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If Senate Democrats ever want to be taken seriously in their supposed opposition to anti-Semitism, they must confront the disgraceful charade playing out at the International Criminal Court. Their silence—and worse, their obstruction—on this issue is not just cowardice. It is complicity.
Just weeks ago, Senate Democrats shamefully used the filibuster to kill a bill that would have imposed sanctions on the ICC after it issued arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. The ICC’s charges—framed under the grotesque pretense of “war crimes”—are nothing more than a modern blood libel dressed in legal language. The real crime here is not Israel’s self-defense, but the weaponization of international law against the only democracy in the Middle East.
Let’s be clear: Israel is fighting for its survival in a multi-front war against Iran and its proxies—Hamas, Hezbollah, and others whose explicit goal is the annihilation of the Jewish state. The ICC’s warrant is not about justice; it is a propaganda stunt that emboldens terrorists and vilifies their victims. And in the face of this outrage, the Democratic Party—save for a few exceptions like Senator John Fetterman—has stood idly by, if not actively abetted the attack.
Even more disgraceful is the role of Senator Chuck Schumer, who likes to style himself as the “shomer,” or guardian, of Israel and the Jewish people. That same Chuck Schumer helped orchestrate the political theater to kill sanctions on the ICC—effectively shielding an institution that now serves as a megaphone for anti-Semitic calumny on the world stage. If this is Schumer’s version of guardianship, then the Jewish people need a new defender.
The consequences are not theoretical. Netanyahu, on a recent visit to the United States, was forced to take a circuitous flight path to ensure a safe emergency landing route—because several European Union nations have already declared they would enforce the ICC’s arrest warrant. Austria, Belgium, Ireland, The Netherlands, Slovenia, Lithuania, and Spain have all lined up to criminalize Israeli leadership. France, Germany, and Italy remain noncommittal. The only EU nation to speak with moral clarity? Hungary—ironically the nation American progressives love to demonize.
Where are the Democrats now? Where is their moral outrage? Where are the fiery speeches condemning the judicial abuse and political corruption of the ICC? Nowhere. Because when anti-Semitism dresses up in the language of “international law” or masquerades as “human rights advocacy,” the left suddenly loses its voice.
And make no mistake—this is anti-Semitism. It’s not merely bias or bad judgment. It’s a coordinated campaign to delegitimize the Jewish state, criminalize Jewish self-defense, and isolate Israel on the global stage. That Democrats couldn’t even bring themselves to support a bill condemning such a grotesque distortion of justice says more about the soul of their party than any platitudes or book tours ever could.
If Democrats have any shred of integrity left, they must offer their own plan to confront this obscene farce at the ICC. If they do not, they are tacitly admitting that the anti-Semitic wing of their party now sets the agenda.
It’s time to stop pretending otherwise.