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Our Strength is in Unity
Dear Editor:
Our forces are once again in the heart of Gaza. There are religious and secular fighters there; there are right-wingers and left-wingers; there are Jews and Arabs. There are reservists who have once again left behind their families, their work, their homes, to risk their lives for the sake of the country. Our heroes have returned there knowing full well that Hamas has had time to rearm and prepare ambushes, explosive traps, and death traps against them. But they are there to defend the State of Israel, to bring back the hostages, and to destroy the evildoers.
We are all praying that they keep themselves safe and return healthy and whole — and that we won’t, God forbid, receive another tragic “cleared for publication” notice.
I’ve said this a million times and will keep saying it again and again — our strength is Israeli unity. If we remain united on the home front, that’s what will give strength to the fighters on the front lines. That’s what they’re asking of us… And certainly not to use the term “civil war,” which must be erased immediately from our vocabulary! There will be time to argue about everything later — right now we need a strong, united Israeli spirit, and all of us, from every side and every camp, have a responsibility to ensure that!
Yoseph Haddad
Outraged by Attacks on Tesla
Dear Editor:
I am writing to express my outrage and deep concern over the disturbing wave of targeted attacks against Tesla electric vehicles, dealerships, storage lots, and charging stations across the United States. Since January 2025, at least nine states have seen incidents of arson, gunfire, and vandalism—all directed at Tesla infrastructure. The fact that some of this violence is accompanied by graffiti accusing Tesla and its leadership of racism, fascism, or political affiliation only underscores the dangerous and misguided extremism driving these attacks.
Let’s be absolutely clear: these are not acts of protest—they are acts of domestic terrorism. There is no excuse, political or otherwise, that justifies burning property, endangering lives, or undermining a company that is leading global innovation in clean energy and transportation. Elon Musk, for all the opinions people may hold about his politics or persona, remains a visionary entrepreneur who has revolutionized multiple industries and continues to push the boundaries of science and sustainability.
Those who target Tesla in the name of ideological grievance are not defending justice—they are trampling it. Their violence threatens not only private property but also the principle of open discourse in a free society. Worse still are those who tacitly condone or minimize these acts under the guise of “resistance.” Turning a blind eye to violence because it is aimed at a disfavored figure or company is moral cowardice, plain and simple.
We should all be able to disagree with public figures or corporations without resorting to or condoning destruction. The growing normalization of politically motivated sabotage is a danger to civil society and democracy itself. I urge law enforcement to continue pursuing these perpetrators vigorously—and I call on all Americans, regardless of political affiliation, to condemn these cowardly, reckless acts without hesitation or excuse.
Graham McCord
Riverhead, NY
The Seder Doesn’t End with Nirtzah
Dear Editor:
Nirtza marks the conclusion of the Pesach Haggadah. Many Haggadahs have some version of the following note after this section: While the traditional text ends here, it is encouraged to continue discussing Yetzias Mitzrayim until one feels sleepy. As Rabbi El Gersten says in his article, “When does the Seder Actually End? An Exploration of Nirtza,” Nirtza is not the end of the Seder but a transitional step from the written text to our conveying chiddushim on Yetzias Mitzrayim, as well as to offer praise and sing songs to Hashem. (The OU Guide to Passover 5785/2025). This includes Shir HaShirim, which appears the end of most Haggadahs. Additionally, there are a wide variety of commentaries one can learn from.
If the Seder does not end with Nirtza then surely Pesach does not end with the conclusion of the Seder night (or nights). Rather, we should continue relating sipur Yetzias Mitzrayim, learning the laws of Pesach and offer insights all seven (or eight) days of Chag HaMatzos. The very idea of asking questions at the Seder should fuel further discussion as well.
B’ chol dor v’dor: each generation has its own form of redemption, and in each generation, we are tasked with discussing the Pesach story. We are further obligated to sing praises to Hashem for redeeming us from Miztrayim, and we are to daven for the final redemption. Additionally, given all the intricate laws of Pesach (especially this year with the three day yom tov), we need to review them well. Each child is to be taught about Pesach on their level, too. While Pesach is a time where family gets together to enjoy each other’s company, talk and have festive meals, it would be a waste of eight beautiful days if at least some portions of those days were not spent in learning, song, and davening. Of course, you can rest as well.
According to one opinion, Yisro was so drawn in by Moshe’s telling of yetzias Mitzrayim that he converted to Judaism. The Torah describes Moshe’s retelling with the words וַיְסַפֵּר מֹשֶׁה לְחֹתְנוֹ, and Moshe told his father-in-law, Yisro all that Hashem had done to Paroh and the Egyptians (Shemos 18:8). It wasn’t “just facts”; it was every detail conveyed with feeling.
While it is not our job to proselytize, imagine the hashboh you can have on family and friends at your own seder – if you prepare right. In turn, you will hopefully be inspired by the insights of others into this holiday. That is not to say you shouldn’t help around the house as well.
In the zechus of our enhancement of Zman Cheiroseinu, may Hashem bring us from the avdus of gallus to the final cheirus in Eretz Yisroel quickly and speedily in our days
Chaim Yehuda Meyer
Financial Pressure Can Help Save Harvard
Dear Editor:
I believe the financial pressure on Harvard and other elite universities brought to bear by Federal Title VI violation-related cuts and alumni donor strikes can help save them.
Harvard has gone off mission due to administrative bloat, anti-meritocratic practices in admissions and hiring, over investment in degree areas that don’t contribute to society, self-censorship and other restrictions on speech that have limited viewpoint diversity, among other factors. Like a spoiled child with a trust fund, it has been allowed to fail because of its financial independence.
Harvard can save itself by being forced to use its own fiscal crisis to become more efficient by eliminating bureaucratic waste, canceling racist and anti-meritocratic DEI programs and ideologies that contribute to self-censorship and restrictions on speech, eliminating fake degree areas, and by expanding viewpoint diversity.
As with the waste, fraud and abuse that has taken over the Federal government, Harvard’s problems come from its own deep state taking the University off mission and away from its core values of Veritas, educating the best and brightest, and doing cutting edge research that helps advance society’s interests.
So when you hear about Harvard and other universities losing funding, you should be happy to realize that we are taking steps toward saving higher education from itself.
Bill Ackman
CEO of Pershing Square Capital Management
Live-Action ‘Snow White’ Digs Disney into the Culture Wars
Dear Editor:
Radical Islam, sponsoring the Palestinianism hoax, won’t let anyone enjoy themselves. Even Disney can’t have fun with the retelling of a beloved fairy tale. Who can forget the blue-birds helping Snow White make the bed?
Rachel Zegler, snaring the role that will make her a star, had to interject antisemitism into the project. She let us know she supports the Palestinians, an entity created in 1964 by the Soviet KGB as a tool to destroy Israel and diminish American influence in the Middle East.
Does she accept The Oct. 7, 2023 rapes and mutilations of Israeli civilians by Palestinian terrorists? Does she accept the strangulation of the Bibas babies? If she does, she needs an education.
Her ignorance is in sharp contrast with the elegance and sophistication of the Ugly Step Mother, Israeli, Gal Gadot.
Len Bennett, Author of ‘Unfinished Work’
Deerfield Beach, Fl. 33442