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Step right up, New Yorkers, and behold the Greatest Political Deception of Our Time—the attempted comeback of none other than Andrew Cuomo, a man whose record of lies, scandals, and disastrous policies should permanently disqualify him from public office.
This is not just a misguided political redemption story; it is a calculated, manipulative ploy by a man who once wielded unchecked power over New York, only to leave behind a trail of corruption, incompetence, and ruin. And now, against all logic, he wants to be the next mayor of New York City?
Let’s examine the wreckage Cuomo left behind, so that New Yorkers never again fall for his charade of leadership.
Andrew Cuomo has mastered the art of deceit, skillfully manipulating the media, the public, and his political allies for decades. His strategy? Shift, distort, deny—and when that fails, gaslight and play the victim.
For years, he marketed himself as a moderate Democrat, appealing to both centrists and progressives, but his true nature was that of a political chameleon, constantly adapting his stance to whatever benefited him most.
He once promised to bring prosperity to upstate New York through fracking, only to ban it outright under pressure from environmental activists, leaving thousands of potential jobs dead in the water.
He touted clean energy, yet recklessly shut down the Indian Point nuclear power plant, driving up electricity costs for millions of New Yorkers and making the state more dependent on fossil fuels.
He championed public safety, but signed the disastrous bail reform law, which has turned New York into a criminal’s paradise, where repeat offenders walk free while law-abiding citizens live in fear.
Cuomo doesn’t stand for principles—he stands for Cuomo.
No fraud in Andrew Cuomo’s long and sordid career was more deadly than his mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic.
While Cuomo basked in media adulation, giving self-congratulatory daily press conferences, he was actively making some of the worst decisions of any governor in America:
He forced COVID-positive patients into nursing homes, leading to thousands of preventable deaths among the elderly.
He then lied about the number of deaths, covering up the true fatality count to protect his own image.
When caught, he blamed everyone but himself, including nursing home staff, President Trump, and the federal government, despite the fact that his own policies contradicted federal guidelines.
His audacity knew no bounds—as New Yorkers buried their loved ones, Cuomo was busy writing a self-congratulatory book about his “leadership” during the pandemic, for which he was paid $5 million.
It is not just Cuomo’s policies that should forever bar him from public office—it is his personal behavior.
Eleven women accused him of sexual harassment, including groping, unwanted kissing, and inappropriate remarks.
An eight-month investigation by the New York State Assembly found “overwhelming evidence” of his misconduct.
The Attorney General’s report confirmed that Cuomo engaged in a pattern of harassment, intimidation, and abuse of power.
When confronted with these allegations, Cuomo didn’t apologize—he made excuses. His most infamous defense? That he was just “being Italian.”
This is not leadership. This is predatory behavior, weaponized power, and shameless manipulation.
Now, as Cuomo eyes a political comeback in New York City, he wants voters to forget that he is the architect of the crime crisis that has made life unbearable for millions.
It was Cuomo who pushed disastrous criminal justice “reforms”, including:
Eliminating cash bail for violent offenders, allowing criminals to walk free within hours of arrest.
Changing discovery laws to overburden prosecutors, leading to thousands of cases being dismissed.
Handcuffing police by supporting de-funding initiatives and removing qualified immunity, making it harder to protect law-abiding citizens.
As a result, crime skyrocketed, and today, in Eric Adams’ New York City, it is easier to shoplift than to buy toothpaste, thanks to Cuomo’s policies that forced stores to lock basic goods behind glass cases.
And now, Cuomo has the audacity to tell New Yorkers that he’s the right person to clean up the mess he created?
The New York Post has exposed Andrew Cuomo for what he is: a liar, a fraud, and a political opportunist who seeks power at any cost.
If he truly cared about New Yorkers, he would fade into obscurity, never to be heard from again. Instead, he is plotting his return, hoping that the short memories of voters will allow him to rewrite history and con his way back into office.
New Yorkers must not let this happen. They must remember the truth:
Cuomo destroyed jobs, raised costs, and drove businesses out of the state.
Cuomo mismanaged the worst health crisis in modern history, lied about deaths, and profited off the tragedy.
Cuomo sexually harassed multiple women and abused his power to silence his accusers.
Cuomo made New York less safe by enacting laws that benefit criminals over victims.
New York has suffered enough.
New Yorkers must slam the door shut on Cuomo’s delusions of political resurrection. They must reject his lies, dodge his unwanted hugs, and ensure he never holds power again.
Because if Andrew Cuomo is given another chance, it won’t be long before New York is plunged into another crisis of his making.