Hamas Must be Crushed
Dear Editor:
The West must keep its knee off Israel’s neck.
Israel has made errors in the past at the urging of the West. It signed the Oslo Accords in 1993. Why was Shimon Peres anxious to have Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and the terrorist leader of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, Yasser Arafat, shake hands in front of President Bill Clinton? One might speculate that Arafat’s propaganda success was a precursor to 9/11.
Oslo brought the PLO and its weapons into Israel. A neophyte diplomat could have foreseen that Jews and Arabs would die.
Hamas launched several wars against Israel in keeping with its charter, which calls for killing Jews everywhere. Invariably there are calls for a cease-fire. Israel is restrained and waits for the next attack from one or another of Hamas’s partners. Finally, on Oct. 7, it went too far.
Hamas’s barbarism shocked even its most ardent admirers. Thousands were butchered; millions mourn. Like the Taliban and ISIS, Hamas must be crushed. It must never again be allowed to poison the Middle East. Israel is prepared to defang the snake. Israelis and Arabs will pay with their lives. That’s the price of purging the world of evil. The West should support Israel — not call for restraint.
Len Bennett
Quebec, Canada
Islam’s Historical Connection to Terrorism
Dear Editor:
Through the years the world’s been targeted by terror groups with names like, al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, ISIS, PFLP, Palestine Authority, PLO, Hamas, Fatah, Boko Haram, Taliban, etc. Their names strike fear into the hearts of millions living under threats from their violence and brutality. They are from different regions, have different leaders and charters but…they have one thing in common. They are all Muslims having the Holy Koran as their bible and follow its teachings handed down from their god Allah as the basis for their existence. They do not appear to think for themselves, make their own moral decisions nor dare break the rules of Islam as set down by their prophet, Muhammed in 610CE in a cave in Mecca. So, now in the 21st century, Muslim terror dating back nearly 1400 years, threatens to overcome us. To overwhelm us. Still terrorizing the world. Shame on us.
Hamas, the ruling government of Gaza, under the influence of Islamic led Iran, now threatens Israel. And, in turn, Iran has a hold on us. For proof, read between the lines to see how heir likes have flourished over the centuries. The rest of the world caves in to their terrorism at every turn. Their primitive attacks on Israel are now gradually being accepted as proper revenge over Jews who have absorbed their terror for centuries. Our own media together with tens of thousands of American kids are marching openly in our streets to support those who decapitated babies. Ditto for elected members of Congress. And they’ll be re-elected, sure as hell. How is this accepted and tolerated? These people hate Jews AND Christians. Anyone not Muslim is an infidel and the Koran tells its followers explicitly and repeatedly, all infidels must die! Even those non-believers who stupidly support them should be killed. And they will be.
Alan Bergstein
Israel Should Attack Oil Fields in Qatar & Iran
Dear Editor:
If Netanyahu is serious about defeating Hamas he must attack oil fields in Qatar and Iran. Qatar and Iran finance Hamas and provides refuge to Hamas leaders. 1400 Jews were murdered, attacking Gaza is not enough, Qatar and Iran must pay a price. Qatar and Iran can’t come out of this as if it had nothing to do with it
Qatar not only finances Hamas, it also provides refuge to its leaders. On October 11, 2023 the Wall Street Journal reported “Two former senior U.S. security officials called for military action against Hamas leadership allegedly being provided safe haven in Doha if Qatari authorities don’t hand the officials over to the U.S. or Israel. Ismail Haniyeh, president of the Hamas political bureau sanctioned by the U.S. under terror powers, allegedly oversaw from Doha the group’s strike against Israel over the weekend.
Those responsible for orchestrating the attacks “are operating in plain sight and within reach in the hands of our purported major non-NATO ally Qatar,” said Mark Wallace, a former U.S. representative to the United Nations and head of the New York-based United Against Nuclear Iran. “We should not hesitate to act militarily on Qatari soil to bring to justice Ismail Haniyeh and Hamas leadership,” Wallace said. Frances Townsend, a top counterterror adviser to George W. Bush and head of the non-profit Counter Extremism Project, also joined the call for action. Neither representatives for Qatar in Washington nor the State Department immediately responded to requests for comment…”
On October 9, 2023 the Washington Post reported “The Palestinian militants behind the surprise weekend attack on Israel began planning the assault at least a year ago, with key support from Iranian allies who provided military training and logistical help as well as tens of millions of dollars for weapons, current and former Western and Middle Eastern intelligence officials said Monday…”
If Netanyahu is serious about defeating Hamas he must attack oil fields in Qatar and Iran. Qatar and Iran finance Hamas and provides refuge to Hamas leaders. 1400 Jews were murdered, attacking Gaza is not enough, Qatar and Iran must pay a price. Qatar and Iran can’t come out of this as if it had nothing to do with it.
Ezequiel Doiny
Where Were You?
Dear Editor,
It’s here. It’s coming to your home, your town, in your lifetime. I have been writing about this, warning about this, begging Jews to unite, to form pro-active groups wherever they gather, since post Gaza’s 2014’s Operation Protective Edge, all on deaf Jewish ears. We witnessed Muslims storming into restaurants during BLM’s riots, asking who are the Jews here, and then beat them up. We witnessed Jews being assaulted at pro-Israel rallies.
In 2015 we still had a chance to be pro-active, counter the anti-Zionist hate on our campuses with force. We did not. Now we see Jewish groups taking out billboards with the hostage faces. That is fine. But where were you when you could have put aside your differences and joined together to…take out full page ads, fund huge billboards with the Islamic hate speech of these “Palestinian” Arabs outed on Palwatch, with Abbas’ recent speech blaming the Jews for The Holocaust, the numerous times they rejected offers for peace with the dates and years for all to see.
Most Americans, even if they aren’t in love with Jews, reject biased hate speech. We needed to let the world know of their Jew hate. While the “Palestinian” Arabs joined to poison our universities, intimidate Jewish students and otherwise get their false victim narrative across and accepted by all…where were we?
I have repeatedly written about us having lost our chutzpah. Now you see the results. It’s here now. It’s coming to your home, your synagogue, your Jewish Community Center. You can no longer hide. I wrote repeatedly about us needing to build our own bunkers if this continues. Now the time is past for passivity, for listening to rambling sermons in temples. I have repeatedly written about all Jews, no matter where they reside, to be armed with knives, mace, or a firearm. When is too little, too late enough for you?
Yours in Disgust
Ginette Weiner, A Zionist Jew
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