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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

SHOCKING VIDEO: IRS recruit ‘Police Academy’-style armed agents

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Art Moore(WND)

In the wake of the passage of the massive Democratic Party spending bill that expands the IRS by 87,000 agents, a Republican congressman has released visual evidence that only increases the cause for concern among American taxpayers.

“These are not auditions for the next Police Academy sequel. This is an actual IRS recruiting program,” wrote Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., on Twitter.

Two videos posted on Twitter show “IRS special agent” recruits awkwardly wielding weapons, handcuffs and other detention devices as they act out simulated arrests of offenders.

This one shows the recruits acting out a situation in which they enter a gymnasium to take suspects into custody, with one recruit declaring “you’re under arrest for conspiracy”:

In this report posted by Massie, IRS agents are seen conducting arrest simulations with potential student recruits at Dixie State University in St. George, Utah:

President Biden and his Democratic allies have insisted there won’t be any “new audits” of people making under $400,000 a year to go with the 87,000 new agents and the $80 million in taxpayer funds allotted to the agency.

However, the group Americans for Tax Reform points out that a preliminary assessment by the Congressional Budget Office found that at least $20 billion of new revenue from increased IRS audits will come from individuals earning less than $400,000 per year.

“CBO’s analysis directly contradicts claims from the Biden White House and Congressional Democrats,” the group notes.

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