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Motorcyclist Violently Attacked by Anti-Israel Mob Near Brooklyn Museum Takeover

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Motorcyclist Violently Attacked by Anti-Israel Mob Near Brooklyn Museum Takeover  

Edited by: Fern Sidman

On Friday, the Brooklyn Museum became the focal point of a large-scale anti-Israel demonstration that culminated in the arrest of nearly two dozen individuals. This protest, which saw the participation of approximately 1,000 people, was marked by a series of confrontations with law enforcement, dramatic acts of civil disobedience, and frightening visual displays of anti-Israel animus.

According to a report on Saturday in The New York Post, among the 22 individuals arrested was Alvin Dan, a 32-year-old resident of Staten Island. Dan, who is no stranger to protests, faces charges of assault, resisting arrest, and obstruction of justice. His previous arrests at high-profile events such as the Met Gala in April and the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade last year highlight his persistent anti-Israel, and pro-Hamas activism, as per the information provided in The Post report.  Alongside Dan, seven others received summonses, and initial police reports indicated that 34 people were taken into custody, though this number was later revised.

The protest’s intensity was evident from the outset. Demonstrators scaled the Brooklyn Museum’s facade, using climbing equipment to rappel down its sides and gain entry into the building. The Post report indicated that once inside, they established an encampment, signifying their intention to occupy the space as a form of sustained protest. Simultaneously, other activists reached the museum’s roof, where they unfurled a massive banner emblazoned with the messages “Free Palestine” and “Divest From Genocide.”

Outside, the scene was equally charged. Approximately 800 seething protesters surrounded the museum, some clashing with security personnel and verbally confronting police officers. According to the information contained in The Post report, the demonstration’s fervor was further expressed through acts of vandalism, with the iconic yellow “OY/YO” sculpture being defaced with graffiti bearing slogans such as “Free Palestine” and “Free Gaza.”

This pro-Hamas, pro-terror protest at the Brooklyn Museum is part of a broader series of anti-Israel demonstrations that have taken place across the United States and globally. These protests often coincide with significant cultural or political events, aiming to draw maximum attention to the Hamas cause.

The protest, organized by the anti-Israel group “Within Our Lifetime,” culminated in a series of confrontations with law enforcement and incidents of violence that have drawn significant public and media attention, the Post report said.

One of the most alarming episodes during the protest involved a violent assault on a pro-Israel motorcyclist. Captured on film and widely circulated on social media, the footage shows aggressive demonstrators surrounding the motorcyclist, who was wearing an Israeli flag as a cape. The information in the Post report indicated that the crowd chanted “Free Palestine” and “I hope you die” before one individual grabbed the motorcyclist’s flag and forcibly pulled the driver to the ground. This incident highlights the virulent anti-Semitism that is endemic to these protests and the potential for violence that can and does arise.

The protest was initiated nearly a mile away from the Brooklyn Museum, near the Barclays Center. The group, Within Our Lifetime, called on its supporters to “flood the Brooklyn Museum for Gaza” and occupy the institution until its leaders disclosed and divested from any investments linked to Israel’s conflict with Hamas in Gaza, as was detailed in The Post report. The group’s demands and their method of protest reflect a strategic effort to leverage public and media attention to pressure institutional change.

The police response to the Brooklyn Museum protest involved managing a large, volatile crowd and addressing acts of violence and property damage. The delay in determining charges for those arrested reflects the complexity of legal proceedings following such large-scale demonstrations

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