The Dems Have Abandoned the Jews
Dear Editor:
Trump really stuck it to the Jews, the other night. They needed a wake up call because no one calls them out. Trump had the courage to do it. He pulled the band aid off a very oozy infection that needed the light of day. Many Jewish Democrats can’t handle being shamed because they care more what people think. I hope our solo act and hero Trump will prevent the next Holocaust. His words will force the media to discuss this and sadly, most Jews will falsely blame him for anti-Semitism–but with 400% and rising Jew hate, they better get their act together before voting. Trump knew it was his only chance … and just how many MSM channels aired Anti-Semitism forums with pro-Israel speakers Miriam Adelson and Trump? 0! ZERO! Nada!
When it comes to analyzing Jews’ psyche, Democrat Jews will hate this exposure. They might not realize their party has long left them, they are expendable, and as I’ve warned before, living in a host country. Nothing here is a given. Trump is their only solution. They will vilify him but will also have to justify why Kamala would be inspired by her Pastor Amos Brown who tells the Baptist Church congregants–Israel is an Apartheid State … and Kamala puts the onus only on Israel … and empathizes with the pro-Palestinian protesters who chant “Death to the Jews.”
Caren Besner
A Jew trying to survive the next Holocaust coming our way
Boynton Beach, FL…
The Fallacy of the “Two State” Solution
Dear Editor:
You have been reporting for years how the State Department and the Jewish left are demanding a “two state solution.” That’s a clever little slogan because it hides what the borders of the Palestinian state would be. If they said openly what those borders would be, very few Israelis or American Jews would support it. I think from now on, when the media report somebody calling for “a two-state solution,” they should then add the words, “meaning that Israel would return to being nine miles wide.” Because that’s the bitter truth— “two state solution” actually “Nine Miles Wide” solution. We should be open about what it means, and then the Jewish public can decide whether it supports that “solution.”
Shimon Mandelblatt
Concerned About Rise in Anti-Semitism
Dear Editor:
I am writing in response to the recent article regarding the ADL’s civil rights complaint against the Philadelphia School District over antisemitic incidents. This complaint highlights a serious issue that has long been overlooked: the rise in antisemitic attacks targeting Jewish students within our schools.
The allegations point to a troubling environment where Jewish students face harassment and discrimination, a situation that should never be tolerated. Schools are meant to be safe spaces for all students, and any form of hatred or bigotry undermines that fundamental principle.
It is crucial that the Philadelphia School District takes immediate action to address these concerns. Implementing strict policies against antisemitism and ensuring that complaints are taken seriously is essential for protecting Jewish students and upholding the integrity of our educational institutions. The ADL’s intervention underscores the need for a proactive and decisive response to these incidents.
We must support efforts to ensure that every student, regardless of their background, can learn in an environment free from fear and prejudice. This situation calls for serious attention and action from all stakeholders involved.
Amos Lavorski
Harris/Trump on Balancing the Federal Budget
Dear Editor:
When it comes to paying for promised tax reductions, both Vice President Kamela Harris and former President Donald Trump remind me of the old cartoon character Wimpy. He was fond off saying, “I’ll gladly pay you on Tuesday for a hamburger today,” or in this case a series of tax cuts. Neither Harris or Trump explain how they would balance future federal budgets with significant reductions in revenue due to tax cuts. Diogenes is still searching for an honest Presidential candidate who will explain in detail which government program spending will be reduced or frozen at current levels in coming years to pay for the goodies they are promising voters. As Wendy’s spokesperson Clara Peller said “Where’s the Beef.”
Larry Penner
Great Neck, New York
Radical Islam’s War Against the West
Dear Editor:
Radical Islam has been waging a 100-year war against the West, but we have ignored it.
For 400 years, much of the Middle East was under Turkish control. It was part of the Ottoman Empire
Most of the population were Muslim. Christians and Jews were Dhimmi. They were to be humiliated and belittled. Distinguished by their clothing, Muslims treated them as inferior beings.
The empire was divided into provinces, with a governor assigned to each. There were no countries. There was no Palestine.
Turkey aligned with Germany in World War One. When they lost the war, in 1918, they lost their empire.
Israel’s creation was initiated at San Remo in 1920, as were Transjordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Syria’s. The San Remo members were the victors of the war. They implemented mandates to handle the remnants of the Empire, until these states could be self-sufficient. The mandates were ratified by the League of Nations, other treaties and the United Nations.
The leader of the mandate’s Arabs was Nazi War criminal, Haj Amin al-Husseini, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. He instigated pogroms from the 1920s, formed the Bosnian Muslim Waffen-SS troops in WWII and personally sent 4,000 Hungarian children to the gas chambers. He was captured by the French who let him escape to Beirut. He rejected the UN suggestion that the mandate be partitioned between Jews and Arabs, and launched the Nakba to ‘drive the Jews into the sea.’
In Egypt, 1928, Hassan al-Banna founded the Muslim Brotherhood, a pan-Islamic movement, meant to spread the Caliphate across the world. The Brotherhood includes CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) and the National Council of Canadian Muslims, tasked with infiltrating and influencing governments and the military. Other branches include the Muslim Students Associations (MSA) and Hamas. MSA spreads antisemitism with groups like BDS (Boycott, Divest and Sanction) and Israel Apartheid Week. Students for Justice in Palestine is Hamas on campus. BDS’s goal “is to euthanize the Israeli dream”. Hamas’ charter calls for killing every Jew in the world.
Before 1964, only Jews were called Palestinians. In 1964, the Soviet KGB created the Palestine Liberation Organization in Egypt. They simply called Israel, “Palestine” and any Arab who ever lived there, “Palestinians”. That is the origin of Palestinianism.
In 1993-95, Israel and the PLO signed the Oslo Accords, which allowed Yasser Arafat and 100,000 followers to enter Israel. Arafat made it clear the accords were like Mohammed’s pact with the Quraysh Jews. The Prophet reneged on his treaty, slaughtered the whole tribe, taking the women as slaves. Nobody took Arafat seriously.
The PLO agreed to, but have not, removed their charter clause calling for the deaths of Israeli Jews.
Iranian-sponsored terrorism must be eliminated. Israel must be supported unreservedly.
Israel is the canary in the coal mine. If radical Islam defeats it, all democracies will collapse.
Len Bennett, Author of ‘Unfinished Work’
Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA
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