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Don’t Take Down Your Mezuzahs
Dear Editor:
When we heard about people removing mezuzahs from their homes a few weeks ago (as a reaction to the current fears and rising anti-semitism), we were disappointed, angry and frustrated. We kept saying to each other, “Isn’t this the very time when we need a mezuzah the most? It’s a protective prayer after all. This is not the time to remove them!”
The mezuzah distinguishes a Jewish home and is a visible sign and symbol to all those who enter that a sense of Jewish identity and commitment exists in that household. The mezuzah reminds us that our homes are holy places and that we should act accordingly—when we enter them and when we leave them to go out into the world.
We need our Jewish strength more than ever in the external world as we demand our leaders and communities recognize the link between Hamas’ mission (the most recent being exemplified in the atrocities on Oct 7) and the steep rise in the toleration of vocal Jew hatred on our streets, in city halls and within Canadian educational and political institutions, which set the tone and example for what’s right and acceptable in Canadian society.
For this reason, we at Hardwood Design House wanted to turn this fear on its head and do something positive and empowering for ourselves, our communities and the free world.
We immediately went to our workshop and created these wooden mezuzah cases. To show our neighbours and the world that we will not live in fear and that we are proud of our heritage / identity.
A Hardwood Design House mezuzah can be mounted on any doorway within your home or on any exterior door.
Throughout 2023, 100% of net proceeds from the sale of our mezuzahs will be donated to select charity organizations in Israel, including the UJA Emergency Fund & Bar-Ilan University’s Teddy Bear Resilience Centre and mobile project that supports with children of the Israel-Gaza conflict.
Please spend a few moments on our site browsing our unique and creative mezuzahs. All handmade in Toronto.
Warren Snider & Jordan Fisher
Hardwood Design House
US Jewish Lawmakers Ramp Up
Criticism of Israel
Dear Editor:
Here’s a guide for lawmakers about David vs Goliath or ‘proportionality’ in the Arab-Israeli conflict.
There are 15,000,000 Jews and 1,500,000,000 Muslims in the world
There is one Israeli state and 22 Arab states.
There is one Jewish UN state and 56 Muslim UN states.
There are zero Jewish university organizations calling for violence against Muslims. There are 3,000 Students for Justice in Palestine chapters in the US. SJP is Hamas. Hamas calls for killing all Jews. Also the Muslim Students’ Associations vow to ‘euthanize’ the Zionist dream (clearly Nazi terminology).
During the Mandate (1920-48), Jews were called Palestinians and Arabs were Arabs.
From 1948 on, Jews became Israelis. Israeli Arabs called themselves Israelis or Arabs. Arabs were Jordanians or Egyptians.
From 1964 (when the KBB created the PLO), some Arabs identified as Palestinians. The KGB also called Israel, Palestine.
After the PLO started civil wars in Jordan and Lebanon and supported Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, Israel foolishly invited them into Israel.
If you are pressuring Israel, rather than the Islamists, to show restraint, after Hamas’s October 7th massacre of innocents, your morality is in a dark place, either by ignorance or malice.
Len Bennett, Author of ‘Unfinished Work’
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Whose Chutzpah is Still Intact?
Dear Editor:
Mainstream media has become Hamas Central, repeating the outright outrageous, easily disproved Big Lies put out by Hamas propaganda. And so these “Palestinian” Arabs are now the new Chosen People who are deemed victims of Israel. Hamas’ genocide is now cast as a justifiable response to “occupation.”
We have long since needed, and need now more than ever, to broadcast these Arabs’ pure Jew hate, rejection with any boundaries of Israel, in their own words, for all to hear and see for themselves. A group needs to form, to put up nationwide billboards, outside all mainstream media’s offices and in all cities, full page ads in every newspaper, to inform and expose.
“Do you know how many times the “Palestinian” Arabs refused peace offers? Israel became a legal nation. It extended the hand of friendship to its Arab neighbors. It was refused. Five Arab armies declared war, seeking its total destruction.
The “Palestinian” Arabs rejected U.S. and Israeli offers for statehood in exchange for peace: in 2000 at Camp David; 2001 at Taba and 2008 after the Annapolis Conference. The 2008 offer would have given the Palestinians a state with its capital in eastern Jerusalem and 93% of the West Bank with land swaps to make up the difference.
Tiny Israel’s land comprises just 0.25% of the entire land mass of the Middle East, the approx. size of New Jersey. Since 1947, Israel has been seeking a two-state solution. But the Arabs refuse to accept the reality of the Jewish state, refuse peace offers and refuse to negotiate. That is the true obstacle to peace.
“Palestinian” Arabs’ Abbas recent speech blamed the Jews for the Holocaust, the kind of propaganda strategy he learned while getting his doctorate in the Soviet Union who taught him to use Big Lies to accuse the victim, who then becomes worthy of elimination. Abbas has repeatedly stated “we will never accept the evil Zionist entity with any boundaries.” They claim this is about “land.” It was never and is not about “land.” The Arabs view the Jewish State as an affront to their pride and feel humiliated by its presence. exposes the long history of “Palestinian” Arabs official media, filled with hate speech:
Who will put their rage, grief and chutzpah to work? Most, when informed about these facts, say they didn’t know and express dismay and empathy for Jews and Israel. It is beyond time for us to out these bigoted Arabs who hide behind the false victim mantra, when they are the oppressors for refusing peace time and again.
Ginette Weiner, A Zionist Jew
Scottsdale, AZ