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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Orthodox Union =“Oxymoron” on Same-Sex Marriage

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One of the last supporters of Jewish laws, traditions and values, the Orthodox Union (OU) has sadly caved to the Progressive, Leftist, anti-religion forces presently occupying seats in Congress. We’re sadly referring to House Resolution 8404, referred to in recognizable, discernible language as the “Respect for Marriage Act.” This bill provides federal, nationwide statutory authority for same sex marriage. We don’t abide by this new law and neither should the OU or any other of our supposedly “Jewish” organizations that now seem to all emulate the ACLU, NOW, ADL and Americans United For Separation of Church and State, in destroying organized religion as we know it, in our country.

Let’s go back to May 23, 2011, when the OU had the guts to stand up for Jewish values with other groups. They issued a forceful brief statement declaring their opposition to proposed legislation legalizing same sex marriage, as follows: “On the issue of legalizing same sex marriage, the Orthodox Jewish world speaks with one voice, loud and clear. We oppose the re-definition of the bedrock relationship of the human family.” They continue, “The Torah, which forbids homosexual activity, sanctions only the union of a man and a woman in matrimony…we believe the institution of marriage is central to the formation of a healthy society and the raising of children. It is our sincere conviction that discarding the historical definition of marriage would be detrimental to society. The integrity of marriage in its traditional form must be preserved.” We totally agree with this now 11 year old statement. Why the need for change?

They give lame excuses for backing down on their original opposition to the 100+ Jewish groups that, just this summer, supported the legislation. OU’s advocacy director, Nathan Diament, the OU’s advocacy director, sent a letter to senators working on the bill, that (in his opinion) enough religious freedom provisions had been added to the legislation, such as that Orthodox rabbis would not be compelled to compromise on their religious beliefs if the bill becomes law. He’s being fooled by politicians who rarely, if ever spout the truth. Remember the baker who, because of his religious views, refused to make a cake celebrating a gay marriage and how the ACLU jumped in to sue and bankrupt the guy for standing up for what he thought were his constitutional rights? This movement to install and enforce anti-religion law is like the camel sticking his nose in the tent and ending up in it. It’s a plan to remove organized religion from our society. Look at abortion and how its supporters, Jewish lawmakers and their constituents, are striving to make it a common practice.

Teacher union boss, Randi Weingarten is married to a woman and you think her minions will not hawk gay marriage to schoolkids in classrooms? Don’t even talk about supporting anything considered anti-gay in colleges. Look at how the cities of San Francisco and Santa Monica are both considering banning circumcision, an essential male practice in the Jewish religion. One of the concepts proposed by Saul Alinsky, in his book, Rules for Radicals, was the destruction of religion, which he felt was a must since he considered that an obstacle to totalitarianism. It’s happening on our watch.

It’s our considered opinion, while we still have the right to express one, is that the OU’s bending far to the left to approve Congress’ sure to pass legislation making gay marriage the law of the land, will eventually be used to destroy what’s left of our Jewish heritage, laws and beliefs and religion. It is not in our best interests to believe the “religious safety” promised by elected officials for the religious Orthodox. Mark our words well.

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