National News

Brother of Al-Qaeda Commander Becomes Admin at South Florida ‘ISIS Imam’ School

If his terror-related father and brother were alive to see, surely they would be proud of their son/sibling, Nabil El-Shukri. The father, Gulshair El-Shukrijumah, was a translator for the spiritual leader of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, ‘The Blind Sheikh’ Omar Abdel-Rahman. The brother, Adnan, once reported number two leader of al-Qaeda, ordered the September 2009 New York City subway attack. Nabil recently became an administrator for Reviver Academy, a Muslim children’s school headed by Fadi Kablawi, a Miami imam believed to be linked to ISIS. The documented terrorist ties of these people should concern everyone.

Nabil was the baby of the Shukrijumah (Shukri Jumah) household, and the family’s fanatical influence on him was no doubt strong. Looking back at his 2006/2007 postings on his Myspace page, which is currently “restricted” from view, one can find graphic images containing black al-Qaeda flags and a poster of a Hamas militant with an upraised rifle on a horse watching Jerusalem burn in the distance, with the threatening slogan (in Arabic), “Oh Jerusalem, we are coming.”

This past April, El-Shukri announced to a Ramadan crowd, at Masjid As-Sunnah An-Nabawiyyah a.k.a. the North Miami Islamic Center (NMIC), his intention to begin work at the mosque’s school, Reviver Academy. He said that he would be a “mentor” to the students and “somebody they strive to be like.” He told the congregation that he will help them get “vouchers” to assist them in paying for their children’s education, most probably alluding to the taxpayer-funded vouchers provided for private schools by the state of Florida.

Since his Ramadan speech, El-Shukri has been involved in Reviver’s financing, administration and summer camp. There is video footage of him in a leadership role at the school’s 2022 graduation ceremony. Also shown on the graduation video, handing out certificates, is the imam and founder of the school/mosque Fadi Yousef Kablawi.

Kablawi is a very controversial figure. In his sermons, he repeatedly attacks Jews, Christians, gays, and fellow Muslims who do not embrace his extremism. He refers to Jews as “the lowest of the lowest” and blames female victims of rape for the violence committed against them. In March 2018, during one of his mosque talks, he revealed that the FBI thinks he is involved with ISIS. He then accused mosque attendees of spying on him for the Feds, calling them “snitches” and “cowards.” In July 2020, Kablawi stated, “[J]ihad is when you put your life on the line… Real jihad is not climbing walls. Real jihad is climbing over people’s necks and heads and skulls.”

Indeed, there is reason to believe that Kablawi has influenced his followers to carry out acts of violence. One congregant, Salman Rasheed, in November 2019, was arrested for soliciting an individual to contact ISIS, in a plot to murder the deans of both Broward College and Miami Dade College. Rasheed’s mother blamed Kablawi for having brainwashed her son to commit terrorist acts. Kablawi, himself, spent time in New York City’s Rikers Island Jail Complex, after having been charged with “making terrorist threats at an airport.” He had been accused of having explosive residue on his clothing and claiming that he was in possession of a bomb.

Shazam Mohamed is President of NMIC and Manager of Reviver Academy. He is also Vice President of the American Muslim Association of North America (AMANA), a group condemned by the ADL for propagating “venomous” anti-Semitism, whose President, Sofian Zakkout, was kicked off two anti-crime boards for promoting Hamas and Holocaust denial. For over a decade, Mohamed had been President of the Shamsuddin Islamic Center, where Nabil El-Shukri’s father Gulshair was a founding board member and his brother Adnan was a congregant. NMIC was originally located at Shamsuddin’s North Miami Beach address, across the street from AMANA.

Prior to working at Reviver Academy, El-Shukri was an administrator and Finance Manager at the Al-Azhar School in Tamarac. He as well worked at the weekend school run by the Islamic Center of South Florida (ICOSF), located in Pompano Beach. ICOSF is owned by the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), a group previously named by the US government as a party to the financing of Hamas, and its imam Hasan Sabri has referred to America as an “enemy.” ICOSF’s Dawah (Outreach) Director Rasheed Mahamad is also Assistant Secretary of AMANA. And Fadi Kablawi regularly performs the khutbah (Friday sermon) at ICOSF.

As evidenced by this report, all the individuals mentioned above are interlinked with one another and form part of an international terror-related network that runs throughout South Florida and beyond. Their presence is a threat to our nation’s security, and their activities must be closely monitored. Their direct involvement in children’s education is especially troubling. The institutions in which they operate need to be shut down immediately.

Beila Rabinowitz, Director of Militant Islam Monitor, contributed to this report.

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