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Monday, July 8, 2024

American Flags Burned in Washington Square Park, as Haters of the US and Israel Gather on July 4th

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Edited by:  Fern Sidman

On Independence Day, a typically patriotic celebration across the United States, Washington Square Park in New York City became the epicenter of a highly charged and controversial protest. According to a report on Thursday in The New York Post, a group of approximately 100 anti-Israel demonstrators gathered as part of the “Flood Manhattan for July 4th” campaign. The protest, marked by the burning of American flags and chants of “Burn it down!”, drew significant attention and sparked intense debate.

As the demonstrators convened in the iconic park, their message quickly became clear. The group, comprised largely of young individuals, expressed their discontent through incendiary actions and slogans. Video footage from the scene captures the intensity of the protest. As was reported in The New York Post, among the demonstrators, a New Yorker wearing a Yankees hat attempted to engage in dialogue, only to be shouted down by another man who loudly proclaimed, “F–k Israel! F–k America! Woohoo!” This exclamation was met with laughter and approval from others in the America hating crowd, highlighting the charged atmosphere.

Normalization and Abraham Accords: The momentum behind the normalization of relations between Israel and several Arab states, known as the Abraham Accords, has slowed. The Red-Green Alliance’s advocacy for Palestinian rights and opposition to Israeli policies have contributed to a more cautious American stance on these agreements.

Approach Towards Iran: The US’s hesitant approach towards Iran is another indicator of the alliance’s influence. Progressive groups within the alliance push for diplomatic engagement and lifting of sanctions, arguing that this will lead to regional stability and reduce the threat of war. This perspective often clashes with the more hawkish views traditionally held by American policymakers.

Support for Hamas: Perhaps most controversially, the alliance has seen segments of the progressive movement express support for Hamas, viewing its struggle as part of a broader fight against imperialism and occupation. This stance has implications for American support of the purportedly more moderate Palestinian Authority and has sparked intense debate within the US about the nature of Palestinian representation and leadership.

The growing influence of the Red-Green Alliance has significant ramifications for Israel and the Jewish community in the United States. The shift in American foreign policy has led to:


Increased Tensions: The changing dynamics have increased tensions between the US and Israel. The slower pace of normalization and cautious approach towards Iran are seen by some as a departure from the strong bilateral relationship traditionally upheld by both countries.

Domestic Impact: Within the US, the alliance’s positions have fueled debates about anti-Semitism and the line between legitimate criticism of Israel and harmful rhetoric. The Jewish community finds itself navigating these complex discussions, balancing support for Israel with advocacy against discrimination and for human rights.

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  1. These Leftist pro-Palestine rioters are terrorists and should be treated as such. They’re part of the Neo-Marxist cultural movement taking over our schools, colleges, and institutions. If not controlled and/or eliminated, they will further destroy our nation and all we hold dear! Unfortunately, they progressive Leftist Democrats have invited them in and protects them. So shameful.


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