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Monday, July 8, 2024

Ilan High School Mourns the Passing of Eddie Missry; Ezra ben Victoria, OBM

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The entire staff, faculty and student body of Ilan High School was plunged into a sea of profound grief upon the passing of Mr. Eddie Missry, z’l.  As a founding pioneer of Ilan High School, it was Eddie Missry’s vision, foresight and determination a quarter of a century ago that made the dream of our beloved school a reality.

Eddie  firmly believed in the noble mission of Ilan High School and possessed a clear comprehension of its importance for the future generations of our community. His constant drive to create a top notch academic and religious hub of learning for Sephardic students could be evidenced by all who had the honor of knowing this remarkable man.

Eddie was blessed with a charismatic personality and it was almost impossible to resist his charms.  He wanted to see the school flourish and he never instituted time limitations. Over the last 25 years Eddie grew spiritually as the school grew and he remained as equally committed to its growth at the end of his life as he was at the beginning of this project.  Eddie was involved at every level with the school and always had time for the administration, faculty and students as he was attentive to their needs.

We will always be exceptionally grateful to Eddie for the enormous impact that he had on our school and on our community. His long lasting legacy will be that of a man of incredible kindness, philanthropy and Ahavat Israel.

We extend our sincerest condolences to his wife, Tunie and to his children, Victoria, Sadie, Alex, Pauline and Elyse. And condolences to his siblings, Pauline Dweck, Lillie Gindi, Morris Missry and Alfonse Missry.

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