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Monday, July 8, 2024

Dianne Lob & HIAS Are Wrong for CPMJO Leadership

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Just like leaves falling down in Autumn, the numbers of real, vibrant, forceful, pro-Israel, pro-Jewish survival groups are dropping like flies. They are wilting, dying and rotting. It’s not the traditional Jew hating of others who are responsible for this tragedy, it’s due to the stupidity, cowardice and politicization of these groups. They are no longer proud of their “Jewish” label. They now proudly wave the flag of the Progressives to mollify and ingratiate themselves to the real Jew hating crowd who look at them and chuckle.


We’re going to dig into the moral demise of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations (CPMJO). This group is the umbrella group for 53 Jewish American organizations. Groups including AIPAC, Hadassah, ADL, JWV, ZOA, ORT…. you name the group and its probably a member. And by the way, throw in Americans for Peace Now,  whose membership in the group in 1993  started the root rot. Downhill ever since.


The CPMJO recently saw fit to place the crown on Dianne Lob, the former president of HIAS to run unopposed for the position of Chairman of the Exec Board. She will run the show and in no time, we Jews will have lost this major support group. A few years back, The Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA), another huge Jewish umbrella group fell under the domination of J Street, the Far Left supporter of BDS and the radical Progressive Left. The real fighters for our Jewish/Israel survival can now be counted on the fingers of our right hand.


This Lob gal served as former chairman of HIAS which once stood for Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society. It was a Jewish group funded by Jews way back in 1881. In 2014 it renamed itself, merely HIAS, dropping any hint of its Jewishness. That identification was an embarrassment to its crowd evidently. But it still recruits Jewish money although it spends all of its time also  taking government bucks to bring into this country Muslims. No Jews; they no longer need any help although they are fleeing Europe in droves and the few left in Iran, Syria and Egypt are surely doomed. But HIAS is heroically bringing in Muslims to the USA by the planeload.


Under Ms. Lob’s reign in HIAS, that group allied itself with the Jew hating Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Relief, Jewish Voice for Peace, IfNotNow and other groups pushing the BDS movement. Ms. Lob defended publicly, Linda Sarsour, the Jew hating Democrat political activist who has brazenly called for Israel’s destruction and who allies herself with Louis Farrakhan. If seated to run the CPMJO, Ms. Lob will surely work to transform that group into another ADL, now progressively run by a protege of both George Soros and Barack Obama, Jonathan Greenblatt.


Our Jewish defense organizations organized for the past 100+ years to support and defend American Jews and Israel are falling by the wayside. They have been enveloped and transformed by the ever growing Jewish Progressive movement within our own communities. Polls indicate that Jews are no longer interested in Israel, Jewish history, raising children in the faith or even holding sacrosanct traditions such as marriage in the Jewish faith or the commemoration of our holidays. This move by the President’s group is an ominous one. The lack of outrage among the majority of its members says it all. We are in deep trouble.

From left: Conference of Presidents CEO William Daroff, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, executive vice chairman Malcolm Hoenlein and chairman Arthur Stark speaking at the 2020 Conference of Presidents Summit in Jerusalem. Source: Conference of Presidents via Twitter.

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