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Zelensky Unveils “Comprehensive Plan” for Ending War with Russia

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Zelensky Unveils “Comprehensive Plan” for Ending War with Russia

On Friday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced the development of a “comprehensive plan” detailing Kyiv’s vision for ending the war with Russia, AFP reported.

Currently, there are no ongoing public negotiations between Ukraine and Russia, and statements from Zelensky and Russian President Vladimir Putin suggest that both sides remain deeply divided on the terms of a potential peace agreement.

Earlier this month, Zelensky hosted a significant international summit in Switzerland—excluding Russia—to garner support for Ukraine’s stance. “It is crucial for us to present a plan to end the war that will gain widespread global support,” Zelensky stated during a press conference in Kyiv with Slovenian President Natasa Pirc Musar.

The summit saw participation from leaders and senior officials from over 90 countries, most of whom endorsed a final communiqué emphasizing the importance of respecting Ukraine’s “territorial integrity” in any peace settlement. However, notable dissent came from key attendees like India, while China, an ally of Russia, boycotted the event in protest of Russia’s exclusion.

Ukraine has consistently demanded that Russia withdraw its troops from all internationally recognized Ukrainian territories, including Crimea, which Russia annexed in 2014, before commencing peace talks. In contrast, Putin, who initiated a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, insists that Ukraine must relinquish even more territory in the east and south.

During a speech in Brussels on Thursday, Zelensky announced plans to present a “detailed plan” within a few months, citing the urgent need due to high casualties among soldiers and civilians.

On the battlefield, Russian forces continue to make slow advances, claiming the capture of another small frontline village on Friday. Currently, they occupy around a fifth of Ukraine and, in 2022, declared the annexation of four additional regions, none of which they fully control.

Ukraine continues to rely heavily on Western financial and military support to resist the Russian invasion, despite being outgunned, outmanned, and exhausted after over two years of relentless conflict.

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