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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Trump : “USA Not Built to Be Shut Down”- Latest Presser from White House

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Thew main theme of tonight’s press conference tonight was that the Trump White House  hopes to end the intense restrictions of Americans day to day lives within the 15 day window and re-open the economy

  • Mr. Trump said Monday that the U.S. “will soon be open for business,” even as public health officials warned Americans should be prepared to continue social distancing and closures for the time being. Mr. Trump insisted the country has learned from altering habits and can “do two things at one time”
  • Trump discussed price gouging of medical resources and promised to protect Americans from being exploited
  • Trump continued to be optimistic of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment of coronavirus- New York begins using the drug on Tuesday- as the governor announced early
  • “FEMA is distributing 8 million N95 respirator masks and 13.3 million surgical masks across the country right now. Focusing on the areas with the greatest need, we have shipped 73 pallets of personal protective equipment to NYC and 36 pallets to the state of Washington,” the president said.
  • Attorney General Barr discussed hoarding and price gouging
  • “Less than 1% of all mortality” is people younger than 50. That doesn’t mean that younger people may not get seriously ill, but “99% of all mortality coming out of Europe in general is over 50 and [people who have] pre-existing conditions”, said Dr Deborah Birx, the response coordinator for Trump’s coronavirus task force
  • Dr. Deborah Birx, said self-swab testing will be available soon. Birx said she tested negative for coronavirus after experiencing a low-grade fever over the weekend.
  • “People get tremendous anxiety and depression and you have suicide over things like this, when you have a terrible economy, you have death, definitely would be in far greater numbers than we’re talking about with regard to the virus,” Trump said. “We have a double obligation. We have a great country, there’s no country like it in the world, and there’s no economy like it in the world.”
  • Asked what he would do if, a week from now, public health experts asked him to extend public health restrictions, Trump said, “We’ll see what happens.” Later, Trump said that very soon “we’re going to be opening up our country”.
  • Asked by a reporter if that meant “weeks or months,” Trump said, “I’m not looking at months, I can tell you right now.”
  •  Dr Fauci was not at this conference but was working as per Trump who was  asked if the Dr. agrees with Trump’s views of wanting to open the economy again, Trump admitted they do not agree with each other on this issue.



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