Regrets Affiliation with ACLU
Dear Editor:
I joined the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) back in the early 1950’s in a move to support the liberal causes I was raised to believe in and support. How wrong I was then. And to correct that decision rendered years ago, I joined the Zionist Organization of America last week. My few years left and some dollars to a good cause will somehow remove the stain of being a radical liberal all these years. As a Jew, a veteran and a lover of this country, I will support an Israel, America and freedom loving movement from now on. I look at the liberal Jews who live, float and give their pointed opinions among us in order to talk down to us, to make us un-proud of our heritage as Jews and Americans and actually pity them.
I pity them for their stupidity, for falling for all the Jew hatred spouted by the liberal Left that these people have absorbed and regurgitated for years, leading to the movement of Jew hatred in this nation. But, joining with the ZOA with Mort Klein at the helm, I feel better. I have become a proud Jew and American…again.
Shirley Ackerman
Merrick, NY
The Stupidity of “Blundering Bragg”
Dear Editor:
As of my writing this letter, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, is determining whether or not to charge former President Trump with a misdemeanor going back 17 years. This lunatic, BLM supporter, who permits murderers to walk back into the streets the day after being arrested, will most probably try to photo-op Trump being led out of one of his residences in cuffs, surrounded by M-16 armed special NYPD officers.
Forget that Trump now lives in Florida and cannot be arrested by this lunatic district attorney of Manhattan. This affirmative action authority figure, who cannot read above the third grade level is way above his head in this matter. For Trump there is no way possible to get this kind of publicity. He will rightly claim that his prosecution is political; that his prosecution is to prevent him from running for president next year. And he is right on target. He will gather in supporters who will sympathize with and support him against the fascist mob. Perhaps this will even move DeSantis to hold off his election run for top office for another four years and get behind Trump against this political prosecution. He will earn the respect of millions of voters and also the backing of Trump at the appropriate time.
Blundering Bragg’s stupidity will energize the Republican Party and surely some Dems who will see the reality of the totalitarianism of Democrats acting as third world dictators often do. Go ahead, Alvin baby! Arrest Trump.
Morey Freilich
Manhattan, NYC
Thinks Trump Should Go to Jail
Dear Editor,
How can any Jew support Donald J. Trump and his Jew hating Republican/Nazi Party? They avow a love for Israel and the Jewish people but people in the know tell me they are just the opposite. Trump faked support for Israel in order to garner the Jewish vote in this country. And he’ll continue to do it in his next run for office. I congratulate Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg for his brilliance and strength to prosecute Trump for all of his crimes committed before and after he took office. Let’s see how long Trump can last in a jail cell without his servants, slaves and butt kissers around to protect and defend him.
Ernie Steinhardt
Delray Beach, FL
Is Anything Alright?
Dear Editor:
My favorite Jewish Joke: two middle aged women eating lunch in a Jewish Deli are asked by the waiter, “Is anything alright?” We’re graduating semi-literate kids who can’t do math, whose critical thinking skills have gone missing, whose teacher union’s priority is on shoving gender fluidity down second graders throats, and ensuring tampons are in all the boy’s bathrooms.
Big city District Attorneys General show their badge of being Social Justice Warriors by releasing repeat, violent criminals to lower the percentage of incarcerated people of “color.” Real, meaningful social justice for offenders and the public at large should mean, if you commit a crime, you get arrested and jailed. While in jail, you must engage in legally mandated treatment, ranging from drug rehab counseling to job training skills, to mental health assessment and services or…you don’t get out. And then you are released and report to a probation officer who both helps you to stay crime free and supports your efforts at reintegration into society. Yes, society also has rights!
We witness gangs of teens repeatedly robbing stores who are now forced to hire armed guards; beating up citizens on the sidewalks; car jackings; our trains derailed; mass shootings; our cities, sidewalks and even airports taken over by drug addicted, mentally ill homeless encampments; our borders over run by mass migrants; our deficit reaching astrological heights, with no problem solving by anyone.
The White House recently said “We have no indications of aliens or extraterrestrial activity.” I don’t know about you, but I was disappointed to hear that. I keep hoping they will land and take me with them. N. Korea’s ever more obese Jim Jong-un is madly playing with his nuclear toys. Iran, Russia and China are turning up the heat. I say, beam me up. It can’t be any worse than where we are now and where we’re heading, with no happy ending in sight.
Ginette Weiner
Scottsdale, AZ
Bragg’s Charges Against Trump Won’t Stick
Dear Editor:
With all the hullabaloo about Trump possibly getting arrested this past Tuesday by Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, does anyone think the charges will stick? This Bragg guy has a history of screwing up on the job. He lets murderers off the next day after being charged, he ignores crime in the city…..why? Simply because he’s a Black Lives Matter aficionado and a devoted fan of Louis Farrakhan. He’s a black nationalist who is supportive of criminals to the point of being, in effect, their defense attorney.
And before any readers pass judgment on me as to any bias they may discern in my writings, I’m a very black guy who is proud of my race but ashamed of others of my skin color who destroy the good way of life that my parents led and brought me up to follow and respect.
Harold Watson Jr.
Bronx, NY
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