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In a disturbing incident, a group of individuals wearing masks reportedly forced their way into a Columbia University classroom where Jewish students were gathered. The intruders distributed fliers featuring images of burning Stars of David accompanied by the phrase “Curse Zionism.” The intrusion created an atmosphere of fear and distress among the students, who appeared to be targeted due to their Jewish identity.
Absurd! On the first day of classes this semester, pro-Palestine students at @Columbia barged into a ‘History of Modern Israel’ class, spreading violent messages against Jewish students.
Every single keffiyeh-clad student involved must be expelled for harassment & promoting…
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) January 21, 2025
This troubling act highlights significant concerns about campus safety and the prevalence of hate speech within academic settings. There are calls for Columbia University to face immediate repercussions, such as the potential revocation of its accreditation and federal funding, to ensure that such acts of intimidation and support for extremist behavior are not permitted on American campuses.
BREAKING: Fully masked terror-supporting students broke into a Columbia University class of Jewish students and began handing fliers of Jewish stars burning with “Curse Zionism” written.
Columbia should lose its accreditation and federal funding immediately. Enough of this!
— Eyal Yakoby (@EYakoby) January 21, 2025