JV Editorial

TJV EDITORIAL: Why Israel MUST Continue the Battle to Eradicate Hamas from the World

Why Israel MUST Continue the Battle to Eradicate Hamas from the World

As the ceasefire between Israel and the Hamas terrorists in Gaza continues for six days and hostages held by Hamas are trickling out, it was a reassurance of sorts when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on Thursday that Israel would continue its military operations in Gaza to permanently destroy the Hamas infrastructure in Gaza that includes a labyrinth of terror tunnels, built under schools, hospitals and even kindergartens.

While the release of the 240 hostages that were abducted by Hamas on October 7th remains a chief priority for Israel, we must also be keenly cognizant of the fact that with each passing day of this “temporary” ceasefire, the Hamas miscreants in Gaza grow bolder and more dangerous. They now have more than ample time in which to prepare their next salvo of deadly rockets that will be launched into Israel and even more importantly, they are afforded the precious time it take to succeed in the cognitive war of ideas and garner even more international support .

Let’s take note of the fact that the United States has issued stern warnings to Israel that if they should decide to continue the protracted battle against Hamas, they had best be highly vigilant about creating Palestinian causalities in southern Gaza. There is no doubt that Israel’s willingness to acquiesce to a ceasefire was genuinely predicated on the national concern for the welfare and release of the hostages, the clear downside is that once a party accedes to demands, takes a conciliatory position, shows any kind of compromise or outright weakness, the enemy smells blood and inevitably swoops down for the kill.

During this cessation of military activity in Gaza, not only is Hamas in the driver’s seat, and not only is Iran laughing at Israel’s humiliation in front of the world, but the situation continues to be in a rapid free fall, as Israel releases far more Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails who are committed to repeating their offenses and are touted as heroes amongst their people and the international community.  Just to pour fuel on the fire Hamas has brazenly violated the terms of the ceasefire when their operatives participated in a terror attack on Thursday morning in Jerusalem, killing three Israelis and injuring eight others near a bus stop.

Yet and still the United States is busying themselves with issuing warnings or “threats” to Israel to exercise restraint “if” they should decide to continue achieving the stated goal of totally eradicating Hamas from the Gaza strip.

Thus far, Israel should have learned many lessons but chief among them is something they should have already been aware of. Compromise in terms of implementing “humanitarian” gestures against an enemy who is totally devoid of even a modicum of humanitarianism will only lead to the kind of nightmarish colossal defeat that will reverberate for years to come.

The Arab mentality in the Middle East and elsewhere is quite simple. They are consistently mindful of the fact that violence barbarism and wanton terrorism is a sure fire recipe for success in dealing with Israel.  The more violence they inflict, the more hostages that they take will not attract the world’s contempt and disdain but will rather gain them the kind of global sympathy and support that they never even dreamt possible.

Negotiations and compromise are not in their vernacular and never will be.

The key to their public relations coup, is of course, the Palestinians living in Gaza who are their perpetual human shields. But before we begin to shed tears for the “poor Palestinians” in Gaza who are being used as cannon fodder by Hamas, let’s remind ourselves that is they who voted Hamas into power in Gaza and it is they who willingly pose for fake photos and videos to show they world that they are victims of Israeli aggression, violence and occupation.

Let’s face it folks. Israel is getting the raw end of the deal and unless and until it completely resolves to continue this existential battle for its survival, Hamas will continue to butcher us en masse. More hostages will be seized and more hatred from the international community will be foisted upon us.

The barbarism of the October 7th massacre remain etched in our collective memories. The images of scores of people being burned alive, people being shot execution style, women being brutally raped and their bodies mutilated, babies being beheaded and soldiers slaughtered like cattle will be burned into our psyches.

For this reason and much more, the government of Israel and its brave members of the Israel Defense Forces must continue the arduous battle to rid Gaza of the terrorist Hamas infrastructure once and for all.

What is crucial to bear in mind is that we are alone in this battle. Utterly and completely alone, except for the undeniable fact that the G-d of Israel marches into battle with us, guides us and protects us, if only we acknowledge Him as our only savior in a world that has turned its back on us once again. If only we remain obdurate in the face of incessant US pressure and pressure from the world to back down and allow our enemy to swallow us alive, then we can be assured of victory.

Now is the time to muster up the kind of rock solid faith and unmovable resilience that is endemic to our heritage as Jews.

To Prime Minister Netanyahu, let it be known that we stand strongly behind your stated objectives of wiping evil off the earth in the form of Hamas and we pray that you keep your word about taking this battle to its logical conclusion. Victory is ours if only we remain dedicated and totally committed to the aims that you set forth.

May Hashem be with you and all of us.

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