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Former White House Physician Calls for President Biden’s Resignation Over Cognitive Health Concerns

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Edited by: Fern Sidman

In a controversial statement, former White House physician and current Republican Congressman Ronny Jackson has called for President Joe Biden to resign immediately, citing concerns over his cognitive health. According to a report that appeared on Saturday in The New York Post, Jackson, who served as the personal physician to former Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump, has publicly questioned Biden’s fitness for office following what he described as a “disastrous” debate performance.

“This is a national security issue,” Jackson told The Post, emphasizing the gravity of the situation. “As an American, I think he needs to step down and he needs to be immediately removed from office.” Jackson’s remarks reflect a growing concern among some observers about President Biden’s cognitive abilities and their potential impact on his capability to govern effectively.

Ronny Jackson, a former Navy rear admiral, served as Obama’s personal physician from 2013 to 2016 and as Trump’s from 2016 to 2018. Drawing on his medical background, Jackson suggested that Biden’s confused and halting performance during the debate could be indicative of a cognitive disease. “There is a condition. I don’t know what it is. I am not going to give him a diagnosis. It is more than just age. It is some type of cognitive disease,” Jackson told The Post. “I don’t know if it’s Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s, I don’t know what it is. There are a lot of diseases out there when folks get older which can cause cognitive decline.”

The issue of cognitive function was brought to the forefront during the debate when Trump mentioned Jackson’s name, questioning Biden’s mental acuity. According to the information provided in The Post, Jackson asserted that Biden’s performance served as an informal cognitive test, which he believes Biden “failed miserably.” Jackson’s well founded critique of Biden’s debate performance aims to bolster his argument for the president’s immediate resignation.

Jackson has previously called on Biden to take a formal cognitive test, a request that has not been fulfilled. “You aren’t going to hear me talk about cognitive tests anymore. He got one [Thursday] night in front of millions of viewers and he failed miserably,” Jackson told The Post. This statement underscores Jackson’s belief that Biden’s recent public appearances provide sufficient evidence of cognitive decline.

The call for President Biden to resign due to alleged cognitive issues is not only a medical concern but also a politically charged statement. Jackson’s position as a Republican congressman and his previous service under Trump might lead some to view his comments through a partisan lens, the Post report suggested.  Nonetheless, the claims raise important questions about the health and fitness of public officials, especially those in positions of significant power.

The White House has not responded to Jackson’s recent statements. However, such allegations, especially coming from a former White House physician, are likely to spark further debate and scrutiny regarding President Biden’s health. This situation may also influence public opinion and potentially impact Biden’s re-election campaign.

If Biden does not step down voluntarily, Jackson suggests that his cabinet should consider invoking the 25th Amendment to remove him from office. As per the information contained in The Post report, this amendment to the constitution allows for the removal of a president if the vice president and a majority of the cabinet determine that the president is “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.” Jackson asserted that Biden’s performance during the CNN debate that took place on Thursday night provides ample evidence of his cognitive decline. “If Biden does not leave of his own accord, his cabinet secretaries should consider invoking the 25th Amendment,” Jackson stated, according to The Post report.

The cognitive abilities of both Biden, 81, and Trump, 78, have been a focal point of media scrutiny for months. The Post reported that during the CNN debate, Trump highlighted his cognitive testing, stating, “I took two tests, cognitive tests, I aced them, both of them as you know. We made them public. Biden took none. I’d like to see him take one.” Biden’s bemused reaction did little to quell the speculation about his mental fitness.

Jackson reinforced his view that Trump does not suffer from cognitive decline, saying, “Anybody can sit down and talk to Trump for hours on end; he’s very sharp, has an incredible memory. There has been no change whatsoever in his cognitive abilities since I have known him.”

Indicated in The Post report was that if Biden were to win a second term, he would be 86 years old at its conclusion, a factor that intensifies the debate about his physical and cognitive suitability for the presidency.

Despite these concerns, the Biden campaign remains steadfast. Team Biden has confirmed that he will continue his re-election bid and plans to participate in an ABC-sponsored debate scheduled for September, as was noted in The Post report. This commitment underscores their determination to address and overcome the narrative surrounding Biden’s cognitive health.

In response to the mounting speculation, former President Obama has publicly supported Biden. The report in The Post said that in a post on the social media platform X, Obama wrote, “Bad debate nights happen,” aiming to downplay the significance of Biden’s performance and reassure the Democratic base.



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