DC Police and Secret Service descended on rioters who were trying to topple an Andrew Jackson statue and establish another “autonomous zone” near the White House.
Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioters swarmed Lafayette Park on Monday night, tried to establish what they called a “Black House Autonomous Zone” and tear down a statue of Jackson riding a horse. This all began early Monday evening
the radical America hating leftists apparently are upset that the mayor of Seattle has ended their protest zone after violence and death took over the “summer of love”. Social media captured the chaos
Here the psychotic, mindwashed communists attempt to topple the statue of Andrew Jackson
This is immediately prior to the police retaking the area. They weren’t even close to bringing it down. pic.twitter.com/Li5ojEOEpl
— Richie?McG? (@RichieMcGinniss) June 23, 2020
DC police break up the BLM and ANTIFA communist Anti-American degenerates
This is the recent scene outside of the White House in Lafayette Park. Police are firing pepper bullets into the crowd to push everyone back. (via @nathan_luft.)
pic.twitter.com/WgSZGZmcI0— Amee Vanderpool (@girlsreallyrule) June 23, 2020