Holocaust II is Upon Us NOW!!
Dear Editor:
Wake up Jews, before it’s too late. The signs are everywhere; that we are in the midst of Holocaust II. And not like the Nazi created one which was basically limited to occupied Europe. The current horror is exploding worldwide and strangely enough booming in the United States where 6+ million of us call home. And no Jewish “leaders,” (as if we had any) are blowing the warning shofar. We see it with the rabid Jew hating demonstrations in the universities which have been indoctrinating our kids with Progressive based Jewish self-hatred-crap ideology for years.
We see it in the “hate Jews” rallies in the streets of every major city. We see in in the halls of Congress where fanatical Islamists and their ideological party members emit words of Jew hating without reprimand by their Jewish peers who sit quietly, respectfully, among them. No Democrat Jewish Congresspeople have called for their expulsion. Silence! Shame! Cowards, not fit to live. They are all in on it. From their elite elected positions, they inculcate and incite Jew hating into those many who would do their dirty work. They willfully encourage violence which will shortly be evidenced. It’s coming.
We Jews, because of our age old bullshit concern for the world, called Tikkun Olam, by our lunatic Leftist rabbinate, have encouraged our detractors to ratchet up the Jew hatred that is now evidencing itself worldwide. We foolishly sympathize with them although we know they hate us. Take the 600 faux Jewish organizations that signed a full page ad in the NYT a while back, supporting the Jew hating Black Lives Matter Movement. BLM has always stood tall as a Jew/Israel hating group. Yet Leftist leaning Jewish groups backed them. This past week BLM came out totally in support of the Hamas slaughter of Israelis. I called up the local and national offices of ADL and Hadassah to ask if they’re going to retract their support for BLM. They either hung up on me or promised to call back. I didn’t hold my breath. Rethink your membership.
We Jews must use our native intelligence as a means for self preservation. We have got to come to the realization that we are at the brink of being wiped out as a people. The signs are there. Think again, about the pro-Hamas rallies in our colleges, streets and in the halls of Congress, all in support of those who beheaded babies, raped girls, grandmothers then dragged their naked bodies behind pickups to the delight of their Muslim buddies and neighbors. The tinder has been lit. The fire is increasing in intensity. Speak up! Rise up! Now! And in doing so, help extinguish the flames of the upcoming tragedy. The burden is on your shoulders. If your rabbi should speak up in support of “understanding the plight of the Gazans, stand up and tell him to get lost! It’s up to you…now!
Alan Bergstein
Humanitarian Aid for Gaza is Naive
Dear Editor
President Biden’s call to send $100 million of your tax dollars to Gaza for humanitarian relief is naive. Gaza is governed by Hamas. They are the same terrorists responsible for the loss of 1400 Israel citizens murdered at the hands of Hamas. This would be the equivalent of America losing 40,000 babies, children, teenagers, adults and seniors. Hamas has a long history of diverting humanitarian aid for military purposes. This included building a network of three hundred miles of underground tunnels in Gaza.
First things first, Hamas should release all hostages from Israel, the United States and other nations around the world, Any humanitarian aid after that needs to be administered by the International Red Cross supplemented by outside observers. This is the only way to assure that aid goes to civilians in need versus Hamas terrorists. Don’t pay for it by adding $100 million to our long term $33.6 trillion national debt. Instead, reduce our aid to the useless pro-Palestinian United Nations by $100 million.
Larry Penner
Great Neck
Joe Biden & The Elimination of Hamas
Dear Editor:
We must all be conscious of radical Islam’s 100-year war against the West.
For 400 years, much of the Middle East was under Turkish control. It was part of the Ottoman Empire. It covered present day Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Algeria and parts of the Arabian Peninsula.
Most of the population were Muslim. There were Christian and Jewish minorities, respected for their artisan skills. Christians and Jews were Dhimmi. They were to be humiliated and belittled. Distinguished by their clothing, Muslims treated them as inferior beings.
The empire was divided into provinces, with a governor assigned to each. Just to be perfectly clear, there were no countries. There was no Palestine.
There was a Roman province called Syria Palaestina, between the early 2nd and late 4th centuries AD. Its capital was the port city of Caesarea in Judea.
Turkey aligned with Germany in World War One. When they lost the war, in 1918, they lost their empire. Britain and France divided the Middle East, while Greece and Russia occupied European areas.
Israel’s creation was initiated at San Remo in 1920, as were Transjordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Syria’s. The San Remo members were the victors of World War One. They implemented mandates to handle the remnants of the Ottoman Empire, until these states could be self-sufficient.
The leader of the Arabs in the British mandate was Nazi War criminal, Haj Amin al-Husseini, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. He instigated pogroms from the 1920s, formed the Bosnian Muslim Waffen-SS troops in WWII and personally sent 4,000 Hungarian children to the gas chambers. He was captured by the French who let him escape to Beirut. He rejected the UN suggestion that the mandate be partitioned between Jews and Arabs, and launched the Nakba to ‘drive the Jews into the sea.’
In Egypt in 1928, Hassan al-Banna founded the Muslim Brotherhood, a pan-Islamic movement, meant to spread the Caliphate across the world. In America, the Brotherhood includes CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations is, tasked with infiltrating and influencing governments and the military. Canada has the National Council on Canadian Muslims. Other branches include the Muslim Students Associations (MSA) and Hamas. MSA spreads anti-Semitism with groups like BDS (Boycott, Divest and Sanction) and Israel Apartheid Week. Students for Justice in Palestine is Hamas on campus. BDS’s goal “is to euthanize the Israeli dream” as its co-founder says. Hamas’s charter calls for killing every Jew in the world.
Before 1964, only Jews were called Palestinians. In 1964, the Soviet KGB created the Palestine Liberation Organization in Egypt. They simply called Israel, “Palestine” and the Arabs “Palestinians”. That is the origin of Arab Palestine.
In 1993, Israel and the PLO signed the Oslo Accords, which allowed Yasser Arafat and his fighters to enter Israel. Yasser Arafat made it clear the accords were like Mohammed’s pact with the Koraish Jews, when the Prophet abrogated his agreement after two years and slaughtered the whole tribe, taking the women as slaves. Nobody took Arafat seriously.
The PLO agreed to remove their charter clause calling for the death of Israeli Jews, but they have yet to do it.
Hamas must be eliminated. Israel must be supported unreservedly.
Israel is the canary in the coal mine. If radical Islam defeats it, all Western democracies will collapse.
Len Bennett, Author of ‘Unfinished Work’
Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA
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