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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Letters to the Editor

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Is Bernie Sanders the New ‘Kapo’ Bloom?

Dear Editor:

“Bloom was a staunch defender of FDR’s harsh policy toward Jewish refugees…Jewish leaders feared Bloom would serve as “an alibi” for the administration’s claim that rescue was impossible…


Algemeiner, 4/14/2023,  “Progressive Democrats Demand Biden Conditions Aid to Israel.” This foul letter was organized by Bernie Sanders and Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) & signed by the usual Israel bashing Squad. “14 progressive Democrats sent a letter to Biden condemning the Israeli gov’t…demanding Biden draft a plan to ensure that US aid to Israel is not used for human rights abuses…undertake a shift in US policy.”

And let’s not forget in 2014, as Hamas fired rockets on Israeli civilians, used their children as human shields, as Hamas’ leaders openly stated this is an Islamic Jihad war against the Jews, we had Bernie Sanders, calling for an end to military aid to Israel, while Israeli children took refuge in bomb shelters. Sanders was then forced to issue retractions about his defamatory, false, ignorant claims about casualties in Gaza.

Jeremy Corbyn, a British politician who was the Leader of the Labour Party is an unapologetic antisemite. Sanders campaigned in the UK for Jeremy Corbyn, a fellow “socialist”  who called Hamas and Hezbollah “my friends” and openly associates with Holocaust deniers and peddlers of blood libels against Jews. The Telegraph newspaper reported,  “In the strongest criticism of Labour’s leader yet by a senior Jewish figure, Lord Sacks said Corbyn was an anti-Semite who defiles our politics and demeans the country we love. Corbyn has given support to racists, terrorists and dealers of hate who want to kill Jews and remove Israel from the map.”

Bernie wants to paint himself as a champion of “victims.”  Yet his repeated calls for halts to, and conditions to, military aid to Israel for its self defense from its genocidal Jihad Islamic neighbors, traveling to the UK to support Jew hater Corbyn, more resembles the kapo Bloom and other kapos before him, than a champion of “victims”.  Isn’t it time to oust this ill informed hypocrite whose own words and actions belie any knowledge of who is a true victim and who is a true oppressor?

Ginette Weiner,
Scottsdale, AZ


Is Alec Baldwin Really Innocent of Murder?

Dear Editor:

The recent news that actor Alec Baldwin will walk away from his murder charge is outrageous. Another Liberal spitting in our faces. He used a weapon loaded with deadly ammunition to kill his co-worker. An accident, sure. But we all must pay for the accidents that impact others. A car accident is not intentional but the person who causes it must pay the penalty. It’s no wonder that Baldwin, a radical spokesperson for anti-gun movements, did not know how to handle a weapon. He did not use safety precautions that teens learn about through training. And add to it, that he’s a multi-millionaire and a darling of the Far Left and these people get away with anything because they friends in high places.

George Slavin
Borough Park, Brooklyn


MLB Team to Leave California

Dear Editor:

Now even the professional ball teams have had enough of liberal, crime infused, radical, California. The Oakland A’s major league franchise will soon move out of that state to Nevada, where they will not have to worry about inflated taxes, high crime rates and declining attendance. Over 500,000 people have left the Golden State to park themselves elsewhere in the country where they can live a decent, American life style without the worries of having a demented Governor and legislators who suck their constituents dry, financially. I believe this move will inspire other teams in various sports categories to look for other welcoming regions to accommodate their franchises for years to come. California will become a ghost state within a few years.

Betty Wolfsohn
Queens, NY


Chicago Mayor Encourages Youth Violence

Dear Editor:

The Mayor of Chicago has come out in support of his city’s teens to continue their crime sprees in his city. The newly crowned idiot, replacing the outed  moron, former Mayor Lori Lightfoot, encouraged the youth of his city to pile on the violence by telling Chicagoan that these criminal minded kids make mistakes and shouldn’t be punished for killing, robbing, beating others and marauding into stores, dragging out millions of dollars worth of merchandise. He has no compassion for the victims. He claims he worked with kids as a teacher and understands and has sympathy for them, but he’s nothing more than another black Mayor who sells his municipality down the river of Left Wing Lunacy and gets paid for it. The joke’s on those who voted him into office and they deserve what they get. No sympathy from me.

Carl Siegelman


Trans Women & Sports Competition

Dear Editor:

Just watching those in support of transgendered women competing against real women, telling us that this is perfectly fair competition, drives me nuts. There is no way that women athletes can compete with men who falsely claim they have mutated somehow to be real females. But that’s alright with me because the women’s movement brought this tragedy on themselves….as women. Let’s see just how equal women are to men in competitive sports.  We’ve been told that story for years. Aren’t women hired on to be law enforcers, firefighters and even in combat units in our military? Aren’t lives of those men who work with them placed in jeopardy because they are not in the same league strength-wise, as men? The feminist movement has outdone itself in stupidity by welcoming phony females to compete with the real thing. Before long, women’s sports will no longer be in existence, thanks to the brain dead activists who push for this transgender LBGTI+ crap. Good riddance!

Audrey Samson (Real Woman!)
Brooklyn, NY


The Saga of Sen. John Fetterman

Dear Editor:

Good luck to Senator John Fetterman, who recently re-joined his Senate colleagues from his stay in a mental institution that ended when he was rendered “fit” to serve again to make laws affecting 365 million other Americans.  He was interviewed after his release and to all intents and purposes, he’s exactly the same screwed up guy he was before he was admitted. He’s clearly out of it and although he was fairly and duly elected, his family should do the right thing and have him walk away and resign from his seat. He puts all of us at risk.

The citizens of Pennsylvania who elected him should hide their heads in shame. Would they permit such a clearly demented individual to give them haircuts, manicure their toenails or to even baby-sit their kids? You know the answer.

Morty Kleinbaum
Glen Cove, NY

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