Liberals Back UN Against Israel

Dear Editor:

Shame on the Liberal government.

They did not back the UN against Israel. They backed Hamas against Israel.

The United Nations, whose charter, article 80, states that what was promised the Jews by the League of Nations in 1922 cannot be taken away, even after the cessation of the British mandate. It affirms that all of Mandatory Palestine is the reconstituted homeland of the Jewish people.

The United Nations is a bully pulpit for the dictatorships that dominate it. It functions as a popularity contest rather than an honorable, legal and contemplative forum.

There are 15,000,000 Jews in the world and 1,500,000,000 Muslims. The UN has one Jewish member and 56 Islamic ones. The Islamic states can rely on the Russian block to back anything they propose against Israel.

It was the Soviet KGB who invented the Palestinian issue in 1964 as a propaganda tool to combat American influence in the Middle East. They simply called Israel ‘Palestine’ and all the non-Jews living there ‘Palestinians’.

The UN is systemically anti-Semitic. It did not condemn Hamas for the October 7th slaughter of innocents in southern Israel. Their silence was acquiescence and foretold the celebrations and mass demonstrations by Islamists all over the world.

Canada’s immigration policy has opened our borders to Muslims. There are now 20 Muslims for every Jew in the country. They form a powerful voting lobby and are the major factor in the anti-Semitism rampant in academia. The Universities of Toronto and McGill are listed in the Algemeiner report as the 3rd and 4th worst universities in North America for Jewish students.

A vote at the UN for a ceasefire is permission for Hamas to repeat Oct. 7th “over and over again” as their leaders have proclaimed.

If Hamas survives, terrorists the world over will know they are on the right track.

Len Bennett, Author of ‘Unfinished Work’
Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA


A Generation of Indoctrinated Americans

Dear Editor:

You now have a whole generation of indoctrinated Americans who have been taught “Revisionist History” in the “Educational System” and to hate their own country, and many of these students who were born post 9/11 don’t even understand the reality of what happened on that day, nor do they know anything about the threat posed by “Radical Islam” and the militant Jihadist ideology which drives Islamists to commit terrorism, and now more than 2 decades after the worst terrorist attack ever perpetrated on American soil, a letter titled “Letter to America” has surfaced on the social media website TikTok from deceased Al-Qaeda terrorist mastermind Osama Bin Laden, and his anti-Israel and America hating ideology apparently resonates with many “Woke” young leftist Americans who can identify with his hatred toward Israel and the United States, as they themselves have the same hatred, and are sympathetic with his twisted worldview much the same way that they are in support of Hamas terrorists in the aftermath of their barbaric attack against Israel.

Edward Small


Blames Biden for Catastrophe

Dear Editor:

I blame all those who voted for Biden for the situation we’re in and the catastrophe toward which we’re headed. They sent to the White House, a delusional, a corrupt, ethically and morally individual who is, as well, an America hater. Why else would he open the border wide, to admit everyone who wishes to enter? Does he keep his front door on his three mansions open for all to traipse in? And why is he banning fossil fuels from this country that keep our economy booming, our homes warm and our citizens capable of traveling free as birds? How many EV’s are there in his never ending convoys of vehicles that take him wherever he pleases? Does Air Force One have solar panels to keep it in the air?

And why else is he banning natural gas from being used to heat, our homes cook our meals and create the power used to run our nation? And why is he destroying the middle class by offering lower rate mortgages to losers and higher ones to those whose credit ratings are good? Reward the irresponsible and punish the financially savvy, of course. And in so doing manufacture another housing bust to cripple our economy. his latest, loony, delusional demand is that ceiling fans will eventually have to go the way of our land’s laws and of course, the Constitution. Fans are more dangerous to us than….illegal aliens.

The next time you’re confronted by a Democrat who vigorously and stupidly deplores Trump as they’re trained to do, ask the above questions to them. And demand answers.

 Morris Schoen
Williamsburg, NY


The Best Defense is a Good Offense

Dear Editor:

“Prominent Jewish organizations are coming together to launch The 10/7 Project aimed at combating the media’s inaccurate reporting about the Israel-Hamas war as well as “misinformation” from the terrorist group.”  We also now see trucks circling Univ. of PA’s campus with billboards reading ‘Fire Pres. Magill’, playing a clip of Magill’s congressional testimony. And we finally, at long last, see American Jews are stopping donations to universities who cannot define calls for genocide against Jews as dangerous hate speech, who are protecting everyone but Jewish students. I would take this a step further. Jews are a tiny minority in the world. Our resources are not unlimited. We need to start giving only to Jewish organizations who support Israel. Period. Let someone else “save the whales” for the foreseeable future. We need all the help we can get.

After 2015’s Gaza Protective Edge, I, along with too few others, called for Jewish groups to put aside their differences, enlist Israel, to found and fully fund our very own Public Relations Agency to get the facts out about Israel—not its “policies” but refuting the Big War of Lies by these “Palestinian” Arabs, gobbled up and spit out by mainstream media. I called for all places where Jews gather, Jewish Community Centers, Jewish Bureaus of Education, Synagogues, to form pro-active groups to call, write bigoted media, editors, contact their Senators & Reps. I called for major Jewish groups to sign a letter demanding the Israel bashing rag,The NY Times, hire factually correct, pro-Israel journalists, and if not, to picket its owners.  I warned all Jews, everywhere, to arm themselves, warned if the demonization of Israel into the subhuman continued, we will need bunkers for our children.  All on deaf ears.

In all this time, when the damage became entrenched, when the normalization of false victim vs. false oppressor became accepted as fact, where were our trucks with billboards refuting the Big Lies about Israel, the “Palestinian” Arabs’ Jew hate speech on Palestinian Media Watch? Where were our nationwide billboards flashing Abbas’ speech blaming the Jews for The Holocaust, our billboards outing their rejection of every peace offer—“we will never accept the evil Zionist entity with any boundaries”, or images of child abuse, their children, dressed like soldiers with guns, vowing to become martyrs for Islam by killing Jews?

I hope I’m wrong, but if past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior, this new 10/7 Project, will not broadcast the hate speech of these “Palestinian” Arabs or Islam’s genocidal Jew hate cults of martyrdom and death of Hamas, Isis, Al Qaeda, Taliban, Hezbollah or Boko Haram, for fear of being called ‘biased’.  In whose cowardly morally corrupt world is exposing Jew hate…hate speech? It’s more than past time Jews get on the offense vs. their usual defensive, apologetic, hand wringing posturing, especially post genocidal 10/7,  where each day looks and feels more like 1930’s Germany.

Ginette Weiner, A Zionist Jew
Scottsdale, AZ

Sholom Schreirber

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