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Saturday, February 8, 2025

Letters to the Editor

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‘Taqiyya’ Should Not Be Tolerated

Dear Editor:

Western law is based on the ten commandments. “Thou shalt not bear false witness” is core to Judeo-Christian morality.

By contrast, Islamists believe in ‘taqiyya’, meaning they do not have to say what they really think when dealing with non-believers. It is the action of committing a sin for a pious goal. Lying to the infidel for the purpose of gaining an advantage is a respected and expected feature in negotiations.

Taqiyya is enshrined in the Koran. In 622, the Prophet Mohammed found shelter among the Quraysh Jews after being rejected in Mecca. The Jews operated camel caravans. They signed the Constitution of Medina, ensuring co-operation and laying the foundation for a Muslim community. In 629 Mohammad turned on the Jews. He directed the decapitation of between 600 and 900 unarmed men and enslaved 1000 girls and women.

Radical Islam has been waging a 100-year war against the West. It believes anything once Muslim is Muslim forever. Infidels are Dhimmi, inferior, to be looked down upon. Blacks are called ‘abeed’, meaning slaves. Female captives are ‘sabaye’, sex-slaves.

Europe and North America have become acquiescent to Islamic pressures. Saudi Arabia and Qatar manipulated our universities. The media repeats Hamas’ statistics without verification. Politicians pander to their Islamist constituents.

There are 100 Muslims in the world for every Jew. The United Nations has 56 Muslim and one Jewish members. Anti-Israel resolutions are overwhelmingly based on misinformation.

Taqiyya should be recognized by the free world and not tolerated.

Len Bennett, Author of ‘Unfinished Work’
Deerfield Beach, Fl.


Challenging the Biden Admin’s Pressure on Israel

Dear Editor:

I’m tired of everybody whining about how the media is biased against Israel. Of course, they’re biased. But they’ll never change. Our pro-Israel organizations should be focusing their funds and energy on challenging the Biden administration’s pressure on Israel. And I don’t mean just issuing long-winded press releases. They should be marching in Washington, just as 500 rabbis did in 1943 when FDR was abandoning the Jews. I’m fed up with these so called Jewish leaders collecting big salaries instead of leading the charge for Israel.

David Geldengould
Boro Park


Challenging the Biden Admin’s Pressure on Israel

Dear Editor:

I’m tired of everybody whining about how the media is biased against Israel. Of course, they’re biased. But they’ll never change. Our pro-Israel organizations should be focusing their funds and energy on challenging the Biden administration’s pressure on Israel. And I don’t mean just issuing long-winded press releases. They should be marching in Washington, just as 500 rabbis did in 1943 when FDR was abandoning the Jews. I’m fed up with these so called Jewish leaders collecting big salaries instead of leading the charge for Israel.

David Geldengould
Boro Park


The Saudis Are “Blatant Hypocrites”

Dear Editor:

According to your May 28 news article, Saudi Arabia is again pushing for creation of a Palestinian state. What’s interesting to me is that from 1948 to 1967, when Jordan occupied the “West Bank” territories, the Saudis never said a word about creating a Palestinian state. Meaning, the Saudis are blatant hypocrites who only show their “concern” for the poor Palestinian Arabs when it becomes a way to club Israel over the head. I say: the Saudis have millions of miles of undeveloped land. If they’re so anxious to have a Palestinian state, let them set one up on their own land.

Ethel Merlank


Dem Party is in an Eruption Stage

Dear Editor:

I stopped accepting as true, the incredible powers of Superman, Bullet-Man and Captain Marvel as I grew up. And as a result, became aware of how immature minds were so easily vulnerable to obvious fantasies offered them… to capture their imaginations…to make them feel good…..to satisfy their needs for something to believe in. And, it’s happening now.

We’re being force fed by the Democrat Party and their lapdog media helpmates to believe the outright lie that President Joe is lucid, clear thinking and of sound mind. We’re told that unedited videos of him falling off a bike, tripping going up stairs, being led around by an aide dressed as a bunny at a White House Easter egg hunt, told by so many others where to stand, sit and how to exit a stage were “cheap fakes!” We’re told to believe that his appearances at events where he is frozen in time, mimicking life-size cardboard cut-outs of himself are unreal. Or that his unintelligible, incomprehensible mumbling of gibberish-like words are normal. It is we who are to blame for suspecting something wrong with our Commander-in-Chief.

Alan Bergstein
Boca Raton, FL


The Fallacy of the “Two State” Solution

Dear Editor:

You have been reporting for years how the State Department and the Jewish left are demanding a “two state solution.” That’s a clever little slogan because it hides what the borders of the Palestinian state would be. If they said openly what those borders would be, very few Israelis or American Jews would support it. I think from now on, when the media report somebody calling for “a two-state solution,” they should then add the words, “meaning that Israel would return to being nine miles wide.” Because that’s the bitter truth— “two state solution” actually “Nine Miles Wide” solution. We should be open about what it means, and then the Jewish public can decide whether it supports that “solution.”

Shimon Mandelblatt

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