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Sunday, March 9, 2025

Letters to the Editor

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Reparations Filled with Disrepair

Dear Editor:

San Francisco’s panel on Reparations “has no idea how they can give Black residents $5 million each…the number came as a result of a “journey”, not a math formula.”  Wesley Hunt, Rep. Tx, “Providing reparations to a group of people hundreds of years removed from the sin of slavery does not right the wrongs of history.  It serves only to create a perpetual sense of victimhood, victim entitlement…I say this as the great-great-grandson of a slave…”

Repairing something is defined as “putting something that is broken back into good condition.”  Democratic controlled cities have the poorest quality public education despite their large, and growing, school budgets.  Failed Black leadership has done little else other than point fingers at everyone, instead of doing the hard work of getting at the root causes vs. throwing yet more money at the symptoms of broken inner city culture.  Reparations should mean creating intense mentoring programs for inner city schools, reducing class size, flooding inner cities with on-site social workers, getting the elected elites to walk the streets, ask parents and youth what they need to embrace education and achievement as their goals.

Shelby Steele, Sr. Fellow, Hoover Institution, “Our families have fallen to pieces: 75% of all black children are born out of wedlock, without a father. I don’t care how many social programs you have. You’re not going to overcome that. That’s where we, as black Americans, have to begin to take our fate back into our own hands…stop crying racism. There’s a little racism out here, always was, and always will be. Why is that an argument to stop, to not move forward, to not be responsible for your own fate?”

Obama said,  “a more perfect United States required African Americans taking full responsibility for our own lives…by demanding more from our fathers, spending more time with our children, reading to them, and teaching them that while they may face challenges and discrimination in their own lives, they must never succumb to despair or cynicism; they must always believe that they can write their own destiny.”

Ginette Weiner
Scottsdale, AZ



The Diminished Workforce is Killing Us

Dear Editor:

I went to the super market today and left over $200 at the register to keep my family of four fed and well nourished. At home I compared a similar check out receipt from three years ago and discovered that today’s cost rose about 25% over this period of time. This is not acceptable. Not only that but I noted that many of the products were smaller in quantity yet their prices still had been increased.

With our diminished work force, with many being comfortable staying home, getting government bucks to do so, or merely eating up their savings, how will we ever get back to producing the quantities needed to sustain a growing in population country? And looking at our country from clear, not rose colored glasses, I predict that there will be major shortages in the products we need and use on a daily basis. Baby food is still barely on the shelves with mothers hoarding vast amounts in fear of further reductions in manufacture. It is truly frightening to contemplate our nation’s future if we continue on this slide of employment and desire to work among our citizens.

 Matthew Kornfeld
Commack, NY


The Pentagon & the Chinese Spy Balloon

Dear Editor:

What’s this I heard from the Pentagon? That they knew all the while that the Chinese balloon was really spying on our military and other spots while we let it fly over our country without shooting it down? If this is true, Biden should be removed from either the White House or his estates in which he spends so many workless days, and imprisoned and tried for treason. Have a committee put together his income from overseas sources and then determine just what countries write the checks for him and his notorious family to do their bidding. His avoidance of being asked personally just what relationships he or his son has with China, Ukraine or Russia, lead me to believe he’s a foreign agent and as such, treated as a traitor to this country. Let him suffer the same fate as the Rosenberg’s. In fact, Joe’s crime was worse. He’s a sitting President with enormous powers. I’d like to see him swinging in the breeze. A better punishment.

Eli Brotkin
Brooklyn, NY


The President is Destroying Our Country

Dear Editor:

How much longer will this nation stand for this creep, Biden to be in the White House? It’s painful just watching him climb up or down a flight of stairs. He needed a 10 year old girl to lead him down the steps at a recent speech. He even forgot to sniff her hair. He’s taking us all down the path of destruction with China, Russia, Iran and even Cuba, licking their licks to sink their teeth into us. Ukraine is a folly from which it seems we’ll never get out of. World War Three is in the making with Sleepy Joe running things. It’s time for him to take one of his long naps, cuddle up with his Teddy and slink away into Bye-Bye Land.

 Norma Golden
Valley Stream, NY


Wants Biden to Run for 2nd Term

Dear Editor:

I would like to see President Biden run for a second Term next year. He has proven resilient for a man of his age and is as spry as can be. He is also very aware of the world situation as indicted by his constant travels to countries far and wide to meet with their leaders. He’s been to Israel/Palestine, Ukraine, the Far East and all around this nation. He’s taken questions from the press at numerous meetings with them.

Therefore, I don’t understand the call on the part of my other Democrat voters for Biden to slip away in 2024, Who is there to replace him? Peter Buttigieg, Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom? You’ve got to be kidding! None of them, although much younger, can fill his shoes. His 40+ years in Congress has made him one of the most intelligent, experienced legislators in the history of the nation. Don’t fall for this Republican crap that he’s too old, demented or whatever. Support Joe Biden for Re-electioin in 2024

 Rita Fine
Brooklyn, NY

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