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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Failed Concepts of the IDF Chief of Staff of the Northern Command

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By: Aviad Visuli

The IDF Chief of Staff has completely failed in Lebanon. For almost a year, Hezbollah has been bombing Israeli towns without interruption, with increasing frequency. Senior command is trapped in a series of failed concepts, leading to a colossal and worsening failure.

This failure to hold Lebanon responsible for the attacks has led to a misguided and incomplete response. The focus has remained narrowly on Hezbollah itself, ignoring the fact that Lebanon, as a nation, is providing safe haven and tacit support to the group. This has enabled Hezbollah to escalate its aggression without fear of retribution against the state it operates within.

The primary failed concept is that Israel is attacked by Hezbollah and is fighting them. This assumption is based on ignorance of the concept of “sovereignty.” Israel is a sovereign state bordering Lebanon, and every missile or drone from Lebanon entering Israel is a violation of sovereignty under Lebanon’s responsibility. Israel should hold the Lebanese government accountable, not Hezbollah or other terrorist organizations.

The Chief of Staff’s failure to recognize the responsible party leads to a dramatic conclusion: Israel should target Lebanon’s infrastructure in response to continued bombings. Destroying Lebanon’s essential infrastructure (electricity, internet, transportation, etc.) would send a clear message to Lebanese leaders, including Hezbollah, about the consequences of violating Israeli sovereignty.

Additionally, the second flawed concept is the idea that negotiations with Hezbollah are possible. Radical Islam, which declared Jihad on Israel, sees negotiations as merely a show for the Americans and Europeans, allowing them to continue their mission.

The third mistaken belief is that Hezbollah’s retreat to the Litani River will solve Israel’s security issues. Missiles and drones can still be launched from hundreds of kilometers away, and Lebanon must surrender or beg for a ceasefire for Israel’s security to be truly guaranteed.

The fourth absurd concept is that killing a few Hezbollah fighters will resolve the issue. Even after hundreds of militants were killed, the attacks continue, exposing this strategy as a failure.

The proper response to attacks on Israeli towns should be the total destruction of Shiite villages in South Lebanon. If residents do not evacuate after warnings, they could face the consequences. The destruction should increase with every attack to drive the message home.

The continued attacks from Hezbollah and the ineffectiveness of Israel’s response have led many to call for a complete overhaul of the country’s military leadership. Critics assert that the Chief of Staff, along with the Defense Minister and senior command, have failed to grasp the reality of the situation and are stuck in a cycle of repeated mistakes. These leaders are being compared to those who made similar miscalculations in Gaza, where Israel has struggled to fully neutralize the threat from Hamas.

The call for change is not just about military tactics but about strategic vision. Israel needs leaders who are willing to take decisive action, hold Lebanon accountable, and implement a coherent plan that prioritizes Israeli sovereignty and security. Every day that the current leadership remains in place, the situation worsens.

The focus on Hezbollah as an isolated actor, the misguided belief in negotiations, the reliance on outdated geographic boundaries, and the overemphasis on eliminating fighters have all contributed to the current crisis. New leadership is urgently needed to guide the country through this dangerous and escalating conflict.

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