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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Letters to the Editor

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Do “Progressive” Dems Think We’re All that Stupid?

Dear Editor:

Algemeiner, “Progressive Democrats Demand Biden Conditions Aid to Israel,” Excerpts: “14 progressive Democrats sent a letter to Biden condemning the Israeli gov’t…demanding Biden draft a plan to ensure that US aid to Israel is not used for human rights abuses…undertake a shift in US policy.”

Are these 14 Dems also demanding the United States condition more funding of antisemitic Palestinian textbooks used in UNRWA schools, fully documented by numerous studies and agencies across the board?

Are they demanding we condition any further UNRWA funding to the so-called “Palestinian” Arabs unless they stop their child abuse? Or demanding these Arabs recognize Israel’s right to exist, Or demanding they sit down and negotiate peace with fairness? JNS,  “At summer camps in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, Palestinian Arab youths are being taught that all of Israel—Tel Aviv, Haifa, everything—is “occupied Palestine ‘’ and must be annihilated. For kids in the regions governed by the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, it means weapons training, skits in which the children pretend to kidnap and murder Jews, and lectures on the importance of destroying Israel. Hillary Clinton once called it “Palestinian child abuse.”

Are they demanding we condition aid to Somalia, Omar’s country of origin, where 98% of all females are forced to undergo the butchery of female genital mutilation?

If these 14 think you can continue to disguise your contempt and hatred for the Jewish state under the guise of humanitarian concerns, think again. Your disrespect for our collective intelligence is astounding. We’ll gladly chip in and send you a ticket to Gaza where you can attempt to protest its brutal, truly inhumane, human rights violations under Hamas’ Islamic Jihad, who will expel or jail you faster than you can yell your selective outrage of peace and love for everyone except Jews.

Ginette Weiner
Scottsdale, AZ


Biden’s Mental Deterioration

Dear Editor:

Biden’s vacation trip to Ireland was an unmitigated disaster for us and a big win for all of the enemies of our nation around the world who are keeping up with our continued weakening under his administration. This mission was merely to get him away from the White House for a week and have him disappear from the news. It failed because of his constant mental deterioration that attracts news cameras. Everyone focuses on his speeches and meetings with people to catch another gaff or promenade off the stage or into the woods by this mentally deficient, dangerous president. In Ireland, he was viewed losing it to schoolkids who asked him simple questions which he could not answer properly because he was unable to comprehend them.

If he is so inadequate when with kids, how does he appear to world leaders who come to him for advice and aid? More so, how is he viewed by our enemies who are ready to test him? They know he is nothing more than a stooge for Obama, Susan Rice and others who served under Obama. Our nation is in dire jeopardy by having this man in charge. Congress has got to act to remove him even if it means that Cackling Kamala replaces him. We are at the edge of destruction.

 George Breitman


Radical Union Leader Exposed

Dear Editor:

Frequent letter writer, Ginette Weiner tells it straight and as it is. Randi Weingarten, the national leader of the American Federation of Teachers is “a loud mouth ignoramus.” This woman radical union leader defends George Soros, who informed on his fellow Hungarians during WWII, sending hundreds to their deaths, by stating that his enemies are attacking him because of his Jewishness. False! He is no longer Jewish, since his family converted to Christianity while working for the Nazis. Soros is a supporter of the Palestinian terrorists and is also the leading contributor to the Democrat Party, also no friend to Jews or Israel.

Leftist Jews, those who support all issues pushed by the Democrats, are enemies to all of us. They know little of history and rather than face reality, live in the make-believe world as created for them by the New York Times, CNN, MSNBC and on and on. I love reading Weiner’s letters and look forward to more of them.

Marsha Berman


Taxpayers Shelling Out for Hunter’s Trip to Ireland

Dear Editor:

I thought I was losing it when I saw that Hunter guy disembark from Air Force One with the President when the landed in Ireland.  Does this mean that we taxpayers are shelling out big bucks for Hunter “Creep” Biden to vacation at our expense? The guy should be thrown in jail for years for all of his felonies which probably include treason for selling our ultra-super-secret information to our enemies. After all, he had access to all the secrets stored in cardboard boxes in his Dad’s wide open garage next to the family Corvette.

Didn’t any level headed White house advisor point out that this would cause a sensation in the media to see Hunter treated as an official emissary on this trip? Evidently not. The majority of the MSM will protect any Democrat whether it would be brain dead John Fetterman, Jew hating Ilhan Omar o criminal many times over, Hunter Biden who must carry an official Democrat “Get out of jail card” wherever they go. There is no common sense or decency coming out of this White House. It’s a disaster that will take all of us to the grave.

Adeline Kremens
Astoria, Queens


Bragg is Incompetent and Dangerous

Dear Editor,

Why is Alvin Bragg still in office? Why hasn’t Governor Hochul thrown him out? He’s a disaster. Telling the truth about him that he’s incompetent and dangerous for us Manhattanites is claimed by the Democrats and their fellow travelers, the media as beng anti-black and bigoted. Not so. I’m black and will be the first to denounce Bragg as unfit to serve. He’s over the top on being soft on criminals that are destroying the city. They kill, rob, beat and get away with their crimes by the failure or refusal on the part of the DA’s office to fully prosecute them and puts them away where they belong, for years, in order to protect all of us from their recidivism. We’re all sick and tired of Bragg’s support for those who would take away our right to live in peace and safety. His typical shedding of tears for those deranged who are taking our freedoms away must come to an end. He’s got to go!

 Jerry Wickam

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