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The Time Has Come to Hold Fauci Accountable
As opposed to the media giants, the New York Times, The Washington Post and others of the leftist ilk, we at the Jewish Voice have been emphasizing Dr. Anthony Fauci’s failures and poor leadership for years, and finally, in December, he called it quits as leader of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) after a seemingly eternity there. And in addition, he left as chief medical adviser to President Joe Biden. Good riddance to the Evil Doctor. We hope that some brave citizen will bring criminal charges against him. He deserves a lengthy prison term…at the least. He should pay for is crimes.
And exactly, what were his criminal misdeeds? First off, he told the nation and the world back in 2020 that “masks are useless in preventing the spread of this disease,” later on this call was to be brushed off and turned on its head. Then he opined that taking the shot would prevent individuals from getting Covid, but also from contaminating others. That energized NY State Governor Cuomo to literally kill thousands of seniors by having them, some ill with the disease, all crammed together in senior citizen facilities. Then he “recommended” the closing of schools, the shutdown of businesses, churches and synagogues, all to prevent the spread of the disease. National paralysis ensued. Now we know that all of this was false medical advice. But who paid the price? Not Fauci.
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) said it best last week at the Conservative Political Action Conference (where our publisher was in attendance). Cruz demanded prosecution for Dr. Anthony Fauci, stating that the nation’s most prominent public health expert lied about COVID-19’s origin and “destroyed” lives by encouraging the shutdown of America and prodding Americans to wear masks and get vaccinated with unproven, perhaps dangerous chemicals.
“He led policies that destroyed peoples’ lives, that hurt tens of millions of kids across this country and destroyed businesses,” Cruz told his audience. “He elevated politics over science and medicine. He told millions of Americans lies—willingly, knowingly, glibly.” Cruz has long denounced Fauci as a “despot who committed perjury at a Senate hearing in May, 2021, when the then head of the NIAID denied, and now we know, lied, that the NIH had ever funded with our tax dollars, “gain of function” research at China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, a military research laboratory, where they altered viruses to make them more transmissible among humans. Not only that. but Fauci has fibbed all along, claiming that the disease emanated from some retail store in Wuhan selling edible bats and wrongly steered away those searching for its source to better find a preventative and a cure. He had, in addition, a personal investment in that research, we’ve been told. Millions died because of this Fauci falsehood. He belongs behind bars.
Surprisingly, just last week, our own U.S. Energy Department, joined by the FBI and countless others, jointly finally admitted that a Wuhan “lab leak” is the most likely source of the outbreak. And in response, the congenital liar, Fauci, responded meekly, “I don’t see any data for a lab leak That doesn’t mean it couldn’t have happened. We must keep an open mind to all possibilities. We may never know.” Of course, having funded the Wuhan project, never finding out the truth in this matter would be awfully convenient for the guy who once, beating his breast, told America, “I am science!”
In conclusion, let’s face it, all lab experiments are dangerous. Those conducted in Wuhan, partly with U.S. bucks, and the resulting cover-up by Fauci and others, may have caused the deaths of millions. That’s why we encourage the continuing investigations by our Congress and private groups into the origin of COVID-19 and why the resulting protection of the Chinese Communist Party’s involvement, given by our elected leaders and those in the medical profession who have given a sworn oath to protect their patients from all harm. Let’s find out the facts and let the chips fall where they may. But….Fauci must run the gauntlet of our judicial system. He must pay the penalty for his crimes.