Rep. David Cicilline is the Worst Choice for Chair of the Middle East Subcommittee
Dear Editor:
Just recently, Progressive Jewish Congressman David Cicilline won the subcommittee chair of the Middle East SubCommittee because of seniority and not by his achievements or record.
Le’sts review Congressman David Cicilline’s record when it comes to supporting the Jewish Community and Israel.
Congressman David Ciciline is endorsed by J-Street , supports re-opening a Palestine consulate in Jerusalem, supported the past Iran Deal, supports the new Iran Deal, didn’t support having the US Consulate in Jerusalem, went on CNN and said, “I see no evidence whatsoever in the Democratic Caucus or in the Democratic Party of anti-Semitism at all”, and supports the Boycott Divestment Sanctions movement.
How is this a good choice for the Middle East Subcommittee? The answer is simple: it’s not a good choice, in fact this is the worst thing that can happen to the committee.
Congressman David Ciclline cares more about being friends with Israel’s enemies than with Israel. In addition, what Congressman David Cicilline doesn’t understand is that Palestine and Iran dont want peace. What they really want is to see the Jewish people and Israel wiped off this planet.
I looked forward to the possibility of major changes coming when the Republicans take the house back this year.
Russell Taub
Foreign Policy Advisor
Providence, RI