By Thomas Lifson(American Thinker) CNN, MSNBC, and the alphabet networks have all have ignored the massive invasion of illegal aliens touched off by the Biden administration’s welcome mat. They, and their Democrat colleagues, do not want the public to see evidence of the 200,000 a month arriving. Fox News, to its everlasting honor, is covering the invasion thoroughly and has been using drones to show the magnitude of the problem.
Until just a few hours ago.
On Tucker Carlson’s top-rated program, news broke that the FAA has grounded the drone Fox was using at Del Rio to show at least 10,000 Haitians sheltering under a bridge on the U.S. side of the border:
Migrants at Texas border waiting to be processed double in one day |
— Bookwormroom (@Bookwormroom) September 17, 2021
NEW: We’ve learned that the FAA just implemented a two week TFR (Temporary Flight Restrictions) over the international bridge in Del Rio, TX, meaning we can no longer fly our FOX drone over it to show images of the thousands of migrants. FAA says “special security reason”.
— Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) September 17, 2021
The FAA later made an update, claiming that the Border Patrol (where? In D.C.?) requested the TFR:
.@FoxNews has been covering the border nonstop for almost 7 months now, we use the drone constantly, and it has never been an issue. We have reached out to the FAA to ask for clarification on why this TFR was implemented. We haven’t heard back yet. Will update if/when we do.
— Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) September 17, 2021
I don’t like the language “requests to operate” one bit, for it gives a government agency veto power over news reporting. I presume that Fox News is fighting the order in court, but they must also make a steady stream of requests (hourly?) to operate drone flights to follow the crowds of aliens at Del Rio and elsewhere along the border.