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Israel Plans to Double Population in Golan Heights
Dear Editor:
Commentators do not understand the international laws that apply to Judea and Samaria.
From the 1920s to the 1940s, the British Mandate for Palestine was one of the collection of mandates created by the allies who defeated the Germans and their WWI partners, including the Ottoman Empire. The Mandate for Palestine was designated as the reconstituted Jewish homeland, just as Lebanon was to be a Christian haven, among the vast expanse of Islamic entities.
Israel’s borders were defined by the San Remo Accords in1920. It was ratified by the League of Nations and the United Nations. Article 80 of the UN charter specifies that Israel includes Gaza, Judea and Samaria.
During the years of the Mandate, only Jews were referred to as ‘Palestinians.’ To call an Arab a Palestinian was akin to calling him a ‘Jew’.
By 1948, half the Arabs in the mandate were recent immigrants. Shortly after, half the Jews of Israel were refugees from Arab lands.
To quote Khaled Al-Azm, Syria’s prime minister after the 1948 war, in his 1972 memoirs: “Since 1948, it is we who demanded the return of refugees. … while it is we who made them leave”.
In 1964, the Soviet KGB and Egypt created the Palestine Liberation Organization to drive out the Jews and diminish American influence in the region. They recruited terrorist from throughout the Middle East and North Africa, calling them “Palestinians”. They renamed Israel ‘Palestine’ and called any Arabs with an attachment to the mandate, ‘Palestinians’ for the first time.
The Oslo Accords, 1993-95 allowed the PLO to enter Israel with 100,000 followers and temporarily govern Areas A & B of Judea and Samaria until such time as the PLO and Israel could settle on two states. Area C, which is 61% of the territory, was left in Israel’s hands.
Area A (18%) is under full PA control.
Area B (21%) Is under Palestinian administrative and internal security control. Israel controls external security.
400,000 Israelis in Area C are governed by Israeli law. 300,000 Arabs, including 27,500 Bedouin who do not consider themselves to be Palestinians, are under Israeli military law. They live in legal and illegal settlements. There are approximately 81,000 Arab and 4,000 Israeli illegal structures in Area C.
No Israelis live in Areas A & B.
In 2005, Israel gave Gaza, free of Jews, to the PA. Two years later Hamas revolted, drove out the PA and Bedouin, and set up their terror network.
Islamists are demanding a 2-state solution, meaning that a state of Palestine be created in Gaza and Judea and Samaria. Aside from the fact that the savagery of Oct. 7, 2023, precludes Israel giving away any of its sovereign territory, how can anyone suggest stealing Area C, which has had no Arab administration, expect for Jordan’s illegal occupation from 1949 to 1967.
Israelis building new towns in their homeland is legal under international law, whether anyone likes it or not.
We are faced with aggressive Islamization. I suggest we focus our attention on preserving our own cultures and values.
Len Bennett, Author of ‘Unfinished Work”
Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA
Defending the Polish Government
Dear Editor:
We are writing to you in relation to the article “ Understanding Polish Complicity in the Holocaust: New Insights Revealed in Jan Grabowski’s Groundbreaking Book” published on The Jewish Voice website on December 12, 2024:
First of all, it must be remembered that the Blue Police, or the polnische Polizei – the Polish Police force of the General Government, was formally created by the leaders of the General Government in December of 1939 and formed a part of the structures of the German Ordnungspolizei, the regular police force. Hence, this service was created by the German Reich and was obliged to serve it. It had nothing in common with the Polish state – it was not a continuation of the State Police from before the war, but a new German service.
The Republic of Poland never undertook capitulation talks with the Germans, having remained a militant side for the entire period of the war. The Republic of Poland remained a declared enemy of the German Reich – its authorities never even considered participating in any form of collaboration with the national-socialist power. Never did it consent to the genocidal practices of the occupiers.
Below I am sending links to articles on the website of the Institute of National Remembrance, regarding facts about the Blue Police:
Best regards,
Piotr Nosarzewski
Senior specialist
Office of International Cooperation
The ICC’s Credibility is in the Toilet
Dear Editor:
The ICC has flushed its credibility down the toilet through the manner in which it arrived at the decision to issue arrest warrants for Bibi Netanyahu, Yoav Gallant and Mohammad Deif. The warrant for Deif was the most cynical of all because he no longer exists. Issuing a warrant for a corpse pretty well sums up the incompetence of the Court.
The ICC arrived at a decision without considering any evidence exculpating the defendants. All the evidence was provided by UNWRA spokespeople who have a serious conflict of interest because Israel is trying to disband the organization and the organization needs to blacken Israel’s reputation in order to survive. Any honest court would have considered the possible tainting of evidence.
Only after the verdict was rendered, did an ICC spokesman urge Netanyahu and Gallant to appear before the court to enjoy the principle of them being considered innocent and found guilty. Shouldn’t this have occurred during the trial even with the defendants absent?
The ICC’s decision aligns it with Russian courts that decide the guilt or innocence of defendants before the trial starts. Contrary to Byers assertion that, “The ICC arrest warrant will hang over Netanyahu for the rest of his life”, Netanyahu will forever be known as the second prominent Jew unjustly convicted of a crime he did not commit. The ICC, not Netanyahu will wear the badge of infamy for life.
Larry Shapiro
Calgary, Alberta, CANADA
Political Leaders Bankroll Regime that Honors Killers
Dear Editor:
In addition to the very disturbing news that a Columbia professor named Joseph Massad, who it has been reported praised the October 7 Hamas attacks on Israel, has been selected to teach a course on Zionism, there’s been other very shocking news about what has happened at Columbia earlier in the semester. Recently Bari Weiss, the journalist who authored the 2019 book How to Fight Anti-Semitism, mentioned in her column ( that Columbia University students held a “memorial event” for the late Hamas terrorist leader, Yahya Sinwar on campus on Veteran’s Day. That’s outrageous, and the Columbia administration should have prevented this event celebrating a criminal mass murderer.
But let’s be clear: for the past thirty years, America’s elected leaders have been using our tax dollars to finance a regime that has made honoring dead Palestinian Arab terrorists one of its major activities. Since 1994, successive U.S. presidents have sent a total of more than $10 billion to the Palestinian Authority, which names streets, parks, and schools after dead terrorists—including murderers of American citizens. The Palestinian Authority also provides hefty monetary rewards to the families of terrorists.
So yes, it’s horrific that a Palestinian Arab terrorist was honored on the campus of one of America’s elite Ivy League universities and that they are having an extremist professor teach about Israel. But it is even more troubling that America’s political leaders have bankrolled a regime that honors such killers day and night, in its schools, media, and other public venues—thus raising an entire generation of young Palestinian Arabs who view terrorists as heroes and want to emulate them and murder Jewish Israelis.
Moshe Phillips
National Chairman
Americans For A Safe Israel,
New York, NY