in his role as a transformative figure in both American and Israeli history, the NYT report suggested.

Dr. Adelson’s background sets her apart from many other major political donors. Born in Israel and fluent in Hebrew, she carries with her a deep connection to the country of her birth. Her English, marked by a heavy Israeli accent, reflects her dual identity and the strong cultural ties she maintains with Israel. As detailed in the NYT report was that as a former officer in the Israel Defense Forces, Dr. Adelson’s life has been deeply intertwined with the Israeli state, and she continues to spend much of her time in Israel, where she holds dual citizenship.

This strong Israeli identity informs much of Dr. Adelson’s political and philanthropic work. She has been a vocal advocate for Israel on the world stage, using her vast resources to support causes that align with her vision for the country’s future. The NYT report said that her influence extends beyond mere financial contributions; she is actively involved in shaping the discourse around Israel’s role in global politics, particularly in its relationship with the United States.

In addition to her political activities, Dr. Adelson also controls a significant media empire, which she uses to advance her views and influence public opinion. Her media outlets are key platforms for promoting pro-Israel narratives and conservative viewpoints, making her a critical player in the ideological battles that define contemporary politics.

Dr. Adelson’s bond with Trump was solidified during his presidency, most notably when his administration moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. This decision, a historic and controversial shift in American foreign policy, was a pivotal moment for the Adelsons. They were front and center at the embassy’s opening ceremony, symbolizing their close ties to the Trump administration and their unwavering support for Israel. As per the information contained in the NYT report, the Adelsons further demonstrated their commitment by purchasing the Mediterranean villa in Herzliya, where the U.S. ambassador had lived before the embassy move, for $88 million. This purchase was not just a real estate transaction; it was a strategic move to ensure that a future administration would find it difficult to reverse Trump’s embassy decision.

The significance of this moment was deeply personal for Dr. Adelson. According to former Ambassador Friedman,  Dr. Adelson entered the Herzliya home for the first time after her husband’s death wearing a pair of his ill-fitting shoes—a poignant symbol of her determination to continue his legacy.

Dr. Adelson’s Israeli nationalism has only intensified since the October 7 attacks, driving her closer to Trump. The NYT report indicated that she has made it clear that she views any criticism of Israel or qualified support as unforgivable, stating that such people are “dead to us.” This uncompromising stance reflects her broader worldview, which prioritizes Israel’s security and sovereignty above all else.

Despite her strong views, Dr. Adelson does not appear to have a specific wishlist for Trump in his potential second term, unlike in the past when she and her husband urged him to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. However, the NYT report said that their influence remains significant, and she continues to be a powerful voice in shaping the discourse around U.S.-Israel relations.

One of the most contentious issues in Israeli politics is the potential annexation of the West Bank, a move that would have profound implications for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The NYT revealed that while there have been reports suggesting that Dr. Adelson has urged Trump to publicly support annexation in exchange for her financial backing, her spokesman, Andy Abboud, has denied these claims.

Nevertheless, those close to Dr. Adelson, including Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, believe she supports annexation and opposes any “land for peace” deals, which she views as “land for war,” according to the NYT report. Rabbi Boteach, a longtime friend of the Adelsons, argued that Dr. Adelson and her circle reject the idea of territorial concessions if there is any risk that the creation of a Palestinian state would lead to further violence against Jews. This perspective aligns with Dr. Adelson’s broader nationalist views and her unwavering commitment to Israel’s security.

Despite Dr. Adelson’s significant influence and financial support, there are those within her circle who question whether Trump will deliver on her expectations if he wins a second term. John R. Bolton, a former national security adviser to Trump and a longtime friend of the Adelsons, has expressed skepticism about Trump’s reliability, as per the information in the NYT report. Bolton, who has since turned against Trump, warns that the former president is prone to saying whatever he believes will please his audience at any given moment, often contradicting himself soon after.

“Trump says anything he thinks he can get away with to the audience at the time,” Bolton remarked. “Anybody who puts stock in what he says in the morning is likely to be disappointed by the afternoon if he says something different to somebody else,” he added, as was noted in the NYT report.  Bolton’s comments suggest that while Dr. Adelson may be a powerful force in Trump’s campaign, her influence may not guarantee the outcomes she desires.

Dr. Miriam Adelson, one of the most influential figures in conservative politics and a staunch supporter of Israel, has been at the center of significant political and financial maneuvers for years. Yet, her journey through the labyrinth of power and influence has not always been straightforward, with some of her most significant bets failing to yield the expected returns. As she continues to navigate the political landscape following the death of her husband, Sheldon Adelson, Dr. Adelson’s story is one of resilience, adaptation, and an enduring commitment to her beliefs.

Dr. Adelson and her late husband shared an extraordinarily close relationship, not just personally but also politically. Their partnership was integral to their influence within both American and Israeli politics. One of the most notable aspects of their political involvement was their close relationship with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The Adelsons’ support for Netanyahu was so profound that they founded the newspaper Israel Hayom at his behest, the NYT report said. The paper, which quickly became one of the most widely read in Israel, served as a powerful mouthpiece for Netanyahu’s administration, bolstering his political standing.

However, in recent years, the relationship between Dr. Adelson and Netanyahu has deteriorated. Once inseparable allies, they now find themselves virtually estranged. This shift is reflected in the editorial stance of Israel Hayom, which has grown increasingly critical of Netanyahu’s leadership. The NYT report attributes the reasons for this rift as complex and multifaceted, likely involving a combination of political disagreements and personal dynamics. What is clear, however, is that Dr. Adelson’s unwavering support for Netanyahu is no longer a given, signaling a significant realignment in her political alliances.

The Adelsons’ marriage was a partnership in every sense of the word. Both were on their second marriage when they met, and they quickly became inseparable, both personally and politically. Sheldon Adelson’s decisions to contribute vast sums of money to Republican causes were often made with Dr. Adelson’s full support, the NYT report confirmed. Their political unity was so strong that Republican fundraisers understood that gaining Dr. Adelson’s approval was crucial to securing Sheldon Adelson’s financial backing.

Despite her deep commitment to Israel and conservative causes, Dr. Adelson’s relationship with influential conservative groups such as the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) has been somewhat distant. The NYT report observed that while her husband was a central figure in Republican fundraising circles, Dr. Adelson has maintained a more reserved approach, with some RJC board members admitting that they do not know her well.

Dr. Adelson’s political investments have not always paid off. In 2012, the Adelsons made headlines with their $20 million contribution to a super PAC supporting Newt Gingrich’s presidential campaign. This investment, which came after the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, demonstrated the couple’s willingness to shape presidential politics, the report in the NYT added. However, Gingrich’s campaign ultimately failed, and the experience may have left the Adelsons cautious about getting involved in future primary battles.

By the time of the 2016 election, and now in the lead-up to the 2024 race, the Adelsons had shifted their strategy, choosing to engage only in the general election. The NYT report said that in 2016, despite their initial preferences—Dr. Adelson favored Ted Cruz, while Sheldon leaned toward Marco Rubio—they eventually threw their support behind Donald Trump once he secured the Republican nomination. This pragmatic approach reflects their understanding of the broader political landscape and their desire to back a candidate who could realistically win the presidency.

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