New York News

NY Father’s Struggles with Child’s “Gender Transitioning” Highlights Transgender Agenda

By:  Jared Evan

Sex change operations have existed for decades.  the first dating back to 1951; where adults who have been identified as having gender dysphoria by a mental health professional will transition to the gender, they feel comfortable with.

These operations never created any controversy until the last decade or so, when youngsters have been transitioning, creating a huge controversy across America and the world.

Gender dysphoria is a term that describes a sense of unease that a person may have because of a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity. This sense of unease or dissatisfaction may be so intense it can lead to depression and anxiety and have a harmful impact on daily life. It is important to note, this is a real condition and sex change operations are important to treat individuals suffering from this condition.

The controversy today lies, with the relentless ideology which has grown prominent within the last decade, the “transgender ideology”, which has put forth the notion that children know at a young age if they were born in the wrong body and placing this “gender” obsession into the public schools, implanting this idea into susceptible children’s minds that they may indeed have gender dysphoria.

The ideology goes beyond identifying a psychological disorder and has morphed into “gender choice”, mainly choosing a gender is normal and as common as choosing between chocolate or vanilla.

A young child, being brainwashed with this ideology can make a decision which can forever scar their lives. These operations include taking drugs which block puberty, and permanently alter their bodies, by changing their genitalia or removing breasts.

The popular alternative media site Post Millennial recently reported on an exclusive story related to the gender bending madness which has infected our culture.

Post Millennial writes:

A father in New York state is fighting for his child to be allowed to grow up. The child’s mother, the medical industry, and the court are pressing for the 11-year-old to be permitted to take drugs that would disrupt puberty, potentially stunting her development and leading to sterility.

The father to the middle-schooler, whose is not named in order to protect his family, has been instructed by the court to call his child by the new, chosen name, new preferred pronouns, and to refer to the child as being of the new, chosen gender. Neither parent is allowed, under court order, to talk to the child about “anything gender related,” he said.

The mother has since mother demanded full custody. This would give her the right to medically transition the child without the father’s consent. That request, along with the mother’s request for a court of protection against, and sole use of the family’s home, were both rejected by the court.

The article continues to reveal that the child is a female and acted like a “Tom Boy” and told her mother she wanted to become a boy.

“Unbeknownst to me,” he said, “for a year, my wife and child hid this between the two of them, that my daughter was wanting to be a boy,” in large part due to the terror instilled in the child by the graphically unpleasant images of growing up. “So my child, scared out of her mind at 8-years-old, says ‘I don’t want that to happen. I will cut off my breasts and I want to be a boy.’” After that, the mother initiated a social transition for the child.

The child was eventually taken to The Division of Adolescent Medicine at Golisano, a facility which works on gender transformations of minors.  Golisano is an “affirming” hospital, and the father said that the hospital “went along” with what his prepubescent child said about pursuing treatment for gender dysphoria.

Post Millennial reported: Golisano attests that “children are first aware of their own gender at around age 2, and transgender children may insist that they are of the opposite gender and desire toys and clothing that are typically assigned to the opposite gender.” Other providers who specialize in treating children and teens who present with gender dysphoria state that when minors do not conform to traditional gender norms that is an indication that they may be transgender.

There lies the controversy in a nutshell, does a minor really know that they have an issue with their gender or is the “Tom Boy” phase (for example), just a passing stage. How much influence are those pushing this new ideology having over parent’s and children’s minds?

The father is hoping that the forces advocating for his child to undergo medical gender transition, after the child was already socially transitioned at school, will realize that letting a child grow up, without medical intervention to delay, alter, or disrupt that natural process, is in the child’s best interests, P.M reported.

One thing is for certain, these operations are highly profitable.

A market report from Grand View Research projects that the industry for transgender sex change operations will grow to a size of $5 billion in the next decade. The sex reassignment market in the United States was worth $1.9 billion in 2021 and could grow by as much as 11% annually due to increases in levels of gender dysphoria, the report found. The growth is particularly driven by young people, who are opting to undergo sex changes more than ever before, Daily Caller reported.

Many questions remain; is this just an odd fad? Is this just a quick cash cow for surgeons, or is there some kind of nefarious hidden agenda at play, designed to tear families apart and mess with the order of nature? Gender dysphoria used to be very rare, now children as young as 2 are said to know if they have gender dysphoria by medical professionals.

The idea that a 2-year-old is already a sexual being concerned with their “gender roles” is controversial in itself; factor in the FDA warning that puberty blockers in minors can result in brain swelling, vision loss, cause  bone loss ,stunt growth,  and adversely affect cognitive function, leading to lowered IQs; and you have a serious social issue, which is not going to be solved anytime soon.

Sholom Schreirber

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