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RAA Rosh Chodesh Shevat Conference Tackles Anti-Semitism and Discusses Israel Security Needs

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RAA Rosh Chodesh Shevat Conference Tackles Anti-Semitism and Discusses Israel Security Needs

Edited by: TJVNews.com

On Thursday, January 11, 2024, the Rabbinical Alliance of America/Igud HaRabbonim gathered at Yeshivas Bris Avram in Monsey New York, under the leadership of Rabbi Aharon Mandel, Rosh Yeshiva, for the monthly Rosh Chodesh Shevat Conference. The Rosh Chodesh Shevat Conference was hosted by Rabbi Aharon Mandel and his illustrious father, Rabbi Tzvi Mandel, the longtime director of Rabbinical Alliance of America and Rabbi of Khal Bnai Yisrael. The main theme of the evening was sharing in the pain and difficulties of our brethren in Israel who have been subject to a brutal terrorist attack and now face a prolonged war against the evil forces of Hamas.

At this important conference, Rabbi Aharon Mandel; Rabbi Tzvi Mandel; Rabbi Efraim Mordechai Friedman, Posek, Stolin Monsey, and for A-Time; Rabbi Shlomo Nissan, Rosh Kollel Emek HaChochma Tcherkas; Rabbi Gil Student, Director Vaad Halacha, Igud HaRabbonim; Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Serebryanski, Rosh Kollel, Ayshel Avraham Zichron Yaakov Rabbinical Seminary, and Rabbi Yaakov Klass, Presidium Chairman, Rabbinical Alliance of America, delivered erudite words Torah about the land of Israel and the current challenges facing its residents. The Torah learning was dedicated as a merit Am Yisrael as Israel finds herself amidst a battle for survival against Hamas.

Also discussed at the conference was the current state of antisemitism that the Jewish community worldwide and in America is experiencing. Rabbi Mendy Mirocznik, executive vice-president of the Rabbinical Alliance of America, discussed how the Rabbinical Alliance of America—Igud HaRabbonim, issued a statement rejecting South Africa’s accusations of genocide against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ). In its filed application, South Africa accused Israel of actions during the current war against Hamas in Gaza that are “genocidal in character, as they are committed with the requisite specific intent… to destroy Palestinians in Gaza as a part of the broader Palestinian national, racial and ethnic group.”

RAA rejects the accusation of genocide against Israel. RAA’s statement said, “We must emphasize that each and every innocent civilian death is a tragedy. When those tragedies occur, we must hold accountable all those responsible. In the current war, Hamas is responsible for the October 7 atrocities and is also responsible for all civilian deaths brought about due to Israel being forced to engage in a defensive operation, a fight for her survival. By committing the war crimes of hiding behind civilians, Hamas takes responsibility for any civilians killed during attacks against the terror group as Israel engages in this defensive war.”

Further discussed and tackled at the Shevat Conference was issues of the rise in anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitic incidents are at an all-time high. Rabbi Mendy Mirocznik noted that the RAA is alarmed and is concerned how society is handling and reacting to the rise of anti-Semitism. He said, “as rabbis, we have deep concerns over the safety of the Jewish community within the United States and we believe that our community leaders, clergy and elected representatives have a legal, moral and ethical responsibility to set the tone, be on the same page and get the message out that anti-Semitism has no home in America. Real efforts have to be made and implemented for people to be aware how their words and actions can have a dangerous and destructive impact on the world we live in and the potential of becoming physically dangerous and lethal exists.”

The Rosh Chodesh Shevat conference was dedicated L’iluy Nishmas:

HaChasid Reb Pinchas Ben HaChasid Reb Zev Kehos Moshe Mandel, ZT’l, father of Rabbi Tzvi Mandel, and grandfather of  Rabbi Aharon Mandel. Reb Pinchas Mandel, ZT’L is well known as the innovator who made it possible after the establishment of Israel to enable Jews in the diapora to have the eternal rest and kevurah in Eretz Yisrael.

Ha’isha Hatznuah Chanah Bas Rav Yoshua Mordechai (Sperling), ZT’L, wife of Reb Pinchas Mandel, ZT’L.

Reb Michael ben HaRav HaGaon Dovid Donnenberg, ZT’L, father-in-law of Rabbi Tzvi Mandel and grandfather of Rabbi Aharon Mandel. Rav Dovid Donnenberg, ZT’L father of Reb Michael Donnenberg, ZT’L served as Rav in Newark, New Jersey and founded the Shochtim Union in the United States. He was from the early Masmichim at the Rabbinical College of New Jersey.

Ha’isha Hatznuah Sorah Malka Bas Habal Tzedakah Reb Chaim Tuvia, ZT’L, Mrs. Donnenberg, ZT’L, mother-in-law of Rabbi Tzvi Mandel and grandmother of Rabbi Aharon Mandel.

Yedid Ne’eman of Rabbi Tzvi Mandel and Rabbi Aharon Mandel, HaRav HaGaon Hachasid Ephraim Zalman Steinwortzel, ZT’L.

May their memories serve as a blessing.



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