A video posted to Twitter by “Stop Antisemitism” shows Jews and other college students being harassed by a deranged antisemite.
“The same way (((they))) have infiltrated law and politics” – first video pic.twitter.com/GkdZI3Do07
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) September 1, 2022
“(((these))) people will literally rape your mother in front of your face …they have their own banks, their own grocery stores, they were siphoning the wealth of Germany … this campus is named after a f*cking Jew and all these reta*ded colored folks walk in here” – second video pic.twitter.com/qI0rvTQg6W
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) September 1, 2022
CUNY Queens – this vile bigot has been yelling into a megaphone the most vile, antisemitic conspiracy theories and lies one can imagine over the last few days (videos in thread)
This is life for Jewish college kids in America 2022. pic.twitter.com/lax8sYVL0u
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) September 1, 2022
The man is seen yelling loudly into a megaphone, spewing vicious, evil hatred against Jews. Students pass by him as he shouts hate speech at the top of his lungs (presumably protected by the first amendment).
Here are excerpts of his comments: “They infiltrated law and politics to overturn Roe v. Wade, they have infiltrated clinical psychology…”
He continued: “They have their own banks, their own grocery stores, they were siphoning the wealth of Germany…this campus is named after a **** Jew and all these retarded colored folks walk in here.”
He also claimed that the professions of psychiatry and psychology have been hijacked by Jews.
Queens College, part of CUNY, is located in Kew Gardens Hills, a large and thriving orthodox community with a rich, robust history. It has thousands of Jewish students, many of whom are orthodox and Charedi. One of its main entrances is located on a quiet serene block.