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On video: Pelosi promises to ‘punch out’ President Trump

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Bob Unruh(WND)

A newly released video of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi just as the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol was developing reveals the frustration she felt after having failed in her attempt a year earlier to impeach and remove him.

Her dislike for Trump boiled over into a threat in which she promised to “punch” him.

“I hope he comes, I’m going to punch him out. I’ve been waiting for this, for trespassing on the Capitol grounds. I’m gonna punch him out and I’m gonna go to jail and I’m gonna be happy,” she said.

The comments come at about the 3:40 mark on this video, which originally was obtained by CNN (Be aware of offensive language):

She earlier had been so enraged at President Trump that she publicly ripped up a copy of his State of the Union address, while standing behind him in the U.S. House.

Fox News characterized Pelosi’s statement as a threat to “physically strike then-President Trump,” as the comments were addressed to her chief of staff, Terri McCullough.

The film came from the speaker’s daughter, Alexandra Pelosi, and was released during the partisan Jan. 6 committee Nancy Pelosi assembled to develop statements that could be used against Trump regarding the riot.

“Tell him if he comes here, we’re going to the White House,” Pelosi also stated.

Pelosi’s threat came as Trump was holding a rally nearby. Trump had said he would join the crowd to march to the Capitol to protest the election processes, but Secret Service objected and the president did not go with the crowd.

A few hundred from that crowd eventually turned to rioting, breaking windows and doors and doing other vandalism at the Capitol. Hundreds of people have since been arrested, many with SWAT raids on their homes in the early morning hours, and they’ve been charged with offenses like trespassing and parading.

Pelosi’s special committee, partisan because she refused to seat GOP members nominated by the minority party, has worked to obtained statements and evidence that suggest Trump’s liability for actions that day.

However, there’s been no provision for cross-examining any witnesses, who were chosen by anti-Trump members of Congress exclusively. The committee also refused to look into any liability on the part of Pelosi, who as speaker is partly responsible for the security of the Capitol, after she refused Trump’s offer of National Guard troops to be on hand that day.

Unsurprisingly, the committee now wants to subpoena Trump himself, to which he responded, “Why didn’t the Unselect Committee ask me to testify months ago? Why did they wait until the very end, the final moments of their last meeting? Because the Committee is a total ‘BUST’ that has only served to further divide our Country which, by the way, is doing very badly.”

In fact, Trump pointed out Pelosi’s failure to seek protection for the Capitol.

“Why didn’t Crazy Nancy Pelosi call out the ‘troops’ before January 6th, which I strongly recommended that she do. It was her responsibility, but she ‘didn’t like the look.’ Crazy Nancy failed the American People!” Trump wrote Thursday afternoon.

The Daily Mail reported the video footage reveals both Republican and Democrat lawmakers urging the Defense Department to send the National Guard to quell the rioters.

Pelosi, throughout, blamed Trump, who contended that the 2020 election was stolen.

In the months since, evidence has confirmed that most Americans believe it was, if not stolen, certainly influenced by Democrat activists, including the FBI’s decision to warn social media to suppress Russian “disinformation” just at a time when accurate, and very damaging, evidence was being revealed about the Biden family’s international business operations.

Social media admitted to suppressing those details, and polls show a majority of Americans believe that action changed the election winner from Trump to Joe Biden.

Further, many local elections officials ignored, or changed, state laws regarding mail-in ballots and such, and finally, Mark Zuckerberg spent $400 million plus, through foundations, that went to local election officials who mostly used it to recruit votes from Democrat districts.

Analysts have said that, too, could easily have taken a victory away from President Trump.

WND had reported only a day earlier Democrats are well aware of the penalties for threatening a public official.

It’s because they demanded jail for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for his rhetorical suggestion that someone grab the “little elf,” Anthony Fauci, and chuck him “across the Potomac.”

Fauci is the medical adviser who flip-flopped constantly on COVID-19 measures, like masks and such. He did support the experimental shots and ways to force people to accept those products.

Further, he made out really good during the pandemic, with his net worth exploding by some $5 million that time.

It happened while he repeatedly downplayed the impact on children of the COVID-19 lockdowns, which he later admitted he knew would have “deleterious consequences” on children.

But he’s now in the news, at RightJournalism, for the “threat” that came from DeSantis.

The Florida governor said that someone “needs to grab with little elf and chuck him across the Potomac.”

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