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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Letters to the Editor

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Biden Says U.S. Will Not Supply Israel With Weapons

Dear Editor:

When in the 5,000 years of recorded history has there ever been a more compassionate army than the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces)?

Hamas started a war with Israel on Oct. 7, 2023. They violated the 1949 Geneva Conventions by obliterating the lines between combatants and civilians. The Convention explicitly forbids rape or other forms of sexual violence, which were proudly documented by Hamas and celebrated throughout radical Islam’s sphere of influence.

By contrast, no other state has ever recognized the right of civilians to be protected from the dangers of war and to receive the help they need. Only Israel advises civilians to vacate areas where there will be fighting. Hamas does its best to force civilians to remain, to use them as human shields and to increase the death count for propaganda purposes.

Islamists are laser-focused in a manner the West will never be. For almost a hundred years the Muslim Brotherhood has worked to replace us with a Caliphate. Their vision is of the collective, the Ummah, a community of believers bound together to worship Allah and advance the cause of Islam.

Western societies are based on the individual. We believe in “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” or “Peace, order and good government”. Our governments serve the people who elect them. In dictatorships, the people acquiesce to their masters. Islam means submission.

So, why do we have tent encampment polluting some of our most prestigious campuses? While they are being well-financed and organized by forces attempting to bring us down, part of the problem is of our own making.

We sold out to radical Islam’s oil dollars. We welcomed Saudi and Qatari billions into academia. We allowed them to buy chairs of learning. They started with Middle Eastern studies and then migrated to the social sciences and beyond. They filled the chairs with compliant professors. They sponsored thousands of students on visas to populate our classrooms and create a core Islamic belief system that goes unchallenged by pliable immature Western minds.

In the tent parks, the Great Satan is the villain because it won’t crush the Small Satan. Israel is denied the right of self-defense. Hamas is the hero for gang-raping, mutilating and murdering Jewish women, girls and babies. The Palestinians, created in 1964 by the Soviet KGB, are the victims and the rationale for anti-Semitism. Harassing students and interfering with the functioning of the university are merely collateral damage.

Will we ever take appropriate action to reverse the damage to our democracy? Can we reclaim our hallowed halls of learning? It is not likely while Biden is working to keep Hamas in power.

Len Bennett, Author of ‘Unfinished Work’
Deerfield Beach, Florida


Stop Playing by Everybody Else’s Rules

Dear Editor:

So now Hamas wants to trade the bodies of dead Jews for the release of live Palestinian terrorists who are in Israeli prisons. Well, here’s an idea: maybe Israel should give them the bodies of dead Palestinian terrorists in exchange for dead Jews. Why do Israel and the Jewish people always have to play by everybody else’s rules? Why do we always have to accept their term and their demands?

George Stern
Boro Park


Released Terrorists Will Murder Again

Dear Editor:

I’m horrified by the thought that Israel is going to release hundreds, or even thousands of terrorists in exchange for a handful of hostages, some of whom will be dead. We know from past experience that many of the released terrorists will go out and murder more Jews. So releasing them will lead directly to the deaths others. How can the lives of the Israeli public be sacrificed in this way?

Ned Kahn


National Waitress Day

Dear Editor:

Tuesday, May 21st is National Waitress Day. Your neighborhood restaurant waitress is on her feet all day long working long hours. She has to take and deliver meal orders, follow up to make sure your meal is up to expectations, refill your coffee, tea or water glass, box any leftovers you want to take home and prepare the check — all with a smile and friendly disposition.

On this day, why not show your appreciation and honor your favorite waitress? Leave a 25 percent tip against the total bill including taxes. Remember that they usually have to share the tips with the bus boys. Drop off some flowers, a box of candy or some cookies as well.

Larry Penner


Schumer is a Fraud

Dear Editor:

Your May 9 article about Senator Schumer supporting Biden’s cut-off of weapons to Israel shows what a fraud he is. When Schumer recently made that speech calling for the ouster of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, he pretended that he wasn’t turning against all of Israel, “only against Netanyahu.” Well, now the mask is off. Biden isn’t cutting off weapons just to Netanyahu—he is stopping them from going to Israel, and Schumer is supporting it. This disgraceful senator has truly abandoned Israel.

David Steinberg


The Marxist Revolution Has Begun

Dear Editor:

I have been scrupulously monitoring your coverage of the pro-Hamas demonstrations at college campuses across the United States and the entire world, for that matter. Allow me to say that reporters have been doing an outstanding job in terms of capturing the dangerous nature of this frightening phenomenon. So, thank you Fern Sidman, Jared Evan and the other cracker jack writers at your fine publication for producing such detailed and exceptionally informative articles.

Having said this, I think that anyone who has eyes to see and ears that hear knows that we are witnessing a Marxist revolution, not only on our campuses but it has permeated our media and our lives. Let’s remember that historically, such revolutions were never built by the “numb and the dumb” as Rabbi Meir Kahane, of blessed memory would always say. So, there is no reason to be surprised that the ivy league universities are the ones leading the way on this pernicious political trajectory.

In my opinion, the Jew is the canary in the coal mine. It always begins with the Jew but never ends there. The ultimate goal of this campus protest movement is to not only eradicate Israel but to bring down the United States. Yes, folks, the future does not bode well for us unless we speak out and offer some concrete pushback.

Jenna Diamond

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