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A Disturbing Surge: Anti-Semitism in Canada Amidst the Israel-Gaza Conflict

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A Disturbing Surge: Anti-Semitism in Canada Amidst the Israel-Gaza Conflict

Edited by: Fern Sidman

The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) has recently come under intense scrutiny amid allegations of discriminatory practices against Jewish students. Critics argue that the TDSB’s policies, purportedly aimed at combating anti-Palestinian hate, have been weaponized to marginalize Jewish identity and suppress expressions of Jewish history and culture.

The most serious accusations against the TDSB include claims that the board has voted to ban the teaching of Jewish history under the guise of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) mandates. This move effectively erases the cultural and historical identity of Jewish students. The contention is that these DEI policies, which ostensibly promote inclusivity and respect for all backgrounds, are being misused to exclude and punish expressions of Jewish heritage.

Several specific incidents have fueled the controversy:

Suspensions for Wearing Jewish Symbols: Reports suggest that Jewish students who wear the Star of David, a widely recognized symbol of Judaism and Jewish identity, risk suspension for allegedly promoting anti-Palestinian hate. This policy has been criticized as a gross misinterpretation of the symbol’s significance and an infringement on religious expression.

Punishment for Expressing Zionist Views: Students who express pride in Zionism or identify as Zionists reportedly face suspension. Zionism, the movement supporting the re-establishment and support of a Jewish state in the territory defined as the historic Land of Israel, is a deeply rooted aspect of Jewish identity. Critics argue that penalizing students for such expressions equates to suppressing a fundamental part of their cultural and historical heritage.

Remarks on Hamas: There are allegations that students who refer to Hamas as a terrorist organization could also face disciplinary action. This is particularly contentious given that many governments and international organizations, including the United States and the European Union, officially designate Hamas as a terrorist group. The implication that acknowledging this designation constitutes anti-Palestinian hate has sparked significant debate.

The allegations against the TDSB have ignited outrage and fear among Jewish communities in Toronto and beyond. The targeting of Jewish symbols and expressions of identity has led to accusations that the school board is fostering an environment where being Jewish is seen as inherently antagonistic to Palestinians. This not only misrepresents the Jewish faith and culture but also exacerbates tensions and divisions within the school community.

The controversy surrounding the TDSB’s policies raises broader concerns about how DEI initiatives are implemented and interpreted. While the intention behind such initiatives is to create a more inclusive and respectful environment for all students, the execution can sometimes lead to unintended consequences. The allegations against the TDSB suggest that a balance must be struck to ensure that efforts to combat hate and discrimination do not inadvertently marginalize or suppress other identities.

Community leaders and concerned parents are calling for a thorough review of the TDSB’s policies and practices. They demand transparency and accountability to ensure that all students, regardless of their background, can express their identities freely and without fear of retribution. The broader community is urged to stay vigilant and advocate for policies that genuinely promote inclusivity and respect for all.

2023-2024 –  The Escalation of Anti-Semitism in Canada

Anti-Semitism in Canada saw a dramatic and troubling increase last year, as the conflict between Israel and Gaza was used as a pretext for targeting Jews within Canada. A Toronto news web site known as CP24.com reported that this alarming trend was highlighted in a May 6th report by B’nai Brith, a prominent Jewish advocacy organization, which was released earlier this year to coincide with Yom HaShoah, or Holocaust Remembrance Day.

The B’nai Brith report paints a stark picture of the escalation in anti-Semitic acts. According to the document, there were 5,791 documented instances of violence, harassment, and vandalism directed at Jews in Canada in 2023. This figure represents a more than twofold increase compared to the 2,769 incidents reported in 2022. The surge includes 77 violent incidents, over three times the number recorded the previous year.

The latest data from B’nai Brith Canada reveals that 2023 saw the highest number of antisemitic incidents recorded in a single year since the organization began its annual tally in 1982. These figures are corroborated by reports from several municipal police forces, including those in Toronto, Ottawa, and Vancouver, all of which have documented an exponential increase in hate-motivated incidents targeting Jews over the past year.

The rise in anti-Semitism was a central theme during speeches delivered in early May at the National Holocaust Monument in Ottawa by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre. CP24.com reported that Prime Minister Trudeau noted the disturbing escalation since October 7, describing it as a scale of anti-Semitism not witnessed for generations.

“In 2023, we entered a period of crisis,” remarked Richard Robertson, the director of research for B’nai Brith Canada, according to the CP24.com report.

Robertson emphasized that there is no single source of the increase in anti-Semitic incidents, attributing the surge to various groups across the political spectrum. CP24.com reported that he pointed to the “alt-left, the far right, and those acting at the behest of foreign actors” as contributing factors. This multifaceted origin of anti-Semitism reflects a complex web of hatred that spans ideological divides.

The conflict between Israel and Hamas terrorists in Gaza has historically been a flashpoint for anti-Semitic rhetoric and actions globally, and Canada is no exception. As per the information in the CP24.com report, the latest escalation has evidently been exploited by extremists to justify their bigotry, resulting in a sharp increase in hostility towards Jews in the country.

The Jewish community in Canada, already vigilant against anti-Semitism, finds itself in a heightened state of alert. The significant rise in documented incidents has not only increased fear and anxiety among Canadian Jews but also underscored the necessity for robust protective measures and legal interventions.

The B’nai Brith report, while distressing, serves as a crucial document that sheds light on the reality faced by Jewish Canadians today. It calls for urgent intervention and sustained efforts to ensure that Canada remains a safe and inclusive place for all its citizens, regardless of their faith or heritage.

Targeted Attacks on Jewish Institutions

In October, the Winnipeg Police investigated a shooting at a Jewish home, categorizing it as an act of hate. This incident was a grim reminder of the vulnerability of Jewish communities in Canada. Similarly, in Montreal, police launched investigations following two separate attacks on Jewish schools overnight in November, and another incident involving a Molotov cocktail thrown at a synagogue, as was affirmed in the CP24.com report. These attacks have heightened fears among Jewish residents, reflecting a broader pattern of violence and intimidation.

Toronto also saw its share of anti-Semitic threats. Police arrested three individuals after students at a Jewish high school were threatened in October.

Robertson highlighted the alarming frequency of these incidents. “This means that on average, a Jewish Canadian was threatened or assaulted every fourth day in 2023,” he said, as was indicated in the CP24.com report.

The data reveals 462 acts of vandalism targeting Jewish property in 2023. However, the vast majority of recorded incidents—4,847—took the form of online harassment. These digital threats ranged from explicit death threats, such as “you and your family are going to die,” to messages expressing joy at the deaths caused by Hamas on October 7, and declarations of intent to eradicate Israel or Jews.

The significant spike in anti-Semitic incidents can be linked to the events following October 7, when Hamas terrorists invaded Israel, resulting in the deaths of 1,200 people and the taking of over 200 hostages. More than half of the reported anti-Semitic incidents in Canada occurred in the three months following the initial Hamas attack, CP24.com reported.  This period saw an intensification of online and physical assaults against Jewish individuals and institutions, reflecting the heightened global tensions and their local repercussions.

Within a week of the attack, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) issued a call for “increased vigilance” in light of a noticeable spike in online anti-Semitic threats, as per the CP24.com report. This alarming trend reflects a broader, more systemic rise in anti-Semitism that has left Canadian Jews feeling increasingly vulnerable and isolated.


Robertson described this “aggressive rise in anti-Semitism” as leaving Canadian Jews feeling “dehumanized, ostracized, and abandoned.” He highlighted the systemic nature of this hatred, noting that it has forced the Jewish community to question the continued vitality of their presence in Canada. “For perhaps the first time, there was a genuine concern that the Jewish Canadian narrative is at risk of being subject to erasure,” Robertson said, according to the CP24.com report.

The Nation’s Leaders Speak Out

The rise in anti-Semitism in Canada is not occurring in a vacuum. According to the information contained in the CP24.com report, Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre, speaking at a ceremony in May at the National Holocaust Monument in Ottawa, emphasized that the fading memories of the Holocaust have allowed old, totalitarian ideologies to resurface. He pointed out that the same hateful rhetoric and precursor actions that fueled the Nazis in Germany are re-emerging today, manifesting in various forms across Canadian society.

The resurgence of anti-Semitism in Canada has manifested in various alarming ways, from verbal harassment to physical violence and vandalism. On university campuses, anti-Semitic rhetoric has become increasingly prevalent, targeting Jewish students and creating a hostile academic environment. Jewish buildings and homes have also been attacked, further intensifying the sense of vulnerability within the community.

Poilievre specifically highlighted the proliferation of anti-Semitic rhetoric on university campuses and the targeting of Jewish buildings and homes. He noted that these developments have led many Jewish Canadians to make the “heart-wrenching decision” to conceal their identity, CP24.com reported. Symbols of Jewish faith and heritage, such as the Star of David, kippahs, and mezuzahs, are increasingly being hidden or removed as a protective measure against potential threats.

In a strong statement, Poilievre condemned the situation, declaring, “In Canada, it is absolutely unacceptable that you should be faced with this dilemma.”CP24.com reported that he asserted that Jewish Canadians must be allowed to live “fearlessly and proudly,” and emphasized that it is the responsibility of every Canadian, regardless of their background, to support this right.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, speaking at the same ceremony in May commemorating Yom HaShoah, or Holocaust Remembrance Day, also addressed the surge in anti-Semitism. He described the October 7 attack on Israel as the largest mass killing of Jews since the Holocaust, using this historical context to underscore the gravity of the current situation, as was indicated in the CP24.com report. Trudeau specifically criticized those who use “Zionism” as a vehicle for expressing hatred, defending the concept as a legitimate and important aspect of Jewish identity and self-determination.

Trudeau’s remarks on Zionism were particularly poignant. He argued that in a country like Canada, it should be safe to declare oneself a Zionist, regardless of one’s religious background. “Zionism is not a dirty word or something anyone should be targeted for agreeing with. It is the belief at its simplest that Jewish people, like all peoples, have the right to determine their own future,” he stated, according to the CP24.com report. This defense of Zionism as a legitimate and non-hateful belief counters the narrative that has often been used to justify anti-Semitic actions and rhetoric.

The psychological impact of this surge in anti-Semitism cannot be understated. The feeling of being under siege, both physically and ideologically, has profound implications for the Jewish community’s sense of security and belonging. The decision to hide one’s religious and cultural symbols is a deeply distressing one, symbolizing a retreat from public life and a step towards invisibility.


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