College Professor Supporting Murder???
Dear Editor:
A Wayne State professor recently wrote that he supports protesters killing right wingers speakers at events if they oppose the views of the guests. He was suspended but not fired on the spot. What message does this send to the lunatics on campuses around the country who now prevent, with force, those disagree with, from speaking to fellow students who invited them to do so? Why was this Shaviro guy not locked up on a charge of inciting to murder, or whatever our legal system could throw at him? If he, for instance, called for the assassination of any Democrat or Liberal on campus, he’d be looking through the bars of a jail cell for many years to come. Look where we’re at now, in this country.
Albert Neubart
Syosset, NY
Netanyahu & the Supreme Court
Dear Editor:
How long can Israel remain a nation if it has the likes of Netanyahu in office? He’s a criminal who wants to turn his nation into his own empire. He wants to stack the deck of the Supreme Court with his own nominees and control the government like the dictator he is. He is a danger to the nation and hopefully, the citizens of Israel will come to their senses and remove him for the seat of Prime Minister.
Frieda Cohen
No Interest in Baseball Season
Dear Editor:
The baseball season will soon be upon us and no one knows, cares or is concerned. What has happened to our National Pastime? Has it been the crazy rules that their leaders have imposed on the game that has turned off so many? The goal of reducing the time element of the games has merely reduced public interest. We ol’ timers like the game the way it had been played for well over 100 years. Pitcher against batter and no time limit for either. If it continues to change, so will the love for the game change as well…for the worse.
Bruno Chastille
Bronx, NY
Ruth Weingarten – The Boy Who Cried Wolf
Dear Editor:
“Randi Weingarten torched for saying it’s ‘anti-Semitic’ to mention Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s ties to Soros. In May 2021, financier George Soros pushed $1 million to the Color of Change PAC and spent big, backing the candidacy of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.” Weingarten is endangering all Jews. When you make false accusations of anti-Semitism, it waters down real instances of it, and makes it that much harder for Jews who are truly suffering under its yoke to seek redress and protection.
Excerpts: “Soros’ Open Society Foundation is the largest political donor in the world…in recent years, he’s been interested in an effort to transform the justice system and to elect district attorneys who believe too many people are being prosecuted and jailed. The result has been a catastrophe for the quality of life in American urban centers as Soros-funded prosecutors have undermined the police and turned crime into a low-risk profession. Crime rates have soared, and police have been discouraged from doing their jobs since many DAs won’t pursue charges against any but the most serious of crimes—and not always even then.
It’s not just that the trope about criticism of Soros being anti-Semitic is false. It’s that a lot of the people who are quick to reach for this dishonest argument are themselves guilty of real anti-Semitism. Weingarten’s union is one of the biggest donors to the Democratic Party PACS…in defending her union’s role in keeping schools closed during COVID, she actually blamed Jews for the problem, saying that they were “part of the ownership class” who, “wanted to take away the ladder of opportunity from those who do not have it.”
When the head of America’s Federation of Teachers, the second-largest teachers’ union in America, exhibits no capacity for critical thinking skills, should we be surprised that we are graduating children who can barely write literate sentences. Her job description does not include pushing her far, far left agenda, and making vicious, false statements about Jews. It’s beyond time to fire this loud mouth ignoramus.
Ginette Weiner
Scottsdale, AZ
Thinks DA Bragg is Incompetent
Dear Editor:
Alvin Bragg, the idiot DA of Manhattan has shown himself to be incompetent in his job when he first took office. He’s been call the Defense Attorney for all criminals in his jurisdiction. He should be held accountable for the deaths of those at the hands of criminals he’s permitted to walk the streets, rather than be behind bars. Every act of violence perpetrated by those he’s let loose, is his responsibility. He’s a criminal benefactor and Governor Hochul should be ashamed of herself for not ridding this lunatic from office.
Harriet Karp
East Meadow, NY
Wants Bragg to Prosecute Trump
Dear Editor:
I’m in the minority among my neighbors, relative and co-workers. I like the work of DA Alvin Bragg and I support him in his attempts to lock up Donald Trump. Forget about the fact that Trump paid off a prostitute many years ago and the statute of limitations may be the rule DJT hides behind. I think that he should be prosecuted for his attempt to buy off a witness who would disclose how nuts the guy really is. She would kill his chances of running again in 2024 and that’s a good idea. Let Bragg do his job with the Grand Jury and let’s see what comes out of his mess. My bet is a guilty verdict of mis-use of election funds.
Herman Bluestein
Queens, NY
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