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The Biden Team’s Schizophrenia
Dear Editor:
Schizophrenia is a serious condition. People can exhibit disorganized thinking. The Biden/Harris team claims to support Israel’s right to self-defense, yet restricts its ability to do so.
They demanded Israel stay out of Rafah and the Philadelphi Corridor. Israel attacked and found the tunnels through which Gazan terrorists received supplies, weapons and fighters.
Clearly Israel was right, but Biden/Harris punished Israel by withholding materials from them.
On Oct. 1, Iran, for the second time, launched a massive rocket and missile attack on Israel.
Again Biden/Harris is interfering. It is difficult to not see the parallel with Neville Chamberlain’s claim in 1938 to have brought “peace for our time.” Chamberlain’s appeasement of Hitler did not prevent WWII. Capitulating to Iran will not diminish its plan of nuking Israel. This is a clash of civilizations. Radical Islam’s ultimate goal is to replace the Big Satan with a Caliphate.
The Muslim Brotherhood made inroads into the Democratic party under Barack Obama. Obama/Biden turned from supporting Israel to shipping billions of taxpayer’s dollars on pallets to the Ayatollahs and signing the JCPOA, which any honest person knew was a fraud.
Trump reversed these policies, placing sanctions on Iran to curb its ability to fund terrorism. Biden/Harris, in their administration, made Iran great again.
Biden is demanding Israel not retaliate by bombing Iran’s nuclear facilities. These are the sites Iran will use to wipe out Israel.
We need a Churchill at a time like this. Unless America is prepared to join in militarily to help remove the evil regime that invaded our embassy in Tehran on Nov. 4, 1979, Israel will take whatever actions it must to defend its people.
Len Bennett, Author of ‘Unfinished Work’
Deerfield Beach, Fl
Say “No” to Replacing Carbon Fueled Vehicles
Dear Editor:
With the explosion of natural disasters in our Southeastern states, Florida, Georgia, North and South Carolina, we have to examine the reality and feasibility of replacing our current fleets of carbon based vehicles, especially emergency ones, with those powered by electricity (EV’s). Could you imagine, during or after a violent hurricane, earthquake or other major occurrence to have such EV’s respond to scenes where electricity would be shut off for days, even weeks? How would they continue to function without being recharged?
Our current source of power for most on the road vehicles is gasoline, which is plentiful, safe and easily stored for future use. Rescuers, during emergencies, can travel far and wide, carrying with them fuel for countless miles. Rather EV vehicles have to be near sources of electricity which are rarely available during emergency operations.
In short, let’s be realistic and put off replacing carbon fueled vehicles until the time when electricity is available in portable form.
Carl Siegel
The Danger of the Far Left
Dear Editor,
Now that Israel is facing an animated, dangerous Hamas, fueled by its Islamic based hatred of Jews, together with an obviously anti-Israel Democrat party headed by Harris and Walz, that tiny Jewish state is in danger…of destruction. All you Democrat Jews, face the facts, please. Forget about your life-long membership and loyalty to The Party. Disregard your memories of FDR, Truman and Carter. Drop your hatred for Trump, who is the only current salvation of Israel and worldwide Jewry.
Stop listening to the voices of the Far Left as represented in the news columns and editorials of the NYT and the likes of Morning Joe who are filled with fake-outs of how Israel is the culprit in the Middle East. The Jewish State is dependent on the voices of Americans like you who must stand strong in the wake of the now violent outpouring of Jew hatred from its enemies who are determined to bring it to its knees. Speak out!!
Herman Kottick,
Freeport, NY
Where Did All the FEMA Money Go?
Dear Editor:
Where did all the money in the FEMA repository end up? Where did it go? And what will the current, incompetent administration do for funding for the helpless victims of the many hurricanes that have already and are prepared to hit with devastating violence if they are out of funds?
Do Biden and Harris think that illegals come first before our citizens when it comes to their safety, security and well being? Obviously so and let’s see if those voters affected by the stupidity of our present leadership remember this at Election Day,
Mort Kaminsky
Valley Stream, NY
Why Not Extradite Terrorists?
Dear Editor:
In her official remarks on October 7th Vice President Kamala Harris [] promised that she “will never stop fighting for justice” for the American citizens murdered by Hamas during its invasion of southern Israel.
But another Hamas murderer of Americans has been living openly in Jordan for years—and the Biden-Harris administration has never made any effort to bring her to justice. That killer, Ahlam Tamimi, played a major role in the 2001 bombing of the Sbarro pizzeria in Jerusalem, in which U.S. citizens Malki Roth, Judith Greenbaum, and Chana Nachenberg were murdered. Tamimi isn’t hard to find—she hosts a Hamas sponsored television show in Jordan.
The U.S. indicted Tamimi years ago, yet the Biden-Harris administration has never demanded that the Jordanians hand her over—even though America and Jordan have an extradition treaty.
There are also dozens of Palestinian Arab terrorists who have murdered Americans and are living under the protection of the Palestinian Authority—some of them are even serving in the Palestinian Authority’s security forces. Yet the Biden-Harris administration has never pressed the PA to hand them over to the U.S. for prosecution.
It’s tragic that many of our political leaders seem to care more about offending Jordan or the PA, than prosecuting these murderers of Americans. The American Jewish community needs to speak out loudly to demand that these murderers be brought to justice.
Moshe Phillips
National Chairman
Americans For A Safe Israel / AFSI
New York, NY