From Phyllis Chesler
Dear President Trump:
Please, please, oh pretty please–pull America out of the United Nations. Tell them to take their hypocrisy, incompetence, corruption, and Jew-hatred, to the shores of Lake Geneva in Switzerland or to the golden deserts of Qatar. Maybe they can house their headquarters more appropriately in Afghanistan or Pakistan. Let the anti-Western, anti-Israel, and anti-democracy tyrannies pay their own way. Perhaps Europe can either increase their funding for the UN–or pull out as well.
I can think of many better uses for the 17-18 acres in the luxe Turtle Bay neighborhood of Manhattan, right on the East River, that the UN currently occupies. I bet you can too.
I know that the UN is a colorful place that draws many good wome of many colors, who are often wearing colorful, native dress. Women come there because they hope to meet others good women like themselves, or in the hope of finding employment. These are the members of NGOs which have absolutely no power whatsoever. But coming to Manhattan and speaking there looks good on their resumes, and it is also a way for them to mix it up with glamorized folk, get invited to yet another conference, impress their families.
Oh, what a good idea the UN once was! Read Australian-American, Shirley Hazzard, on how it had already failed its mission by the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. Read her excellent short stories, based on her time as a clerical employee at the UN (“People in Glass Houses), and her superb non-fiction titles about the UN: “Defeat of an Ideal” (1973) and “Countenance of Truth” (1990).
I once also worked at the UN and saw, with my own naked eyeball, the sexual harassment and rape that was rampant among some high-ranking employers; how they also treated their home country servants as slaves; how much they spent on perks for themselves; and, with some exceptions, how dreadfully pompous, arrogant, and conformist many of the diplomats really were, and how cowed their employees had to be.
The United Nations has never stopped a genocide; how rarely they ever tried to bring the evil perpetrators to justice. They have just done one thing well, namely, legalize antisemitism, legalize antiZionism. They lack the power to enforce a Western view of woman’s rights, woman’s humanity, on non-Western or even on Western countries with a large Muslim and/or tribal population.
The Internationa Criminal Court is a proxy of the UN. In issuing arrest warrants for the Israeli Prime Minister and former Minister of Defense only, but no such warrants for a single genocidal terrorist or for their paymaster, Iran, Douglas Murray explains what they’ve really done. He writes: “It is like a foreign judge at the end of World War II saying that since the Nazi leaders were all dead he really ought to issue arrests warrants for Harry Truman and Winston Churchill–the other guys being otherwise engaged. After all, didn’t FDR, Truman, Churchill and others end up having to kill people in their pursuit of victory in a war started by their enemies?”
Mister President: Get rid of the UN on behalf of We, the People.

Amen – however isn’t the saying keeping your friends close and your enemies closer? The UN has been nothing but built upon hypocrisy. If they weren’t they would see that “Trans-Jordan” was initially supposed to be Palestine, and “Not” Israel.