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The Jewish Voice Endorses George Latimer for NY’s 16th Congressional District.

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As early voting commences for New York’s primaries, the spotlight is firmly on the Democratic contest in the Bronx-Westchester 16th Congressional District. In this critical race, The Jewish Voice unequivocally endorses County Executive George Latimer over the incumbent, two-term Rep. Jamaal Bowman. The choice is clear: Latimer embodies the qualities and values needed to effectively represent the district and address its most pressing issues.

George Latimer is a seasoned and dedicated public servant with a track record of pragmatic leadership. As a mainstream New York Democrat, he has consistently demonstrated his commitment to working across the aisle. His focus on key issues such as affordable housing, job creation for the middle and working classes, and tackling climate change reflects a deep understanding of the district’s needs. Latimer’s approach is rooted in practicality and a genuine desire to improve the lives of his constituents, making him an ideal candidate to represent the 16th District in Congress.

In stark contrast, Rep. Jamaal Bowman’s tenure has been marred by controversy and a troubling pattern of deception. Bowman’s rhetoric often veers into the realm of conspiracy theories and divisive race-based politics. His initial denial of the horrific on-video rapes committed by Hamas on October 7 is just one example of his dangerous disregard for truth and justice. Furthermore, Bowman’s actions have yielded little tangible benefit for the district, highlighting his ineffectiveness as a representative.

Bowman’s dishonesty extends beyond his political rhetoric. He notoriously pulled a fire alarm in an attempt to disrupt a House vote and subsequently lied about his intentions, claiming it was an innocent mistake. Video evidence later contradicted his statement, revealing a calculated effort to derail the legislative process.

Bowman’s deceitful nature is further exemplified by his interactions with the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). Publicly, he claims to have distanced himself from the DSA, especially after the New York branch co-sponsored a pro-Hamas rally on October 8. However, in private meetings with the DSA, Bowman admitted to maintaining his membership and expressed personal support for the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement. His reluctance to publicly disclose his stance is driven by the district’s significant Jewish and pro-Israel population, revealing a calculated effort to mislead his constituents.

George Latimer stands in stark contrast to Bowman’s duplicity. He respects Israel’s right to exist within secure borders and to defend itself against attacks. Latimer’s integrity and commitment to honest, effective representation make him the clear choice for the 16th District. His focus on unity, practical solutions, and respectful discourse is precisely what the district needs in these challenging times.

The stakes in this primary are high, and the choice is clear. New Yorkers in the 16th Congressional District deserve a representative who is honest, effective, and committed to addressing their needs. George Latimer’s proven track record and dedication to public service make him the no-brainer choice for Democrats. It is time to elect a leader who prioritizes the well-being of his constituents over divisive rhetoric and deceptive politics. George Latimer is that leader.




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