By: Matt Ingly
A 41-game plan in the upper deck cost at iconic Yankee Stadium in the Bronx cost a staggering $1,664 in 2018, but jumped to $2,067 this season, and will cost $2,327 in 2020 — a 40 percent hike over three years.
The New York post interviewed a fan Justin Some from Manhattan who “ the Yanks are extorting their most diehard fans with surcharges and care only about the customers in the champagne seats”.
“I’m done,” said the 27-year-old season-ticket holder.
First the team priced him out of the two Upper Deck seats he’s had for two years, and then gouged him for an additional $92 fee for this fall’s playoff ducats — because he’s not renewing his season tickets next year, according the The Post
Mr. Some took to Twitter to complain: “So congratulations @Yankees. I’m going to pay you these additional $92 that you so demand … Know this though. I’m done. I’m done buying tickets from you. If I want to watch this team play, I’ll travel.”
He continued: “Thank you for ruining the thing I loved most. Going to Yankee Stadium to watch the Yankees. … The worst part about this is @Yankees won’t care about my tweets. I’m just Joe Somebody in section 427. All the Yankees care about are the season ticket holders in the club seats that spend hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.”
Not every Yankee fan finds the price hikes surprising and some find the article featuring complaints of 27-year old Justin Some to be inaccurate and not worthy of reporting.
Bronc Pinstripes blog wrote “So, this guy is surprised that when he decided to not renew his tickets, the team charged him the price for non-season ticket holders for this year’s playoff tickets. But how could he know the price would be different? Could the team have possibly sent that information to you in bold and underlined? The blog than shows that this information was clearly printed and sent to all season ticket holders
Bronx Pinstripes also blogs: “I don’t feel bad for a guy who bought season tickets at a low price when the team was bad and is now surprised the price went up over time. As the team gets better, the price is going to go up. I think that’s common sense to everyone. Plus, we’re talking about a 41-game-a-year package. There are other options that fit in a $2,000+ budget”
The popular Yankees fan blog concludes: “With this team on the brink of winning their first World Series in 10 years, I just can’t bring myself to feel bad for a guy with a half season plan. Especially, when his alternative is to fly around the world to see the team play.