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Friday, October 25, 2024

Letters to the Editor

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Hysterical, Hyperbolic Hillary

Dear Editor:

“Hot enough for you? Thank a MAGA Republican” Clinton tweeted Tuesday.” Whether you are a MAGA Republican or not (I am not), blaming this heat wave on them, presumably for their positions on climate control, is both hysterical and just plain inaccurate, typical Hillary hyperbole. “ According to data from the U.S. Climate Change Science Program, the annual heat wave index was substantially higher in the 1930s than at any point in recent years. In some years in the 1930s, it was four times greater or even more.”

Hillary blamed the “vast right wing conspiracy” when allegations surfaced about Bill Clinton’s sexual conduct with Lewinsky. But it wasn’t the right wing who was having sexual relations with her in the Oval Office and then lied about it.  Hillary joined Omar and said, “the U.S. is comparable to Afghanistan and Sudan when it comes to abortion rights due to the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade”, yet another wildly gross exaggeration, while we wait in vain for her equally loud condemnation of Omar’s Somalia’s 98% butchery of female genital mutilation.

Bill Clinton attended Aretha Franklin’s funeral knowing Jew and Gay hater Nation of Islam’s Farrakahan would be there. Bill smiled for the camera and shook his hand, instead of refusing to attend.  Call me a stickler for high ethical standards but did I somehow miss Hillary’s condemnation of Columbia University President Bollinger who invited Former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad to speak at Columbia?  Instead, Hillary accepted a professorship at Columbia’s School of International & Public Affairs, with handshakes from Bollinger.  Mohamad said he “is glad to be called an anti-Semite”,  tells anyone who will listen, “Jews have hooked noses. It was not 6 million.”   I informed Bollinger that freedom of speech means this Jew hater has the right to speak, but freedom of speech also means saying no to inviting bigots to speak at any university.

Don’t you wish the Clinton’s would stay home and play with their grandchildren. We need a permanent break from this hackneyed duo.

Ginette Weiner
Scottsdale, AZ


Living Under a Fascist State

Dear Editor:

No, you don’t have to pinch yourself to determine if you’re losing it. Your observations are right on the money. It’s true. We’re living under a fascist state run by a mindless puppet whose strings are being pulled by behind the scenes demagogues who’ve finally achieved the ultimate Communist dream. The last pillar of world-wide democracy is on the brink of extinction. We must make our last stand. And how do we do that?

Not a simple task. As individuals we must educate ourselves to the issues current. We must know and be willing to spout the failures of the Democrats and their leaders. We must vehemently stand up for President Trump whenever he is demeaned in your presence. And that has to be frequently in your social and religious groups. Learn of his accomplishments for this nation and the world. Don’t be shy about telling the truth. Your Democrat “friends” are, for the most part, dumb as dirt about political issues. They are experts only in spouting the mindless mantra they absorb from the NYT, MSNBC, CNN and all the other Left Wing media. They can’t go beyond that. Show them up in front of others by battering them with facts. Always challenge them. Intimidate them. It’s easy and fun to do. Don’t be afraid of being thrown out of the card game into the pool. You’ll feel proud of yourself for standing up for the truth. And others will respect you for doing so. People listen!!!!

And in your own communities, condo or HOA’s, organize small coffee club meetings in your home for like minded conservatives. These groups will swell when the “invisible” Republicans in your area learn about these gatherings. They need a safe place to discuss issues with other patriots. Go to the Palm Beach Republican Party’s website and join a club in your area. Or consider starting one up with a few friends. Grass roots activity is the key to winning elections and saving what’s left of our liberties.

One person….YOU…..can do much for our great nation. DO IT!!! The clock’s ticking.

 Alan Bergstein


Double Standard When a Jew Defends His Life

Dear Editor:

Chen Amir, a 42-year-old municipal security guard was murdered on Saturday afternoon in a terrorist shooting attack on Montefiore Street in Tel Aviv. One of two security guards was able to neutralize the terrorist, who later died in the hospital.

On Friday near Givat Oz Zion in Binyamin, a shepherd was attacked by Arabs. Today he filed a complaint with the Judea and Samaria District Central Police Station against the Arab rioters who attacked him and another group of Israelis with clubs, rocks, and fireworks. Yehiel Indore, who is still hospitalized and recovering from head surgery was seriously injured in the rioters’ attack. Several other Israelis were also slightly injured.

MK Limor Sonn Har Melech (Otzma Yehudit) on Saturday evening slammed the defense system for arresting a former parliamentary assistant following a lynch on Jewish shepherds on Friday. “When a patrolman in Tel Aviv eliminates a terrorist, he receives praise from all of the defense bodies, but when a Jew defends his life in Binyamin from an Arab mob which has come to kill him, he is arrested while he is still injured,” she said. “I suggest the defense system turn its strength to dealing with the ‘terror nests’ instead of persecuting the residents of Binyamin, who hold onto our land with dedication.”

Following the terror attack, the IDF announced that it will raise the level of alert on the “seam line” and the crossings, due to concern of attempted infiltrations by terrorists. As long as every nook and cranny is not sealed, unfortunately, the likelihood of terrorist attacks will continue. Israel’s security forces must become obsessed with closing the gaps and not obsessed with criminalizing Jews like terrorists every time they defend themselves from terror attacks. Besides, treating Jews like terrorists only empowers PA Arabs. The one gap that still needs to be filled and the best defense against terror is the application of Sovereignty! The current right-wing government needs to step up to the plate and make this happen – NOW. Enough said.

Americans for a Safe Israel Staff

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