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Broken Pelvis, Broken Moral Compass
Dear Editor:
The View, “…sexual violence was used against Israeli women, the major women’s groups in this country have not come out and denounced it…It is the height of immorality that the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and Women Empowerment has been silent, the U.N. Committee on Elimination of Discrimination Against Women has been silent, and the international MeToo movement has been silent,” Griffin said”…”Goldberg chimed in and suggested that the groups have been silent because they don’t want to exacerbate the problem.”
They say only a fool makes the same mistake twice. Goldberg previously wondered aloud if Hamas was really a terrorist organization. She was sent home from The View because of her ignorant, offensive comments on The Holocaust. Kidnapped women were so violently gang raped, and then shot by the final rapist, that forensic teams identified their pelvic bones were broken. They are silent precisely because the women who were raped are the “wrong” victims.
Our cultural Marxists who divide the world into false victims and false oppressors are silent because these are Jewish women, Israeli women and for no other reason. The “Palestinian” Arabs, leftists, fake progressives have worked tirelessly to falsely malign Israel’s legal existence as a colonial state, as an apartheid oppressor, despite Tel Aviv being a haven to “Palestinian” gay men, despite Israeli Arabs sitting in the Knesset, despite all Israeli citizens having full legal, religious and full civil rights, in stark contrast to any of their Arab neighbors.
During her forced sabbatical from The View apparently Goldberg did not read up on how the selective silence of the world, the NY Times, and the Pope, enabled the mass murder of Jews to continue unabated. “We’ve sent letters and shared graphic documentation,” Sarah Weiss Maudi, a senior diplomat and legal adviser in Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.” “Their silence is so deafening that it’s sickening…” “What I don’t understand is that we provided very graphic and descriptive evidence of rapes, including gang rapes and the remains of semen on young girls. It was not good enough for the U.N…” “Yet data provided by the Hamas Ministry of Health is accepted and quoted without any verification at all.”
In a world where facts are deliberately ignored in favor of biased “narratives”, where institutions like the U.N, UNRWA, UNESCO, Human Rights Watch, continue to spew easily disproved Big Lies against Israel, it’s no wonder our moral compass and Jewish women’s pelvises are broken beyond repair. I hear the “silence” of no one wanting to publicly condemn the Jew hate speech of the “Palestinian” Arabs for all to hear on Palestinian Media Watch, this silence broken only to demonize Israel and Jews into the subhuman, worthy of ostracization.
Loudly Yours,
Ginette Weiner, A Zionist Jew
Scottsdale, AZ
Paying for the Border Wall with Mexico
Dear Editor:
Here is one way to pay for a border wall with Mexico. This could help deal with illegal immigration along with the smuggling of fentanyl and other illegal drugs into our nation. President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris (assigned by Biden to be his border czar, eyes and ears to solve this problem with no success to date) Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries and Department of Homeland Security Chief Alejandra Mayorkas claim that our southern border is secure. Under the Biden administration, we are on track to reach surpass a record 6 million people illegally crossing into our country by end of December 2023.. Why not place a small tax on all their funds millions of immigrants send back home to families. It is estimated that $800 billion was remitted in 2022. This amount may be even greater in 2023. This tax could be pennies per dollar. It could raise the necessary funding over time to complete building a wall to secure our border with Mexico.
Larry Penner
There is No Palestine!
Dear Editor:
There is no Palestine.
There has never been a place called Palestine, nor a people called Palestinians.
There was the Roman province of Syria Palaestina from the early 2nd to the late 4th century AD. It was so named to obscure the Jewish nature of the region. Its capital was Caesarea Maritima in Judea.
Following World War One and the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the victors set up mandates to be governed by Britain and France until Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Transjordan could be self-sustaining. Palestine was to be a homeland for Jews, Lebanon for Christians and the others would be Muslim.
During the mandate, the Arab population doubled by immigration from neighboring countries. Jewish migration was hampered by the British and the local Arab leader, Haj Amin al-Husseini. The British gave him the title of Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, but his heart was in Berlin. He was a Nazi.
The Mufti launched pogroms against Middle East Jews from the 1920s to the 1940s. He spent WWII in Germany where he created the Bosnian Muslim 13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar. He personally intervened to send 4000 Jewish Hungarian children to the gas chambers.
He had Hitler’s permission to extend the Holocaust into the Middle East as soon as Rommel’s armies cleared out the British, but Rommel was defeated at El Alamein, just west of Cairo.
If the mandate Arabs had any unifying characteristic, it was as Nazi collaborators and sympathizers. They refused to be governed by British or Jewish Dhimmi.
From the 1920s on, only Jews were called Palestinians. Arabs identified with their families, tribes or place of origin.
In 1964, the Soviet Union engineered a masterful propaganda campaign to diminish the Big Satan’s influence. They created the Palestine Liberation Organization. They simply renamed Israel, “Palestine” and all the Arabs living there, “Palestinians”. Yasser Arafat, an Egyptian became a Palestinian and chairman of the PLO.
Their modus operandi was terror to bring its message front and center. It blew up airports, hijacked aircraft, murdered crew and passengers, attacked a cruise ship, slaughtered Olympic athletes and attacked diplomatic posts. Its main target was Israel, the small Satan and it vowed to ‘drive the Jews into the sea’.
As they were mostly Jordanians, the PLO tried to take over the Hashemite Kingdom. In what became known as Black September, the Jordanians killed thousands of PLO fighters and evicted the rest.
It should have been inconceivable for Israel to agree to the 1993-95 Oslo accords with the PLO. Israel and the West believed they could get peace if the PLO got some land to call their own. Arafat assured his supporters the agreement with Israel was like the Prophet’s treachery against the Quraysh Jews. Everyone heard, but believed the PLO would change: – they have not.
If the people we now call Palestinians are to ever have a state, it will be at the generosity of Israel. What Oct. 7th taught Israel is that its borders must never be insecure. The world-wide Islamist demonstrations should be a warning to Western nations that they are being targeted too.
Len Bennett, Author of ‘Unfinished Work’
Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA