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Preserving American Values Requires a 35% Tax on University Endowments
World history is made through the decisions of society. Conflicts, peace treaties, and geopolitical realities confine the world to a present different than the past. History should not be viewed through the prisms of random variables, but instead with the specific events that change the world because history is affected by people, not vice versa. A society where people can make decisions is vulnerable to good and bad choices. Governments recognize the role they and their citizens have in the world, so they make sure people can think and reason properly.
Education is supposed to teach theoretical thought which then asks students to apply such information to everyday life. The art of education is only successful, however, if such a system can import the way to think on an individual level without prejudice; if on the other hand, schools replace teaching how to think with what to think, they distort the purpose of education. When that happens, governments have a moral duty to fight against such propagandists.
In the United States, education plays a major role in people’s lives. The standard of education is so high that every year over one million foreigners come to study in universities in the US. They come not to be told what to think, but how to think. Universities and schools are only educational if teachers can give lessons objectively; everyone has political beliefs, but a teacher’s role is not to be political, it’s to present different arguments and interpretations to students. In recent years, political indoctrination throughout American colleges has become rampant. For years, liberal theories from critical race theory, and DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) policies started their implementation on such campuses, with eventual application in the real-world workforce.
According to some reports, 96% of donations to political parties from Ivy League schools go to the Democrat party. Additionally, after October 7th many schools didn’t stand with Israel and all affected victims, instead, they raised the issue of the “Palestinian cause”. University presidents lectured Congress that October 7th didn’t just happen in a “vacuum”, it occurred because of the “context” of Israeli “occupation”. They also lectured Americans that Hamas was a legitimate militant group fighting for the rights of people for self-determination, not a terrorist organization whose main goal of killing Jews is stated in their own charter.
What happened to educating students on morals and ethics? Raping teenage girls, taking hostages, burning families alive, and breaking into their homes can be rationalized because Israel is “bad”?! Is such action ever warranted, even if Israel was “evil”? Educators instead allowed their students to intimate Jewish students, incite violence, deny the existence of hostages in Gaza, and forbid people to support Israel’s right to exist!
Colleges are supposed to represent the future of our intelligentsia and political leaders, but that only occurs when they can understand the small amount in life that is right from wrong while recognizing that most other things are gray. Leaders are needed to solve complex issues in international relations, inflation, immigration, etc., how then will future leaders navigate such complexities if college professors encourage our future leaders to be violent against people they dislike and forbid dissent to any view they dislike? The question that needs to be asked is, should our government be funding such institutions?
Currently, the US gives over $140 billion to colleges every year and colleges receive billions of dollars in endowments from corporations, philanthropists, and others with a tax rate of a measly 1.4%! The US needs to make sure that its citizens are being educated, but that should not include organizations that solely indoctrinate. While it’s commendable for the government to give funding to schools where students can be liberal, conservative, pro-Israel, pro-Hamas, and anything in between, to be forced one way or the other however, is not in the interest of the US.
During the 2024 campaign, President Trump pledged to require the Department of Justice (DOJ) to investigate and sue universities that have a record of indoctrination, and censorship against conservative students. For too long, American administrations especially “Republican” ones, have accepted the status quo of giving out handouts to organizations that have received one for decades. We have reached a time where the American people demand transformational change where we not only stop funding these colleges, but we also go on offense and start penalizing “universities” that indoctrinate instead of educate!
Vice President Vance in line with Trump’s policy while in the Senate, proposed a bill that would firstly, cut off funding to such “schools”, but would also raise the endowment tax rate to 50% for schools that continue to discriminate and indoctrinate. The Trump/Vance administration needs to make it a priority for the Republican congress to terminate these indoctrination centers once and for all. Stopping these centers doesn’t only prevent immoral teachers from cheering on the violence of October 7th, it also will prevent voting-age impressionable students from voting for Democrats who support such horrifying policies. Republicans and Trump have a tremendous opportunity to not only stop funding Ivy League schools but to go on offense by forcing colleges to teach morals and ethics, patriotic education, and traditional values. We need to revert to our founding principles which have allowed this country and Western civilization to thrive, now!
Education is the key to individual success and progress, but more importantly, education can affect the way policymakers and societies affect the future. A world that ignores what occurred on October 7th, is a world ripe to support more violence against Jews and any other group that threatens such elites. Universities and schools are centers where educating without prejudice is essential for good education, and can only be achieved if teachers educate instead of indoctrinate.
The government has a role to make sure its citizens are prepared for a world of complexities and thus funding educational centers is vital, but the government has no moral duty to support schools where immoral and unfair practices are advocated for and implemented. The fight for our colleges has gone long enough for people to realize that it’s not enough to take away funding from universities, but to offensively tax and force universities to teach in a fair, moral way. President Trump and Vice President Vance know what a fight looks like, thus, it should be imperative to them that if we want our future leaders to be moral, rational thinkers, the fight to take back our education system needs to start now!