We’ll start out by stating our support not only for Elon Musk’s business acumen but for his uncanny ability to take the spotlight away from the news stories of the brutality of war, disease and inhumanity of man sweeping over our battered planet. Here we have a guy who’s a bit of an extraordinary businessman/showman, having little to do with the lives of most of us, yet is making headlines worldwide. Amazing.
The past two weeks of Elon Musk’s ownership of Twitter have brought an outcry from the firm’s employees, politicians and, of course, the mavens of the Progressive Press. The New York Times, in one of its last week’s news stories went nuts telling of the whining of the fired workers at that firm, furious that he may not pay them the outrageous severance pay they demanded when they were let go. They number in the thousands. According to that birdcage liner, he is reconsidering giving them only partial of what they demand. This sum totals in the millions of bucks. We stand behind him in his refusal to pay anything to those he considered not fit to keep on the payroll for ability and loyalty reasons.
The courts, if they are called on to rule on this matter should regard the claims as “ransom,” and deny them. As well, Musk has defended his decision to ban people on Twitter who he said shared his private location data, putting his and his family’s security at risk and he even gloated that the ensuing outrage online is fueling his social media platform. He turned safety for his family into a business stroke of genius. Then his suspensions of accounts belonging to reporters from CNN and the NYT followed the restriction of one such account that tracked flights involving his private plane. All so important now that he’s considered a (dangerous) major game changer in politics. Safety first!! But CNN’s senior media reporter, Oliver Darcy saw it differently, whining, that Musk’s actions show a, “lack of commitment to free speech.” Lives come first, buddy-boy!
But there’s more to this story. Twitter, under its former owners (may have) worked with politicos and the FBI to actually suppress news of the Hunter Biden laptop situation. And Musk has declared he will open the now all but secret files to let us all know its contents. All of the hostility or responses and violent reactions thus far indicate that his revelations will be a news blockbuster. With the 2024 elections just over the horizon and Joe Biden already casting his hat in the ring, publishing anything resembling what we already know of the contents of this mysterious computer would be catastrophe for the Left.
The possible damage to the reputations of our federal law enforcement agencies would be a major disaster to our nation’s security. Realistically, we are not sure that President Biden would work with Mr. Musk in revealing his family’s business dealings with foreign and mainly countries hostile to our own, but it is his responsibility and in the best interests of this country and its nearly 400 million residents for him to do so.
Mr. Musk, a game changer in the auto business and the space industry has now stumbled onto the political scene with his acquisition of Twitter which played a one-sided starring role in the 2016 and 2020 elections. Now that he has strayed away from the political Left and may damage them with his new social media toy, he has enraged his former supporters to the point of his business and personal safety being put at risk. Again, we support his business acumen in restructuring Twitter and back the exposure of whatever secrets that major social commentary giant hid from the public. May G-d bless and watch over him.